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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. Band 1; I joined an existing pub covers band. Two rehearsals a week, three gigs, singer sacked, band split. Band 2; I joined a start-up wedding band. One rehearsal a week, three gigs. I left because the singer was not very good. Band subsequently split. Band 3; Put together by me. Pub-covers band. One rehearsal a week, four gigs. Singer left to concentrate on lounge/jazz stuff. Band 4; My current band, which is band 3 with a new singer. After two months, singer's gone AWOL to sort out her marriage. Me; - Utterly frustrated. - I have learned hundreds of songs. I have notes for all of them. I can only play 30 of them from memory, but could dust most of the others off fairly quickly. - Fed up with putting in all the hours, hard work and commitment only to see a band fail. - Very reluctant to start up another band myself. - Wary of joining an existing band with all the existing politics. - Not confident enough to dep What on earth do I do now? Steve
  2. OK - thanks for your patient and informative reply. Looks like fans will be needed then, no matter how clever the box architecture is. Back to the drawing board.
  3. £259 at Thomann; http://www.thomann.de/gb/ashdown_toneman_600_evo_iii.htm
  4. Stop it now! I already have a BB1200, so can't really justify a BB300 as well. Tempting though...
  5. Extra info from seller: "I have not had it long, just long enough to record some backing tracks for my guitar students. Electrics work perfectly, no scratchy sounds from the pots. Also, the truss rod works perfectly and comes with a little spanner to adjust it. There is no damage to it apart from the scratches and chips that were on it when I bought it." Can somebody please buy this before my determination not to fails completely. Thank you.
  6. I'm following this thread out of idle curiosity. I have absolutely no idea how valves, transformers and such stuff work. Just maybe, that might enable someone as ignorant as me to suggest something outwardly daft that could possibly work. Top-of-head musings; 1. Are some valves physically smaller than others? 2. Do some valves produce less heat than others? 3. Do you [i]have[/i] to have fan cooling, with the associated fan, motor, thermostat, wires and noise? How about valve dampers - would they eliminate, or at least reduce the size of fans+gubbins? My home radiators have loads of fins behind them to increase surface area for heat release. [url="http://vintageaudiovalves.com/eat-tubes"]http://vintageaudiov...s.com/eat-tubes[/url] and [url="http://www.guildfordaudio.co.uk/store/category.php?category=Valve%20Dampers&section=Accessories&cattitle=Accessories&page=category"]http://www.guildford...s&page=category[/url] 4. Do the valves [i]have[/i] to be next to each other? If they were separated inside the box, would that help prevent localised heat build-up? Indeed, do the valves have to be inside the box at all? In the best tradition of home decorating, if you can't hide something, make a feature of it. Put the valves on full display with just a minimalist (heat-resistant plastic?) cage/cover for protection? Arab tents use the shape of the funnel-roof to encourage air exhaust and thus cooling. 5. Perhaps the cover could be circular with the airflow sent round a spiral (Dyson vacuum cleaner) to increase the airflow. So; small, cool-running valves placed on their side with heat-dissipation fins/jackets (maybe with a smaller fan system with some sort of venturi-effect airflow accelerator?), placed apart, and placed outside of the main box under some sort of circular minimalist plastic cover that doubles as a clever air-exhaust chimney. I'm sorry. I'll shut up now.
  7. "...and the height of the power bottles pretty much dictate things" Do they[i] have [/i]to stand upright?
  8. Thank you - that's a kind offer. I live in Stockport which sort of rules that out. Might just go mad and drop £30 on a new one, once I've talked it through with keys player and guitarist.
  9. Thanks Ray-Machine. I've just looked at a couple of YouTube vids of The Digitech synth bass wah thingy and it does look interesting. The Octasub function alone is getting close to what I'm looking for. £30 new from DV247, too. Hmmmm....
