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If you need the pedal to display footswitch status, things get tricky as the Stomp doesn't output any status information over MIDI other than current preset number. You can program some controllers to alternately display an on/off indication each time you hit the switch on the controller, but as there is no feedback from the Stomp, there's no guarantee the Stomp and controller will be in sync. If you only use preset changes and snapshots then you can make that work OK with a remote display, but not (AFAIK) for FS1-5 in "stomp-to-toggle" mode. I made a custom 4x2 controller with a touchscreen on it with hopes of being able to do the same - leave the Stomp on the amp out of the way of punters and booze, and just have the controller up front..... never did find a good way of displaying enough info on the controller screen to make it viable. One day I might try and reverse engineer the comms between stomp and HX edit on a PC and see if I can't make it work that way.... probably not anytime soon though
If you don't have, or can't be bothered to fire up, native then this web based helix preset viewer can sometimes do the trick... https://dbagchee.github.io/helix-preset-viewer/
Nope. 8 blocks was never slated for 2.9.
Eric Klein has confirmed that Stomp will be getting Command Centre with 3.0 (sorry don't have a time stamp, but it's in the last part of his interview - maybe 10 minutes or so before he signs off)
They're available online.... https://uk.line6.com/data/6/0a020a4010c935bb66a4c0c44f/application/pdf/HX Stomp Manual - English .pdf
Not sure if this is exactly what you're asking, but if you make changes to snapshot 2 and then resave the preset, the next time you recall that preset then snapshot 2 will be automatically selected. Alternatively if you want to copy the settings from snapshot 2 to snapshots 1 and 3 you can... <From page 33 of the Stomp manual - https://uk.line6.com/data/6/0a020a4010c935bb66a4c0c44f/application/pdf/HX Stomp Manual - English .pdf > Copying/Pasting a Snapshot Instead of creating a new snapshot from scratch, you may want to copy an existing one to another snapshot location and tweak just a few things. 1. From Snapshot mode, while touch-holding the footswitch for the snapshot you want to copy, briefly touch and release the footswitch for the snapshot you want to overwrite. A dialog panel appears: Cancel OK Copy Snap 1 to 2? 2. Press Knob 3 (OK).
If you use the stomp as your interface, you get the ability to easily record the unaffected input signal as well as the normal output... So if you later wanted to tweak the sound you could reamp without having to rerecord the take
That would be a pretty hilarious move on Line 6's part.... "Yeah - we know you've been waiting a long time for 2.90.... we had it ready a while back, but there was so much beaching on the internet about how long it was taking so we decided to just not bother to release it. Anyway - here's 3.0 beeeeeyaaaaaatches."
With 2 separate switches? The "normal" way of doing stuff like this is to have a wah (for example) block and a volume block both set to use the same EXP input, and have the block bypass for both set to the same footswitch. Make sure one of the blocks is set to on and the other is set to bypass. Now a tap of the footswitch will turn the wah on and the volume off (or vice versa) and the pedal will only have any effect on the block which is active. You could have separate footswitches assigned to the bypass function of both the wah and volume block, but then if both wah and volume blocks are active then the expression pedal will control both at the same time
Never tried it, but it doesn't look massively complicated assuming you have a mic, a computer with some sort of audio interface and a DAW available...
Technically, you can create your own IRs.... but the process isn't exactly trivial, and con't be done on the Helix models themselves.....
The cab blocks which are available in Helix Floor/Rack/Stomp/Native are not the same thing as IRs.... They perform essentially the same function, but they work in a somewhat different way. None of the Helix models come with any IRs from the getgo, you have to acquire them separately. Some are free, some are paid for - I think Line 6 even offers a couple of free ones on their site somewhere. If you have any IRs already in Native you could back them up and then import them into HXFX or any other helix unit.... but to get them into Native in the first place you'd presumably already have the IR files which you used to get them into Native in the first place. The non-IR cab blocks can't be exported. You can back up their settings, but that wouldn't help you get them onto HXFX unless Line 6 release a HXFX firmware update including the relevant cab blocks.... which seems unlikely.
You can have 128 IRs stored on the HXFX and select a different one for each preset or even snapshot. I think you might even be able to have the IR selector assigned to an expression pedal and sweep through all of them
I'm not going to be much use to ya on that score.... I rarely bother with IRs on my Stomp as I don't usually use cab sims for bass and usually just use amp+cab blocks for guitar due to the 6 block limit. I have tried out a few guitar cab IRs, but don't prefer one way over the other enough to worry about wasting a separate block for an IR...
Can't the HX effects do IRs? Wouldn't that render the Mooer a bit redundant in that case?
The first one I did with the tiny screen was done in PLA. The v2 is PETG for the main enclosure, with PLA for the bezel and bottom cover. I tend to be fairly generous with wall widths / perimeter and top and bottom layer count, but both enclosures are way stronger than they need to be. If I hadn't had to split them into multiple sections to fit on the build plate of my printer, they'd have been stronger still. Maybe I could have got away with using less material if I'd used ABS or nylon, but I can't be bothered building an enclosure for my printers. I'm going to get some ASA filament next time to try next time I make an order... From what I can gather it's similar to ABS, but less hassle to print. Mainly for increased UV resistance... Which isn't really a massive concern for the footswitch enclosure!
