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Posts posted by Rabbie

  1. The eq you need to scoop to get rid of finger noise and quacks is not the high, it is the mid. Try to forget the preamp, plug in straight int the genz shuttle, keep low and high around 12 o'clock, mid down to 7-8 o'clock and the mid frequency dial turned to taste somewhere between 1-4 o'clock. That should give you a bassy sound. You can the add mids to taste if you want to cut through more. After that, adjust low and high to taste. Scooping mids will also help feedback.

  2. You are absolutely correct Spencer, The time to settle is common to all guts. The only slapping concern I have depends on not knowing what the term "medium+" means inn practical terms (I.e. when compared to regular non-boutique guts like the Lenzner). The fancy tension charts don't answer the question unfortunately. It just needs someone to have tried both and give an account of how the different tension feels. Of course I believe that Gamut has an infinitely more accomplished sound, but if my fingers were to hurt after every gigs/recording, they would still be no use to me, that's all.

  3. + 1 beer of the bass. The bridge will be in its raw form and will require a massive amount of mods to fit to your bass. This is standard luthier work. I'd say save the money, take your bass to a luthier and adapt your current bridge by adding adjusters and have him tweak the action to your requirement.

  4. 50 years old?!?!? Joke I take it.
    I'd say a tad of wear and tear is forgivable then.
    If they are not regularly clipped and oiled, gut strings do fray. I oil mine regularly and they still fray a bit. Guts are also not meant to be put on and off a bass regularly: that process does mangle the windings at peg end.
    Honestly though: 50 years old???
    If they are in pristine condition after that time they may never have been used in which case there will be no fraying, so in theory it is possible. Put bass gut strings in google and look at the images: they should look like yours.

  5. + 1 to Rev.
    I do the exact same, although I use different amps whatever is provided as a back line on gig, doesn't matter much to me as it's only used as monitor. I normally just dial out most of the bad mids on the stage bass amp, keep the rest flat and eq the fishman to my liking, which is then also the signal going FOH. If I really can't get to grips with the stage amp, I do go in the effect return as volume is not important when it's only used for monitoring. I ask the engineer not to change the character of that sound and adjust bits and bobs to fit the room. Most of the time it works.
    If playing a gig with small PA I will take my own amp with one or two cabs and go straight in there (GB shuttle) with no fishman at all.
    Works for me, so far...

  6. Hello friends,
    The tuning machines of my folding bass are knackered: possibly a mix of frequent tuning/detuning, age, thick strings and bad luck. I think I am pretty sure they are at the end of their life. Now, what do I change them with?
    The folding bass is modified by Chadwick but it's a Shen laminate bass, with Shen tuners. Charlie Chadwick is a fantastic guy for customer service and has offered to send me some replacement tuners, but I was wondering if I could save him the trouble of shipping them from US and source the same tuners here or even better, swap them for better quality ones. Does anyone have any knowledge on either where to source Shen tuners or if any other tuners (ie Rubner) would fit with no mods needed?

  7. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1397548250' post='2424929']
    [i]Nil carborundum illegitimi.[/i]
    Hopefully it's not a case of an illegittemi luthier, just a mistake. Illegittemi anyhow is "bas***d" only in the not being wanted by your mummy sense, not in the more common sense of the expletive as we use it...
    This is a very erudite place to be!

  8. Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum
    Just to quote the Romans here...
    Basically anyone can make a mistake, but if they are arrogant about it and don't agree to fix it, it is then that I would consider shaming, but only of you are 1000% sure he was in the wrong, otherwise it is your name that could end up tarnished. I claim record for the first sentence in Latin to appear on Basschat...

  9. He should cut you a new bridge with the pick up installed properly at no charge and no questions asked. There are not many DB players around and he cannot afford his name being shamed for something as basic as fitting some adjusters (which is all a full circle is). He gotta be pretty
    Bad or be having a pretty bad day to muck that up.

  10. Can you not hire a bass there? It is a lot safer. A but if research will surely reveal a good music shop that could hire at reasonable rate. I have hired In the past and always found it a lot less stressful and not such a terrible compromise unless your setup requirements are very unusual and the music you play would be too tricky to execute on a bass you don't know.

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