  10. Thanks to everyone for your responses. I have to admit that the more I read about effects in general and multi-effects in particular, the more I'm wondering if I'm looking down a road that I don't really want to travel. I've sold basses which have either been active or have had too many knobs, and I've sold over-complex amps all in the quest for an uncluttered signal chain. For me, simple is good. I've played in covers bands for 6 years now without any effects. Really, it's just the one song - How will I know - that I'm struggling with. A full-tone key drop alongside the key change towards the end of the song means I'm playing one octave higher than I'd like. Our keys player is busy doing other things in the song, so the bassline is all down to me. I need to work out a way to get the 80's synth sound in the lower register, and that's what I can't do. I have a bass-boost on my amp (GK MB500) which I don't generally use, so I could try that to see if it thickens my tone a bit, but I think it will still leave me without the big bass sound that we need for the song. I generally play with a very clean sound - no grind/clipping/breakup, and fairly mids-forward (the Yamaha BB1200 does that on its own, anyway) All ideas and suggestions (most probably without using any effects) welcome. My rig: Yamaha BB1200, GK MB500 head, two Tecamp XS 112 cabs. Oh, I also have a Behringer BD 121 pedal. Never used it. Thanks, Steve
  11. Boss ME50B is £220! Crikey. Anything out there that does a simpler job, no menus for less money?
  12. Errr, I thought I'd posted this as a New Topic. Apologies to Mods if I've double-posted. Techno-idiot here. I've always aimed at a really simple signal chain; passive P bass, into simple amp head into speaker. No effects anywhere. Very much plug-and-play - I've seen plenty of guitarists bring a band to a standstill while they fiddle endlessly with pedals, dodgy patch cables, e-bows etc. Not for me, thank you. However, It's becoming increasingly clear that my KISS approach may be falling short on some songs in my covers band. |For example, bass-synth on How will I know (Whitney Houston). I've read the "Which multi-effects" threads on here and I very quickly glaze over and become completely confused. Shopping list; Must be as simple and straightforward to use as possible. Mainly interested in octave down, synth effect, on-board tuner, maybe reverb (for singer to use in emergency, perhaps) Not really interested in dirt, grind, flanger, drum-machine, amp modulations, fuzz, wah, tremolo Floor, not rack mounted Hit footswitch to bypass when I don't need effects, which will be most of the time, Small, light, easy to set up. Plug and play Don't need to switch effects mid-song Did I mention that it needs to be idiot-proof since I have no idea how such things work?! Quick web search throws up Zoom B1, Stomplab 1B. Any good? Be gentle with me, please Steve
  13. Oooops - sorry! Only just spotted your reply. PM'd you.
  14. Thanks. Perhaps you could run a tape measure over it and give us the dimensions as well?
  15. Thank you. Would it be possible to pop it on your bathroom scales to get a reasonably accurate weight, please?
  16. Email from seller; "Thank you for your message. I thought it was a BB1200 because of the serial number which I'd researched and the manual that came with it (which was for BB1200 and BB1000 basses). But after your message I did some more googling and can now see that mine is a BB1000. I'll try to research the serial number again to get a manufacturing date. Then I'll amend the listing asap. Thanks for your help."
  17. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-bb1200-4-string-bass-guitar-Made-In-Japan-1978-Vintage-Sunburst-Manual/331467687502?_trksid=p2060778.c100278.m3478&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140725135229%26meid%3D1c585c9940df4f01b9021cb770e8bebe%26pid%3D100278%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D291369779748"]http://www.ebay.co.u...%3D291369779748[/url] I've emailed the seller and politely suggested they might want to do some googling to check the model number.
  18. "A new, unused item with absolutely no signs of wear."
  19. Tube version now listed by Thomann for £418 http://www.thomann.de/gb/bugera_veyron_m_bv1001t.htm
  20. For my use, it wouldn't need to be louder than PF800 or RH750! I'm simply looking for a half-decent, small, light, fairly powerful head I can use as a back-up. Spec looks good on paper. Only review I can find is Dissa's, in German. Hasn't anybody else tried one?
  21. £342 at Thomann. http://www.thomann.de/gb/bugera_veyron_m_bv1001m.htm
  22. My main bass is a Yamaha BB1200 which is fairly mids-forward. With the GK MB500, it sounds rich and deep with the bass boost engaged on the head, head mids dialled back a bit, hardly any scooping. That's the overall tone I'm looking for in a back-up amp. The more I read about the Reidmar, the more I suspect it may be a little too bright and top-end for the Yamaha. I quite fancy the idea of a hybrid head, but it will have to be small, powerful and cheap. Fat chance.
  23. I've been reading the posts about the EBS Reidmar from a few years ago, when it first came out. I'm considering buying one as a back-up for my GK MB500. So - how has the Reidmar stood the test of time? Did the early adopters sell theirs on quickly or do you still have them?
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