According to their manual from https://www.gallien-krueger.com/legacy-heads it's not really 500W at any impedance... unless the 300W @ 2ohm is a typo... which probably makes sense. And... the 1200 doesn't appear to be any more powerful than the 800 unless you're using 2 cabs, with at least one of those being a 4 ohm. There doesn't seem to be any mention of a stereo effects loop return, so the 1200 looks to be a pretty weird proposition. I guess it's not a massive price jump over the 800 but how many folk are likely to be using 2x 4ohm cabs big enough to benefit from >400W each and yet still want a dinky amp head? Am I missing something here?
HXFX has the option for a parallel path, so if you have an effect model with no wet/dry mix parameter, you can move it (and any others you like) to path B, and then you have separate volume controls for path A and path B at the merge block...
8 for the footswitches 2 for the nextion TX/RX 1 for the midi TX 1 for the pedal pot 1 for the pedal toeswitch Funnily enough, I've just about finished up a completely unrelated project with a Wemos D1 Mini in it... Not enough pins available on those, but I think the bigger D1R2 might just be able to squeak it..... hmmmm The Teensy stuff looks like a good shout for USB MIDI with minimal hassle... Would need to be sure the display was OK with running on 3.3V or you'd have to add in a level converter to the plan somewhere. I love the idea of having a physical amp controls module though.... Have you got any more detail on your build posted up anywhere?
Has UK pricing been confirmed yet? I thought the USA price is supposed to be considerably less than the HX FX / Stomp price point...
That wouldn't work on pod go.... Only one amp at a time
Yeah - they've published it all, but - for the HX stomp at least - it's pretty much all one way. When the preset is changed it does send out a PC message to confirm it, but that's only any use if your midi controller knows the initial state of that preset, which FS each block is assigned to, whether it starts on or off, what type of effect is in that block etc etc. With the old Zoom stuff it was totally the other way round - they sent out a Sysex message with all the info in it that you could ever need, but the data format was deliberately obfuscated and there was no documentation on it at all, so you end up spending ages with MIDI sniffers trying to work out what the hell was going on.... and it was slightly different for each Zoom pedal, so the work someone else had done wouldn't necessarily work on yours. Not to worry though - my controller's at the point where I'm not too bothered about doing anything else with it for a while.... Functionality-wise it's doing everything I need it to. Might tweak the preset pages here and there, but other than that I'm OK with it. I'm not very happy with the enclosure, but it's not bad enough that it's worth printing another one.
It's something I did look into - my first arduino project was an LED lighting controller for my van with 420 addressable LEDs around the ceiling. Slight overkill, but hey-ho The HX Stomp has got LED rings around each footswitch which change colour depending on effect type and brightness depending on it's enabled or not... but it doesn't send much information out on MIDI for the controller to know what's going on.... I suppose you could manually program the controller with settings for each preset and then update the LED behaviour depending on the last Program Change, but that seems like a lot of work programming in dozens of presets worth of config into the controller, and having to keep them updated whenever I make changes on the Stomp. I think all the other Helix models have got a MIDI command centre which allows you trigger various MIDI messages on all sorts of various conditions..... but if I'd got one of the bigger Helix models then I wouldn't need the MIDI controller in the first place!
Hiya, I'd never really thought about whether the code Nextion version could fit on a Nano before... it would definitely need some optimisation but it might be do-able... couldn't say for sure without trying it though! When I did the OLED + Nano version, I remember the main limitation was RAM. One thing that helped a lot was making sure all the char array text strings were set to use PROGMEM using the F() macro. I know I didn't bother doing that on the Nextion version because the RAM was plentiful enough it just wasn't worth it. Some other things you'll need to take into consideration with Nano : Nano only has one Serial... the MIDI port needs one, and so does the Nextion. You should be able to create a SoftwareSerial port on the Nano, but it's not something I've done. The Arduino IDE also uses Serial to upload new sketches to the Nano... so you may find you need to disconnect your MIDI devices or the Nextion (whichever you have plugged into the hardware serial port on the nano) when you upload a new sketch. Power - I was able to power the Nextion from the 5v pin on the Mega, but I'm not sure how much power the power regulator on the Nano can supply safely. If you're running from USB power, it might be a good idea to power the Nextion using the microUSB adapter that should come with your screen, and then power the Nano from the spare pins on the back of that adaptor. I'm not totally sure what you mean by the "final .ino file".... I had all those files saved separately, and they should appear as different tabs in the Arduino IDE. When it compiles it should work through them in the order the tabs appear in the IDE. Having the different parts of code split into separate tabs made it a bit easier to find stuff as I was going along. I've attached a screenshot so you can see what I mean. The single_double_long file can be ignored.... it's just a flowchart I was using to plan out the code for single press / long press / double click / multiple switch press functionality and track which bits I'd implemented. You can open it with a free program called yEd if you want to see what's in it, but other than that you can ignore it. You could get rid of the Booting page on the Nextion if you wanted - there's probably a few other pages in the Nextion HMI file that aren't needed too. It won't hurt to leave them on there though - deleting unused pages on the Nextion memory won't free up any memory on the Nano. Be wary though - if you delete things in the Nextion editor, it can end up automatically renumbering other items with a higher ID#. Hope that helps....!