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Posts posted by Sean

  1. I'm not given to asking these kind of questions but Sadowsky Metros have come onto my radar lately and I was wondering if anyone here has any experience of them? How, if at all they compare with a Lakland Skyline Bob Glaub and whether they really are worth double what a non-export Fender MIJ would cost. They certainly have a lot more kudos (for me anyway) than a USA Fender Deluxe for the money but are they really all that?

    The Sadowsky range certainly look superbly finished and have an amazing reputation and many "name users" but I've never played one and never really spoken to anyone who has had one.
    What do we all think?

  2. [quote name='obbm' post='76917' date='Oct 20 2007, 11:26 AM']It's about someone who picked up a dead 1984 Trace 1110 combo from Bassworld for free, got it repaired for a small sum and is now gigging with it. The interesting bit is that it was probably a prototype, being serial number 002 and was probably evaluated by Mark King as it has his name inside it. Now you don't need to buy the magazine.[/quote]

    That was my Trace - I put it up on Bassworld and Matt Smith collected it from me. I recognised it and him as soon as I opened BGM this morning. My mate asked me if I was gutted but I'm glad it's gone off to a good home otherwise it would still be in my garage or more than likely been cannibalised by a friend of mine up the road. Nice story and I'm glad to see it's now having the use it deserves.

  3. [quote name='R,5,R,5...' post='8964' date='May 30 2007, 07:09 AM']A friend of mine and my former guitarist had a Gibson SG repaired that had snapped at the headstock. It too was a splintery mess. Seemed to work; he's still playing it 5 years later.[/quote]

    I've seen Dave Dearnaley in Cardiff do this exact repair - the SG is still being gigged nearly every night of the week to this day. I reckon it'd be about £150 for that repair.

  4. I'm also using the Tascam MP-BT1. Superb piece of kit, I was really impressed with the build quality, aluminium chassis and very high quality plastics. The on-board effects are superb and very usable. It's so handy to be able to take with me when I'm working away or want to be in a different room or just need to check stuff at rehearsals. Built in battery like a mobile phone too.

    The Korg Pandora PX-5D is out soon too and that would be worth checking out as it has tons of extra features over the PX-4 versions. This was in the Korg magazine that came through my door on Saturday.

  5. [quote name='dood' post='72999' date='Oct 11 2007, 06:44 PM']To bablance up the discussion, Yes I do agree that single pedals are better in that you can pick and choose what you really need. However buying 20 boutique pedals and all those power supplies, special cases.. leads lahdee dah dee dah is an expensive business.

    That money could go towards a very high end rack system, no switching delay, no hisses and buzzes, no dodgy lead problems.. and best of all, much much lighter and easier to carry ;o)[/quote]

    Sorry to hijack but what are the products out there for rack mounted effects for bass? What's good and what's not?



  6. [quote name='rodl2005' post='73125' date='Oct 12 2007, 12:33 AM']can use a carpet de odouriser- like a powder- for the case. Just sprinkle it in & leave it in .[/quote]

    "Do the Shake & Vac and put the freshness back, do the Shake & Vac and put the freshness back, when you're carpet smells fresh, your room does too so everytime you vacuum you know just what to do..."

    I used to be in a band that covered that jingle! :wacko:

  7. Seeing and hearing Nathan Watts on TV was a suprise, you really don't expect him to be as camp as he is. One of my favourite bass players and one of those people whose playing I loved before I even knew who it was. Sir Duke has been dissected by so many of us, it's a wonderful piece.

  8. I'm selling my Pandora as I've just bought a Tascam bass trainer and now have a bit of redundancy so it's up for grabs at £60 posted. It still has the box and manual and is in super condition. Details can be found here...


    The Pandora is a fabulous piece of kit as anyone on basschat who has one can probably confirm. Mine has been a constant companion and has enabled me to play bass during my lunchbreaks in the car and also well into the wee small hours without waking everyone in the house.

    £55 posted. I have can sell you 4 x Uniross AAA batteries and a charger to with for a tenner extra if you wish.

  9. [quote name='paul, the' post='70437' date='Oct 6 2007, 09:04 PM'][/quote]

    As soon as I saw this photo I thought I could here my mother screaming, "Tidy your room now or your not going out tomorrow night!" :) :huh:

    Nice vintagey sounds and very JJ feel to those lines - I reckon you could put a concept band together around that amp alone, as well as being the funkiest combos I've ever seen all that padding make it very health and safety pleasing. I have had no problem if my headstock had landed on top of that! :huh:

  10. The people that enjoy gigs rarely track you down to let you know that they did. It's just some bitter twisted individual that just got thrown out of a band pouring his vitreolic down the nearest vent hole.

  11. [quote name='paul, the' post='70444' date='Oct 6 2007, 09:14 PM']What's the bass to the left Sean?
    and sexy yammy acoustic.[/quote]

    That is a Fender USA Jazz Deluxe FMT + Badass, an absolutely adorable creature that I loved dearly but for some reason it liked destroying things it was plugged into. It has an 18 volt circuit which didn't seem compatible with a lovely Trace Elliot combo I had or a number of effects units, the combination of my ham-fisted slapping and the pre-amp managed to fry a few circuits and so it had to go. It was like sending your dog off to the "farm" after it had bitten someone. Do I miss it? Nah, I have Lakland Lust now and nothing Fender feels as good anymore. :)

    The Yammy is a real work horse, nice small body and really easy to play standing up for a couple of hours.

  12. Alan, I'm sure Roger's done his bit. Sometimes things take ages to clear the sorting offices when they've come in from the States, sometimes they fly through. I'm sure the current postal strike isn't helping matters now. Don't despair, old chap, their sheer beauty will make the wait worth while.

    What ones did you order? Is this covered elsewhere?

  13. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='70531' date='Oct 7 2007, 10:31 AM']Ouch!

    How did they fail, what didn't work?[/quote]

    The little mechanism that locks the male bit into the female bit on the button just failed and it slid out while I had my hand up adjusting a microphone. I managed to get loads of sympathy and kind words from another bassophile that was there but to be fair to the Lakland, it didn't even go out of tune. :) Good job it's akeeper, that would have knocked a few quid off the residual.

  14. [quote name='presoulnation' post='60329' date='Sep 14 2007, 11:54 AM']Schaller all the way.[/quote]

    Do not use the Warwick ones. Go for Schaller. The Warwick ones I use let me down yesterday and my Lakland 55-02 is now cosmetically scarred: the headstock hit the tarmac, ouch!

  15. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='66751' date='Sep 28 2007, 09:39 AM']I love that 55-02 Sean - I'm GASsing for one badly. I used to have a 55-01 and never should have sold it. As a matter of interest, how long did you wait for your pickguards? I rang Roger the other night and he nearly jumped out of his skin when I told him where I was calling from. Chatted to him for about 20 mins - nice bloke.[/quote]

    I owned the very 55-01 you are talking about, Alan; it's one of those instruments that has really done the rounds on Bassworld/Basschat and everyone has loved it but it doesn't seen to have found a permanent home. For me it got me into 5 strings and totally turned me on to Laklands.

    And here she is with some of her friends in a room that no longer looks like that, thank goodness.

  16. Stuart Cable played with my band a couple of times a few years ago. We were probably the only Welsh band that would let him at the time, though! After the gig he was a little the worse for wear so we dragged him feet first out the Chinese takeaway and popped him in our van and took him home...

    ...not with us for keepsies or anything, just back to his mam's place. :)

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