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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. Lady in red [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt2YIpZWBqA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt2YIpZWBqA[/url]
  2. Sheena Easton [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huNejF17gzg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huNejF17gzg[/url]
  3. Thought I was sorted, but band folded after 6 meetings. So, still looking for a decent party/function covers band...
  4. [quote name='Johannes Oehl' timestamp='1371320247' post='2112610'] I just PM´ed Steve. [/quote] And replied.
  5. I am interested in this. I will wait patiently in the queue while Merton has a think. Please let me know if it's still available thereafter. I'm away 17th - 28th June. Steve
  6. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1370389158' post='2100316'] If it's just for rehearsal and you already have a compact, why not make the weight/size saving worthwhile and go for a ten inch unit? I use one loaded with the celestion ntr ten from a markbass f1 and always have volume in reserve, it is a nice driver. [/quote] Yes - good point.
  7. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1370420019' post='2100457'] A lot depends upon the relative importance to you of having something you've made yourself versus a practical solution. A second hand speaker means you can try before you buy, you have good residual value if you need to sell, you know exactly what you are getting. If you decide to go ahead you could try this driver [url="http://profesional.beyma.com/pdf/SM-212E.pdf"]http://profesional.b...pdf/SM-212E.pdf[/url] I use them and like the sound, smooth and controlled. This is a ceramic magnet driver but still only 2kg more than the Celestion with better excursion and lower bass. 6V6 is building a cab at the moment with this driver, you could wait until he reports back how it sounds and then go for it. Here's the thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/200152-1x12-diy-cab-build/"]http://basschat.co.u...-diy-cab-build/[/url] [/quote] I'm not a very practical person ("DIY" = Destroy It Yourself, as far as I'm concerned...) so, in reality, I'd be just about capable of fitting a driver into a pre-prepared cab - hence my interest in the empty cab + driver idea. I'd certainly not be capable of building a cab from scratch. You make sensible, practical points about what I'm aiming for. Basically, I want something that's easier to take to rehearsal than the Compact. I realise I'm probably not going to get anything much lighter than the Compact, but I'd be interested in something that is less awkward/cumbersome to carry up/down a steep flight of twisting stairs to a basement room and could also be used for home practice. I don't want to spend any more than £200 but i don't want something that sounds awful. I don't want much, really. Secondhand? No problem. Easy (empty, pre-built) cab + matched driver + 6 screws + push-fit wiring? No problem. This? [url="http://www.basscentre.com/bass-cabs/eden-ex110-cab.html"]http://www.basscentre.com/bass-cabs/eden-ex110-cab.html[/url] or maybe the 112 version.
  8. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1370302893' post='2099014'] I thought you had a Barefaced Compact Steve? [/quote] Yes - I still do. At 13 kg it's really light and powerful. That said, It's still a bit awkward to lug up and down stairs because of its size. Never satisfied, you see. I'm looking for something I can use with the GKMB500 at home for practice and also at rehearsal. The obvious solution would be a Barefaced Midget, but I haven't saved enough bottle tops for one of those yet. So - something just like a Midget, but half the price. Like a Golf, but not a Golf. Something like your Zoot 112, in fact.
  9. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1370284306' post='2098647'] You'd need to port the cab and tune it. Plus that celestion probably handles about 100-150w tops. [/quote] Aaah, right. What would be a good, inexpensive, lightweight alternative to that driver, capable of handling 250 - 300W?
  10. I've been looking for a decent, light 112 cab to go with my GK MB500 head. How about this cab: [url="http://www.lean-business.co.uk/eshop/montage-112-intro-empty-1-x-12-guitar-cabinet-p-1844.html"]http://www.lean-business.co.uk/eshop/montage-112-intro-empty-1-x-12-guitar-cabinet-p-1844.html[/url] with one of these inside it: [url="http://www.watfordvalves.com/product_detail.asp?id=3036"]http://www.watfordvalves.com/product_detail.asp?id=3036[/url] £200, 300w neo driver, 12 kgs. What do we reckon, folks
  11. I'd forgotten that not only do you have to take off the pickguard, you have to take the neck off to adjust the relief. Flaming pain. Anyway, I've eased the truss rod by 1/4 turn, dropped the pickup a smidgeon and bolted it all back together. With the new strings, this has made a definite improvement, and the tone is noticeably fuller and deeper than it was at 9 o'clock this morning. So, with everybody's help, I think we're getting there. Thanks, folks.
  12. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1369646459' post='2091098'] oh I'm pretty sure in the OP's case it's about the action and curve in the neck - but cables can have an odd effect on tone - esp (obviously) on passive basses. [/quote] Could you explain your comment about the action and neck-curve, please?
