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Total Watts

  1. Thanks Si, I think we get more of a pat on the back with names than we do for our music Colin
  2. Hey, this is the debut release from Guy Montag. You can stream it from [url="http://guymontag.bandcamp.com"]http://guymontag.bandcamp.com[/url] and you can download it for free also. Hope you enjoy
  3. Oh and thanks for the post xgsjx
  4. Wow that's really interesting. I haven't tested it out yet. I was looking in to the idea before the guitarist bought a looper to see what we would be looking for. I'm going to see if I can borrow a looper with midi from a friend and hopefully it will work. Would I be right to presume that the first person to loop would be the master? And would changing patches then reset the midi clock? Guess I'll just have to try it out When I do I'll see if I have the same issue as you.
  5. I think I'm going to have to put this one to the guys at Roland and see if its possible to hook up two pedals like that. I can't see why it wouldn't work, if the rc 50 sends the start message to the other like any other midi connection. [quote]I dont know if this is posible. You might be able to wire them both up into eachother (your out> his in and vice versa).[/quote] Are you saying it might also be possible to sync both ways? and then my rc 50 would be able to both send and receive at the same time? If that's true then all my problem would really be solved as long as the guitarist gets a loop station with midi in and out [quote]I like the idea of being able to record a loop, and then apply/mess about with different effects on that loop, and then rerecord the loop onto my rc50 at the end of my chain.[/quote] Interesting idea you have for the loopers, but why don't you get on to Tom at Cog effects and see if he can make you a pedal that will create effects loops and allow you switch your loopstation to pre effetcs and post effects or something like that. Would end up a hell of a lot cheaper haha and you would only have to record once
  6. Ya can understand why its hard to justify a second looper, its just a pity that all the smaller loopers don't seem to have midi. If you don't mind me asking, why do you want a 2nd loop pedal[size=4] at the beginning of your effects? [/size] Also, if I ran a midi cable from the Midi Out of my RC 50 to my guitarist loop pedal (Midi in) does that mean I am the only one who can control the tempo? is there any way we can both control the tempo depending on who is looping first within a song? Thanks again btw, learning loads
  7. Haha, luckily enough I don't have a drummer issue. I'm just trying to find a simple way to get myself and the guitarist tighter at looping, and it would be a shame to loose all the features the boss rc 50 has and go for the digitech solo xt (this seems to be the only looper I know that has sync technology without using midi) . I don't really understand Midi and how it works so trying to get my head around it at the moment. Should any looper with midi in be able to stay the same tempo as the rc 50? Or is it only possible with certain loopers? Cheers for all your feedback so far
  8. Hey cheers for the reply, don't seem to see any online there but I'm hoping I might have something tracked down.... I hope
  9. Hey all, I am a bit of a midi noob so I am trying to get my head around a few things. I have an RC 50 loopstation and would like to sync this up to my guitarists loopstation. Is it possible to use my loopstation as a slave to control the guitarists loopstation or vice versa. Also, is it possible to contol midi without the use of a laptop? I only want midi to control the tempo so we are synced properly. Colin
  10. I'm not sure if I'd recommend this power supply, some effects don't work very effectively with it. Have a source audio bass envelope filter that doesn't react too well when used with it and I need to use the individual power supply.
  11. Unfortunately I had tried them already, nothing that suits, seems to be a rare thing on the net. Thanks anyway
  12. Hey all, Being searching the net for hours trying to find the correct AC adapter for my DC Brick. I can't seem to find any with the correct spec of 18volt, AC, 2000mA, 36w. Anyone have any ideas on who would have one? Thanks for reading
  13. Hi everyone, I'm looking to replace the tweeter in my Behringer BB115 but can't find the official replacement. Tbh, I think I'd rather upgrade it if possible anyway. Can anyone suggest a good tweeter to replace it with and are there certain things I should look out for when choosing the right one for the cabinet? Thanks
  14. Thanks for the input everyone, I had a talk with Tom from Cog and he explained some options and gave me some very good advice. I'm going to go with the simpler single cab setup but will have a pedal made by Tom which will give me two loops which is exactly what I was looking for. It has a buffer in it so I'm hoping that won't effect the tones of the pedals too much. Also, the pedal will sort out any phase issues so seems like the best way to go. Thanks loads to everyone. I learned alot more from this thread than I thought I would starting out
  15. Oh and added cost wont be much, i have nearly everything I need what complexities are you thinking Prime_BASS. I have thought the idea through alot but would like to be aware of something I might have missed.
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