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Okay - so you have power to the Arduino and Nextion screen working OK if you see the Booting message. If the code compiled and uploaded to the Arduino OK, then I would first concentrate on the serial connection pins between Arduino and the Nextion - TX2(16) and RX2(17). A common mistake is to connect the Nextion TX wire to the Arduino TX2 pin, and the Nextion RX wire to the Arduino RX2 pin..... but Nextion TX goes to Arduino RX2 and Nextion RX goes to Arduino TX2. Hope this helps!
Sorry - I've only just seen this - I'm guessing as your post is over 3 weeks old you've probably sorted it by now....... If not, give us a shout and see if I can help
Yep. - start as simple as you can, get something working and gradually add to it. And make regular backups so you can easily revert back to when it last worked! If you do get stuck though, by all means give us a shout on here.... I'm no expert, but happy to try and help where I can
There's no reason why you couldn't replace the OLED code in mine with some other code to run a 7 segment LED instead. I'm not sure what you're expecting from the LEDs for each switch though.... If you're just changing presets then you can just have the MIDI controller light the LED for whichever footswitch you last pressed, and then as long as you don't adjust the preset on the Stomp (or whichever device you're controlling) then it should all match up. If you're planning on controlling block bypass / toggling effect parameters or anything else, then there's no way to get the current state back from the Stomp to the MIDI controller. Even if you added a MIDI IN port, the Stomp just doesn't relay that information out. If the Stomp had different MIDI commands for turning FSx on and off then maybe you could come up with a workaround, but all its MIDI commands for FSx are just toggles. Maybe you could do something like that in Command Center, but it'd be a lot of work to set up, and you'd have to do it separately for each and every preset....
Not 100% sure without trying it, but I think the code should work fine as is without the screen being present. If not, it'd be a really quick job to remove all the screen related bits. The other thing to consider is that at the moment, the code has multiple pages of button configurations setup..... Without the screen you'd have no visual cue to let you know which page is currently selected. Easy enough to reconfigure it to lock it to a single page setup, which would probably make sense. Going to less than 8 buttons will work fine with no code changes.... it will treat missing buttons exactly the same as buttons which are connected but not pressed...
Hiya - the best place to get my code for the first version (Arduino nano + oled screen) is on github - https://github.com/stoonoon/hxsMidiSwitcher/blob/master/hxsMidiSwitcher.ino If you're after the other version (Arduino Mega + Nextion touchscreen) then start here - https://github.com/stoonoon/hxsMidiSwitchTouch - the code is split into several files but I think everything you should need is in there. Cheers,
I don't think so.... All the CC codes are documented in the back of the owner's manual - https://line6.com/data/6/0a020a4112bbf5fb6a519e8b18/application/pdf/HX Stomp 3.0 Owner's Manual - Rev C - English .pdf I suppose it's possible there might be some undocumented extras, but I've not seen any mention of any so far....
Nice one!
If you want to check out what the effects are like, you can always get a free trial of helix native from the line 6 website. Won't give you much insight into which hardware version to get, but should at least give you a bit of a headstart as to what it can do before committing to an order...
Not exactly - there's a small coloured blob that acts as a signal present or clip indicator for both input and output, but no detailed level indication. See page 23 in the manual for more info - https://line6.com/data/6/0a020a4112bbf5fb6a519e8b18/application/pdf/HX Stomp 3.0 Owner's Manual - Rev C - English .pdf
Well that's proper weird, eh? Does it behave the same if the Arduino is disconnected from the computer and powered separately? I never had any issues with mine, but with the Nano, it uses the same Serial pins for the MIDI communications as well as uploading sketches... could be some sort of conflict there maybe causing weirdness? Other than that - obviously do a search for 8 in your code and double check there's not any weird typos in there which could cause it to be sending anything in channel 8. The Mega I used was one of these - https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B06XKMZ3T9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 - I've had a couple of them and both work fine. Not sure whether a sample size of 2 is really enough to justify much of a recommendation, but they've done me OK so far!
