Very first jam with potential new band last night. Line up: Myself on bass, drummer, lead guitar, rhythm guitar/keys, lead vocals. Nobody had played with anybody else before, so odds stacked against us. Lead vocals couldn't make it because of her husband's poor health. Maybe we shouldn't have met up, but drummer (who is self-appoointed band leader) decided we should. He pressurised/bullied lead guitarist into singing, and guitarist was pretty unhappy to do so, becoming visibly upset towards the end of the session. Guitarist's playing and singing were not good at all. I stood off to one side watching all this unfold. At one point I said to drummer - "I think we're asking an awful lot of [guitarist] - I have the 6 songs here on my laptop - why don't we play over the top of them and in that way have some lead vocals to guide us. That'll help [guitarist] to focus on his playing" Drummer: "No. I want to hear the instruments clearly, even if it means we have to imagine the vocals in our heads (sic)" In the car park afterwards, I told the drummer I wasn't happy and that I'd speak to him today.
I suppose the obvious way forward is for all five of us to meet up and see how we get on with the lead vocalist there. Take things from there.