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Posts posted by Sean

  1. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1482513106' post='3201239']
    I'd plump for a DHA VT1 DI every time. I don't turn mine off. ever.


    Mine goes into a super clean SWR head that's got ridiculous amounts of tone shaping, but no 'grit'.

    And it's British. And the man who makes it is on Basschat. And you can phone him up and talk to him. These factors score very highly on my weighted scoring chart.

  2. I have an MXR M80 DI that I accidentally powered up with an 18v supply and it stopped working.
    It still sort of powers up and the LEDs come on but no sound.

    Can anybody tell me what the component is in the photo below? I measured the resistance across it and it's showing open circuit whereas an identical component elsewhere on the board is showing 18 ohm. Is this a power supply fuse? Text on there I can see is GW and IN4 but there's other text underneath that is a continuation of those.

    Any advice on what else to look for and how or whether this can be fixed?

  3. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1507756204' post='3387840']
    i think the board is a "schmit array" apologies for the awful spelling!

    if the switching inside the ms-3 is anything like the es8 then its well worth the punt if your sure the inbuilt effects will work for you! i was thinking of grabbing one possibly but it doesnt have midi in, and i wanted it to be controlled by my main board not the other way.

    That Schmidt Array Board is gorgeous.

    Yes, it’s a big question on whether the in-built effects will be up to the job. I’m sure they’re top quality but until an MS-3 comes up second hand I’ll wait before finding out ;-)

  4. Has anyone got, tried or used this yet? What do we think?


    I think it would ideal for me and would scale down my pedal board and scale up my flexibility and slickness (is that a word?) on stage.

    I could lose my compressor, noise suppressor, flanger, reverb and just have my Cog KF66, T16 and TCE Corona Chorus in the loops.

    Massively powerful multi-fx engine plus switching that allows me to run my three favourite boxes.

    Also: does anyone know what effects board this is https://static.roland.com/assets/images/products/gallery/ms-3_image_01_gal.jpg

  5. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1507743857' post='3387697']
    Just got one yesterday oddly enough. I spent a very entertaining evening adding large lumps of chorus to a range of songs, some appropriately and some really not. I love it stacked with distortion but just can't dial in my distortion pedal how I want it to sound.

    What distortion is it?

  6. I have the Corona chorus and I can't ever remember which TP I've got. I've now stopped faffing and settled for the Tom Hamilton Sweet Emotion chorus. Well done for feeding back to TC by the way, TC is the kind of company that listens to customers so hopefully we'll see an evolution of features in the future.
    Corona Chorus is absolutely fantastic.

  7. [quote name='foxyFuze' timestamp='1507734905' post='3387604']

    @Sean, I've been looking at getting another P/J and going for the Nighttrain pickups - a useable tone from the P when I need it, and not too scooped?

    Definitely not scooped. Through your GK it’ll be like 1987 all over again ;-)

  8. I’ve always supported smaller British business where i can; Shuker, MJW, DHA, Hot Rod (Pickups), Barefaced, Etc.

    I’d be on the phone to Bloodstone telling him your preferences, asking for some advice and seeing what he comes up with.

    I really value being able to discuss the products I buy with the man that makes them.

    If it doesn’t work out for you try Hot Rod pickups in Colchester. I have a set of Nighttrain PJ pups from there and they are fabulous. I also have a custom set of Jazz pups from HR too, just no Jazz to put them in!

  9. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1507702774' post='3387278']

    Asking about the components of the bass in the OP is discussing the bass in the OP , surely that's not derailing , it's discussing the bass and the builder?

    I've no doubt limelights are great , never heard or seen anything but positives about them , and I'd like one

    My only question is how do they end up with a Fender badge on ?


    Some on-topic musings for digestion:

    It’s not a Fender however it passes itself off as a Fender.

    Is it OK for a British company that produces quality instruments to do this? I know Limelight makes no pretence about it being a genuine Fender, so does this make it OK?

    I know a lot people object to many Chinese copies and say that this activity dilutes the brand.

    Is it a fake? In many respects it’s probably better than many Fender instruments but it’s still a fake in my one good eye.

    Do owners tell people, “I have a fake Fender.”? Or do they enter into some extended diatribe about how they have a “custom one-off replica” that’s been crafted from parts of unknown origins but is absolutely top notch in all respects and is far superior to the real thing? Enlighten me, I don’t know.

    Build me a nice bass, yes but keep the “F” logo off it. That would be my preference but we’re all different.

    Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I really like an aged sonic blue P.

  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1507672866' post='3387228']
    And we're derailing this NBD thread!

    If asking genuine questions about the new bass and its manufacturer, background and parts is derailing then I apologise.

    It’s not like I’ve butted in with a story about some bass I own and made irrelevant sidetracks.

    Maybe we should have a pre-written scope and rules for what you can and can’t say in a NBD thread.

    I thought one of the purposes of an NBD thread was to introduce the uninitiated to brands they were not previously aware of and to propagate discussions about the instrument therefore raising awareness and interest.

    Maybe an extension of posting guidelines is required?

  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1507668761' post='3387187']

    That information, as with the origin of pickups, is not available. However every Limelight I've owned has been first rate as far as sound and playability goes.
    Why isn’t it available?
    Is it unavailable or is Limelight keeping it secret?

  12. Hi all,

    I have a Gotoh 201 4-string, 5-screw chrome bridge for sale. Excellent condition, hardly used. Very classy, understated, adds loads of sustain.

    Here's the link [url="https://www.allparts.uk.com/products/gotoh-201-bass-bridge-57mm-string-spacing"]https://www.allparts...-string-spacing[/url]

    I'll do it for £35 posted RM 1st Class Signed For.

  13. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1478553382' post='3169907']
    Hmm slightly concerning. I had one of these on my Christmas list for home practice with an iPad. Are you using an app e.g. Amplitube?
    I’ve got the original one, <£9 Amazon Prime. Works a treat, no issues.

  14. I use a comp in front of all my valve amps. It needs setting slightly differently to when I use it through the Mesa Walkabout for example but valve amps don’t negate the need for a comp.

    As far as tube sim, try it, see what it sounds like.

    I had an EBS multicomp years ago and found it excellent. Suck it and see.

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