Hey - glad to hear you're at least making some progress! I'm intrigued as to what might be happening to cause one button to flip back and forth between two presets like that though.... If the currentPage isn't changed, then each switch *should* send the same MIDI command each time (or whatever you've specified in the relevant case block in midiSend, in case you've changed things around at all in there) If the Stomp is receiving the exact same MIDI message each time, then I would expect it to keep cycling through presets in the same direction each time instead of toggling between 2? Unless you've set up something specific in Command Center to do just that.... One thing that might be useful to try is to install a MIDI monitor on your computer.... if your Stomp is connected to the computer via USB, the computer should also be able to see all the MIDI messages sent to/from the Stomp's MIDI interface. I'm not too familiar with Macs, but I'd bet there's a free app you can get for it to inspect MIDI traffic. Might give you some extra clues as to what's going on
Shouldn't need to configure anything on the Stomp side. The +5V line won't need to be precisely 5V. I'm not sure what the tolerance is, but 4.7V is very unlikely to be a problem. Okay - Let's start with the basics.... Which version are you building? The Nano/OLED one or the Mega/Nextion one? What's your hardware setup so far? Are you building it up on a breadboard? Do you have a photo that you can post? If you're using the Nano/OLED project then we can try some simplified code which ignores all the switches and screen stuff and should just test the MIDI output on its own something like .. #include <MIDI.h> const int midiSendChannel = 1; // MIDI channel for outbound messages // Creates and binds the MIDI interface to the default hardware Serial port MIDI_CREATE_DEFAULT_INSTANCE(); void setup() { MIDI.begin(MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI); // Listen to all incoming messages } // end of setup void loop() { MIDI.sendControlChange(71,1,midiSendChannel); //Scroll Mode delay(500); MIDI.sendControlChange(49,0,midiSendChannel); //FS1 delay(500); } // end of loop If you're using the Arduino Mega then you'd need to specify which of the Serial ports you're using - so on mine for example, I'd need to replace the MIDI_CREATE_DEFAULT_INSTANCE(); line with MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial2, MIDI); If you get that code running on your Arduino and have the MIDI port wired up correctly, it should just automatically scroll down through your Preset list on the Stomp, once per second. If it doesn't work, I'd be looking extra hard at the connections between the Arduino and the MIDI port. Hope that helps - let us know how ya get on.... Good luck!
Hiya The bigger screen I used for the 2nd version was a Nextion 3.2" Enhanced NX4024K032 - https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B072FN3SFH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It might be possible to use that screen with a Nano - I can't say for sure because I never tried it. Off the top of my head I would expect the main complications to be: Power - I specifically chose that Nextion screen because I saw someone else had been using one powered directly from an Arduino Mega with no issues. It might power from a Nano just as well, but there is also a chance you may need to add an extra 5V supply for the screen if not. Serial ports - The Nextion touchscreen uses a serial connection to the Arduino microcontroller..... and so does the MIDI communication. The Arduino Mega makes this easy as it has 3 serial ports built in. Unfortunately the Nano only has 1. It should be possible to workaround this by creating a SoftwareSerial connection using some other free pins on the Nano - but that's not something I've tried, so can't really advise you. Coding - The OLED and Touchscreen versions of my footswitches share almost no code between the two projects. I don't know if you've got any programming experience, but if not, then please don't expect it to be a simple cut and paste job to move the touchscreen code into the Nano-based project. The Nano is very limited on memory space, and it took me a fair amount of work to get the first version to fit in it. All the touchscreen version code was written with the Mega in mind, and would likely be a nightmare to try and squeeze into the Nano. If this is your first Arduino project, then I'd suggest - unless you're reasonably confident on the programming side of things - that you stick to either using an SSD1306 OLED with a Nano, or bump up & use a Mega if you want the Nextion screen. You can easily leave out the expression pedal input part if that's of no interest to you, and the price difference between Nano and Mega is only about £10 for the Chinese clones if you're on a really tight budget.... Hope that's of some help....
Sure - although it looks like it's all still available at https://github.com/stoonoon/hxsMidiSwitcher .... Is that link not working for you?
Are you sure you lost your old presets? The update process prompts you to take a backup before it proceeds with the update... If you just clicked through the menus without reading them, you might find you've got a backup ready to reimport all or part of....
