I've got a Tanglewater Classic Jazz (PJ config) and have just replaced the P (neck) pup with one off a Fender MIA Precision, retaining the original Overwater bridge pickup for now. But now one of the pickups won't work.
Shortly after I installed the Fender neck pick up the pan, or blend?, pot decided to only work at one extreme - the bridge pickup. If I put the pot 50/50 in the middle I got some signal, but with it turned full towards the neck pickup - no sound. I thought maybe the Fender pup was knackered, but just to be sure I swapped the pickup wires over on the pot connectors, neck for bridge and bridge for neck. Then the Fender pup worked and the bridge pup didn't.
So it's like the problem is with what would normally be the neck half of the pan pot's swivel range. But the cut out is both progressive and smooth and there's no crackle or anything from the pot. Is it possible for a pot to fail in this partial manner, or have I got some wierd phase reversal issue happening? If the latter, what's the answer? I tried to search for the issue and Seymour Duncan instructions mention that earth and power wires have to be reverse if pairing one of their pups with a Fender, but that only seemed to relate to pairing two single coil jazz pickups, and even then they don't mention one pup cutting out completely.