Wing pickups ( shadow or Underwood) tend to clacky, hard to fit well, harder to tweak the sound once you've filed the wings out to fit them.
Realist copperhead good, can be a bit dark but once it works it works. I borrowed a bass with both wing and copperhead and mixed the two; that was good, but a lot of faff.
Not tried the full circle.
I use a realist sound clip which sounds brilliant on my particular bass, very tweakable as you can change the position, the contact force and various counter-weights to lighten and darken the sound, and/or use a bit of rubber to soften any harshness. BUT you take it on and off and it doesn't quite always go back perfectly. Brill for people who like to meddle (IE me) less so if you want fit and forget.
Mikes = expensive black art, but undoubtedly good.