16 (I think) new effects, and Favorites/User Model Defaults. Looks like that might be it for HXFX this time.... https://line6.com/support/page/kb/effects-controllers/helix/helix-30-release-notes-r934/
One other issue I had - not sure if it's a side effect of the order I installed things in or whether I was just lucky - was that restoring Favorites didn't work for me... I could save a block's settings into the favorites list, but whenever I tried to create a new block using those favorites settings, it would fail with an error - "Failed to load favorite - Operation failed due to DSP overload. Code -8611" I'm pretty sure it wasn't a genuine DSP overload issue as it was happening even with an empty preset. I ended up doing a factory reset and restoring my presets/IRs/config backup from before the 3.00 update and it all works fine now. Might be worth a test on yours just in case it's a problem caused by updating the hardware to 3.00 from an older version of HX Edit ...
I don't have a Mac to test them on, but I've just downloaded the 2.92 and 3.00 versions of HX Edit for Mac to see if they'd unwittingly uploaded the same file twice.... HX Edit 2.92.dmg is showing up as 35,011KB on my PC and HXEdit3.00.dmg is showing as 26,651KB... so there goes that theory. Is it possible that you've got both versions installed at once, and whatever shortcut you're launching HX Edit from is still pointing to the old one? Did you manually remove HX Edit 2.92 before installing 3.00? Might be worth a try?
Have you managed to get your Stomp updated? On the PC version, I was able to update my Stomp from 2.92 to 3.00 using the "Check for updates" button at the bottom of the HX Edit window.... which confused the carp out of me for a while as I had (wrongly!) assumed it would also update HX Edit at the same time. Obviously you'd need to get HX Edit updated to 3.00 as well for it to be able to control the new features and effects, but at least you'd be able to test them out directly on the Stomp while you're waiting for L6 support to resolve your issue with the HX Edit upgrade....
Preset up/down might be a tricky one as the MIDI implementation only has preset recall by explicit preset number. On the Stomp there's 2 ways around it (1: dedicating FS4 + FS5 to preset down/up, and then using the MIDI commands for those, or 2: send a sequence of MIDI commands to change the stomp screen to the preset list, then send FS1 or FS2 to change preset, then another command to change back to the normal stompbox view) but I don't think either of those would work on the HXFX. You could do it via MIDI if you have a MIDI controller that can keep track of the currently selected preset and adjusts which messages it sends accordingly, but I would think you'd probably need to build your own controller to achieve that (not as hard as it sounds as long as you're OK with a bit of soldering) Maybe there's some scope for doing something via Command Center with a regular footswitch connected to the expression pedal inputs on the HXFX..... if you can send a PC message whenever the expression pedal value goes over any non-zero value, it should detect a footswitch press. Probably a bit of a long shot, mind.... and unfortunately I've not got an HXFX to test with.
In case you missed my previous reply to Dave: MIDI PC and MIDI CC are not the same thing. Even if you have a MIDI controller which can send MIDI CC, then status indication on the controller is not really viable because there's no way for the Stomp to feedback the current state of the FS toggles to the MIDI controller. If : - you're willing to build and program your own MIDI controller from scratch - you're prepared to assume that every Stomp preset is saved with all the of the FS in an "off" state (or program the intial FS states for every Stomp preset into your custom MIDI controller) - you're willing to accept that if you press the FS on the Stomp itself then the status light on the MIDI controller will be incorrect until you next change presets then you could potentially make it work...... but realistically.... it's a no.
Command Center seems to be more about controlling other devices from switches/pedals on a Helix device than the other way around - maybe they'll add more to it by the time it hits Stomp, but I wouldn't pin your hopes on that too hard.
It's designed to be connected to a computer, rather than to another USB MIDI device. You could connect both to a PC, and then use the PC to relay messages from the controller across to the Stomp..... but I can't think of a good reason why you'd want to.... it still wouldn't solve the status indication on the controller situation, and massively overcomplicates the setup...
I think you may have misunderstood the Mongoose's capabilities.... It basically ONLY* does preset changes (ie MIDI PC messages), and the LED and LCD on it are only there to remind you which preset you selected last. To switch individual effects on the Stomp, or change snapshots, or.... well, anything that's not a preset change - you need to be able to send MIDI Control Change messages, and that's not what the Mongoose is designed to do. * apart from the expression pedal input part, but that's not really relevant to what you're asking about.