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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. Must have: Very quick and easy to use touchscreen file-finding Simple download of MP3 files from laptop Will play in car via aux or MP3 socket Battery recharge via (USB?) laptop On-board speaker Don't need: MP4 or MP5 player Radio Recorder Apple or iTunes Broadband connectivity Card expansion slot Camera On-board tea-maker Silly price I just need an easy-to-use, cheap MP3 player to play tracks to the band at rehearsal! £20 or so. Something like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Touch-Screen-Electronics-Stainless-computer/dp/B004Q6ZVF8/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top but without the SD card slot and radio. Recommendations, please. Steve
  2. I have a USA L-2000. I've always used Status Hotwire halfrounds. £14 a set - complete bargain; http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/index_home.html Full flats are available too. Love the smooth feel and the quietness when you slide fingers across the strings. However, I've found that the G&L with flats or halfrounds can become a bit too dark and thuddy if you're not careful. Depending on what tone you're after, you may need to be prepared for some knob-twiddling to manage the G&L's rich and powerful pickups. At home, I'll use just the front pickup, or switch to both. At rehearsal and gigs, I'm definitely switching to both pickups, maybe even just the rear. A couple of times I've had to change to my MIJ Precision (fitted with the same strings) to get a little more clank/mid-range presence in a noisy two-guitar band. This was with a loud pub-rock covers band. More recently, I've been playing with a quieter country-rock/pop band where it's much easier to actually hear the bass. Even then, the G&L/halfround set up was sounding almost too chocolatey (!?) and was in danger of thumping away somewhere in the distant background.
  3. Gives it quite an atmospheric air - almost mournful. Like it.
  4. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzYHllLv_IE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzYHllLv_IE[/url]
  5. Got this bass last week. It took me a whole day to strip it, de-crud it, remove years of fluff, grime and sticky stuff, check all the electrics, re-assemble it and do a decent set up. After playing it at home and at band practice, here are my impressions: Good points; Really nice woods. Quality alder (?) body, smooth maple neck and virtually unmarked rosewood board. Loads of tone options with pickup blending, pickup phase switching and individual pickup tone/volume controls. Almost too many options! - I'll probably confuse myself in the hurly-burly of a gig. Slim, easy-to-play neck. Easy-access truss-rod at heel. Balances well - no neck-dive. To my ears, it tends towards a more modern/middy tone but a bit of pickup switching gets it pretty close to warm/rich/P-tone. It's all there, somewhere. Things that don't suit me, personally; Narrow string spacing. I'm used to a wide, flat 44mm G&L nut-width, so perhaps I was expecting a bit much to play a 40mm nut-width. My hulking great paws are finding it too cramped. Slightly odd tone-switching that takes a fair bit of learning and understanding. For me, it's made me realise I prefer something a little more simple and straightforward, especially in a gig environment. So, in summary, this is a well-built instrument easily on a par with my MIJ Fender P for build-quality. It's light, nicely balanced, easy to play and has a wide range of tones on offer - at least as many as my G&L. It's a J size neck and that's where I'm struggling with it. I don't think it's quite right for me. It's made me realise I should keep looking for a G&L SB-1, L-1000, LB-100 or maybe a wide-necked Yamaha BB like a BB1200. Steve
  6. Got this bass last week. It took me a whole day to strip it, de-crud it, remove years of fluff, grime and sticky stuff, check all the electrics, re-assemble it and do a decent set up. After playing it at home and at band practice, here are my impressions: Good points; Really nice woods. Quality alder (?) body, smooth maple neck and virtually unmarked rosewood board. Loads of tone options with pickup blending, pickup phase switching and individual pickup tone/volume controls. Almost too many options! - I'll probably confuse myself in the hurly-burly of a gig. Slim, easy-to-play neck. Easy-access truss-rod at heel. Balances well - no neck-dive. To my ears, it tends towards a more modern/middy tone but a bit of pickup switching gets it pretty close to warm/rich/P-tone. It's all there, somewhere. Things that don't suit me, personally; Narrow string spacing. I'm used to a wide, flat 44mm G&L nut-width, so perhaps I was expecting a bit much to play a 40mm nut-width. My hulking great paws are finding it too cramped. Slightly odd tone-switching that takes a fair bit of learning and understanding. For me, it's made me realise I prefer something a little more simple and straightforward, especially in a gig environment. So, in summary, this is a well-built instrument easily on a par with my MIJ Fender P for build-quality. It's light, nicely balanced, easy to play and has a wide range of tones on offer - at least as many as my G&L. It's a J size neck and that's where I'm struggling with it. I don't think it's quite right for me. It's made me realise I should keep looking for a G&L SB-1, L-1000, LB-100 or maybe a wide-necked Yamaha BB like a BB1200. Steve
  7. Arrived today, Folks. When I've finished cleaning it and doing a set-up, I'll post some initial impressions in the Bass section. Steve
  8. I spotted this ad on Partysounds. I don't play DB, but thought it might interest somebody who does; [b]Ref:[/b] 135566 [b]Bass Player Wanted - [url="http://www.partysounds.co.uk/musicians_ads/town.php?town=Stockport"]Stockport[/url], [url="http://www.partysounds.co.uk/musicians_ads/county.php?county=Manchester"]Manchester[/url][/b] Date: 18-01-2014 [b]Description:[/b] Double Bass player needed for our working Rock and Roll band to start ASAP. Gigs booked all year. Transport needed. 0161 612 8933. Stockport Manchester North West [url="http://www.partysounds.co.uk/go/email_mca.php?email=135566"]Email Paul Wilky[/url] [b]Phone: [/b]01616128933 [url="http://www.rockbacktheclock.co.uk/"]View Website[/url] 3.4 Miles
  9. It's on the way to me as we speak. First impressions posted here in a few days time. Hope it arrives OK. Steve
  10. You'll have to take some of the credit (blame?) for me buying it with your description of it. I've searched the net for some information about the bass but can find nothing. I bet you can tell us all about the body , neck, fingerboard woods and such like... Edit; This was supposed to appear as a response to Bassassin's last post. My error.
