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Everything posted by Hathernman

  1. Sometimes use my Sansamp direct into the PB300. Works really well, no compatibility issues.
  2. Interesting thread. I used to have a TC rig for gigs and a Flightcase for quiet rehearsals /small acousticy gigs. Preferred the PJB sound so took the plunge a few months ago. Sold the TC and bought a PB300, What a revelation. Unbelievably loud for two smallish boxes, PJB sound but so much more of it! Plenty loud enough for most smaller gigs. Just DI for bigger ones, Two small and light boxes are so much easier to store, carry and transport than one big one! I always use a SANSAMP to add drive and girth. Sounds like a mini SVT, plus that responsive PJB sound that just seems to sit in the mix so well. Couldn't be happier!
  3. Sorry guys. Now sold.
  4. Hi Guys Alyctes first to pm so will sell to Mike if all acceptable. Will confirm either way asap
  5. No love? Price reduced to £180
  6. No, I'm afraid it doesn't. It's rated full 500 watts so I assume total impedance is 4 ohms. Not that it would ever need it!
  7. [b]For sale, my beautiful Squier VM Fretless Jazz.[/b] [b]Not really using it, so has to go to free up space![/b] [b]Pretty much mint condition and never gigged.[/b] [b]Fitted with Badass 2 bridge, which really improves tone and sustain. Original bridge included.[/b] [b]Tweed hard case and leather strap also included.[/b] [b]£200[/b] [b]Located near Loughborough, just off M1 junction 24. Can deliver a reasonable distance.[/b] [color=#5A5A5A][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Image uploader not working, so please follow links to pics in Photobucket:[/size][/font][/color] [url="http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y445/Billleivers/Bassfull.jpg"]http://i1275.photobu...rs/Bassfull.jpg[/url] [url="http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y445/Billleivers/Bassbridge.jpg"]http://i1275.photobu.../Bassbridge.jpg[/url] [url="http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y445/Billleivers/bassincase.jpg"]http://i1275.photobu.../bassincase.jpg[/url]
  8. [b]For sale, my TC Electronics BG500 2 x 10 combo.[/b] [b]Very lightly and infrequently gigged, excellent condition - no faulty buttons! With Rocksolid cover.[/b] [b]Lots of reviews on the interweb, but suffice to say - great sound, unbelievable power for it's size. Never had the master volume over 4![/b] [b]Located near Loughborough, just off M1 junction 24. Happy to deliver reasonable distance.[/b] [b]£250[/b] [b]Image downloader not working, so follow links below for pics at Photobucket[/b] [url="http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y445/Billleivers/Cabwithoutcover.jpg"]http://i1275.photobu...ithoutcover.jpg[/url] [url="http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y445/Billleivers/Cabwithcover.jpg"]http://i1275.photobu...abwithcover.jpg[/url] [url="http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y445/Billleivers/Cabfront.jpg"]http://i1275.photobu...rs/Cabfront.jpg[/url]
  9. IMO the only way to get truly consistent tone between plucking fingers is (would you believe!) practice and then more practice. I started life as a finger style player favouring index finger and only gained consistency between index and middle fingers by labourously practicing endless 8th note patterns.
  10. Hi Is the Flightcase still for sale? If yes, I definitely interested. Cheers Bill
  11. Hi. Is the amp still for sale? Got a Bass Cub which is great but not loud enough!
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