  13. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1369606995' post='2090899'] try a new cable too [/quote] Really? OK - That's easily done.
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1369564663' post='2090430'] I went through a phase a while ago of chipping away at the action on one of my Ps, making it lower and lower over a period of time. At one gig, I realised it sounded terrible - not clanky as such. just loads of barky mids, and no authority. The notes weren't very big acoustically either. I raised the action back so something sensible, and it sounded fab again... IME, of course.. [/quote] Hmmm - I wonder whether this may be the problem. I generally have my action set fairly high and over the past few weeks I've been gradually lowering the saddles bit by bit without touching the truss rod. One of my many bad habits is that I tend to strike downwards with my plucking hand (never use a pick) which means I have to set the action quite high to stop me bouncing the strings off the frets. I've put a new set of strings on. I've got the expected zingyness which slightly confuses the issue, but the good news is that the barky mids have been reduced noticeably. Still missing the rich, full bottom-end P-sound however.
  15. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1369562915' post='2090401'] To me, [i][b]middy [/b][/i]and [i][b]clanky [/b][/i]are two different things ... especially when discussing P-basses. If you have recently adjusted either the action or the truss-rod, or maybe if there has been a big change in humidity and the neck has moved, then I would understand [i][b]clanky [/b][/i]and know how to get rid of it. IME getting a P to sound too [i][b]middy [/b][/i]is bloody difficult, and I'd be looking at the amp. Presumably you've tried playing it through other rigs? [/quote] The only other rig I have is my Eden E10 practice amp and it's the same story there - the P bass has gone from rich "n" full tone to barky/middy with a distict lack of bottom end. I did lower the saddles a little last week, but I haven't touched the neck relief because that's too much of a faff (you have to remove the pickguard to get to the truss-rod adjuster).
  16. I have a Fender 62 reissue fotoflame strung with Status halfwounds playing through a GKMB500/Compact rig, no effects at all. It sounds rich and full to the extent that I'm normally trying to dial out some of the classic P-bass thump, especially in a live gig setting. However, over the past week, this setup has started to sound much more middy and clanky. At band rehearsal last week, for the first time ever, i was turning on the amp's bass boost and turning the mids down, and it still sounded barky and clanky - much more akin to my G&L L2000, in fact. What's going on? I'm wondering whether the strings need changing - they're about 18 months old. I was expecting old strings to become thuddy and dull, but the opposite has happened to the bass' tone. Any thoughts, folks?
  17. [quote name='patch006' timestamp='1369470470' post='2089502'] Its the amp Solo. [/quote] I rather thought it would be. My search continues...
  18. Is this the Puma head or the combo, please? If it's the combo, I'm interested.
  19. [quote name='Oldman' timestamp='1369260930' post='2087158'] You are not serious this is being offered as a rig, read the posts! It's a special piece of kit buy it all, sell the Sub, simples. If the combo was up for grabs it would have gone many moons ago. [/quote] Go easy there. I did actually read the thread. If you don't ask, you don't get. Hope that's OK with you.
  20. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1369136140' post='2085188'] Worth a punt if you're near Bexleyheath [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-60-70sCMI-BASS-GUITAR-/370813514672?clk_rvr_id=481965891467&vectorid=229508"]http://www.ebay.co.u...vectorid=229508[/url] [/quote] Maybe it's my old eyes but, in photo 1, are the strings and the neck running parrallel? Track the E string along the neck, with reference to the neck edge.
  21. My neighbours have an upright piano they want rid of. All I know is that it's an upright, it needs tuning and it's free. You'll need to collect it from their house in the Stockport area. Please contact my neighbours direct if you're interested: Heather and Martin Delamere. 0161 427 5309
  22. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-70s-Fender-Precision-P-Bass-Sunburst-all-original-genuine-1974-/330913297714?_trksid=p2047675.m2109&_trkparms=aid%3D555001%26algo%3DPW.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D29%26meid%3D7717198123197383702%26pid%3D100010%26prg%3D1013%26rk%3D4%26sd%3D321123372869%26"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-70s-Fender-Precision-P-Bass-Sunburst-all-original-genuine-1974-/330913297714?_trksid=p2047675.m2109&_trkparms=aid%3D555001%26algo%3DPW.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D29%26meid%3D7717198123197383702%26pid%3D100010%26prg%3D1013%26rk%3D4%26sd%3D321123372869%26[/url]
  23. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1368679576' post='2080080'] DV247 (ok, they've got some bad press atm, but..) and Musik Productiv both claim to have them in stock, so you might be able to pick up a new one after all. [/quote] [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/ibanez-sr505-5-string-bass-guitar-brown-mahogany--50256"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/ibanez-sr505-5-string-bass-guitar-brown-mahogany--50256[/url] "4 in stock"
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