  11. Sometime soon. You can't be local, if you say "Sunny"...
  12. I've emailed the seller and he's happy for a buyer to organise a courier to pick up the bass.
  13. Is this it? [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/1979-wal-pro2-bass/1046497950"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/1979-wal-pro2-bass/1046497950[/url]
  14. Thanks everybody. That's a definite "No", then. Let me know if you have one lying about doing nothing, please. Steve
  15. I've been looking for a Yamaha BB1200 for a while now, and I've spotted this for under £200: [url="http://reverb.com/item/61414-yamaha-bb1200-electric-bass-guitar"]http://reverb.com/item/61414-yamaha-bb1200-electric-bass-guitar[/url] Obvious problems are wrong tuners and a clumsy looking repair around the jack socket. Both easy fixes?? Too much of a gamble? Steve
  16. Looks nothing at all like mine.... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-blazer-bass-RARE-1980-MOD-/221355680609"]http://www.ebay.co.u...D-/221355680609[/url] Hold on - I've just found this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/227396-blazer-on-gumtree-for-l175/"]http://basschat.co.u...mtree-for-l175/[/url]
  17. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1385716898' post='2291377'] definitely this unless the guitarist is doing something rhythmically tight i tend to ignore the guitar and just focus on the drums and then the keys in our band - the guitar can be sort of left to its own devices to a degree because as long as drums and bass are locked together it gives the guitarist room for a bit more fluidity im always telling our singist (much to her amusement) that i havent got a clue what she is doing - its not so much wilfully ignoring her but my ear seems to zone out the vox when i focus on the drums and the structure good luck with the gig tonight [/quote] Well, I think we did a pretty decent job in the end. I focussed on the drummer and not the guitarist or singer. My intention to beef up the bass tone lasted until the soundcheck when, due to the room acoustics, it was soon apparent that I'd overdone it. I ended up pretty much back with the sound I'd started with. We got applause for every song and the venue asked us back, so we must have sounded reasonably OK. Lessons for me; focus on the drums, don't over-play the bassline, listen to singer's comments about the groove, try not to be put off when guitarist messes up. Thanks to everybody here for their help and encouragement, Steve
  18. Quick update following rehearsal last night. Thanks to the suggestions here, I tried a number of different things. First, I beefed up the bass and pulled the mids back on the amp. Next, I simplified quite a few of the basslines I'd been playing. I'd been trying to play things absolutely correctly and probably had slightly lost the overall band-plot. Then, I paid much more attention to the drummer and less to the guitarist (who I struggle to sync. with) and finally, we reviewed all the songs and decided some needed more work before gigging them - specifically We are family, Get Ready and Heard it through the grapevine. As a band, we took some big steps forward last night and tonight's gig is now looking significantly less daunting.
  19. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1385564890' post='2289704'] No offence taking Mr Digus (did you notice the ��) I was just suggesting that like any bass, it is capable off my different sounds, a small tweak here or there may of got our dear friend off the hook with the singer. I am in a Seattle tribute band, and I am changing my tone and vols pots, hand position and right hand finger technique constantly to try and nail the sound of the original. But seriously, how good is Bern?? Come on OP, how was the gig? [/quote] We're rehearsing tonight (27th) and the gig's tomorrow night. We're at the Metro Bar in Manchester Victoria, 6-30 to 7-30 if anybody wants to come and say hello. I'll be the stressed-looking guy at the back.
  20. I've seen many of the rehearsal rooms/studios in Manchester. The cleanest, quietest, most helpful place has to be Great Image Studios in Hazel Grove: http://www.greatimage.co.uk/
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