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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. [quote name='Joebass' timestamp='1368497513' post='2077784'] Hello. The end of each chorus is: C G/B C The outro is the same as the verse: |Em7 / / / | G / Asus4 A | Joe. [/quote] Hello Joe, Thank you for your help. Outro is now fine but I'm still slightly struggling with the last line of the verse. Hobbayne's suggestions for the chorus are different from what I've been playing, so I'll need to check Hobbayne's, yours and mine. For reference, here's what I'm currently playing in the chorus: [C ]Baby you should never [D] look me in the eyes [C] Yeah you buckle with the [D] weight of the words [C] Stop dragging my, [D] stop dragging my [C] Stop [B] dragging my [C] heart around
  2. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UD0c58nNCQ[/media] I reckon I've got this 90% right, but I'm struggling with two passages: The last line of each chorus. I think it's either: [C] Stop dragging my [B] heart [C] around or [C] Stop dragging my [D] heart around The outro, after the final chorus, where she sings "Stop draggin...". I [i]think[/i] it's a reversal of the chord progression used in the verse: [A] Stop [G] dragging my [E] heart around Could somebody with better ears than me please check? It's doing my head in. Steve
  3. Well, you live an learn. In my ignorance, I thought the JMB poster was referring to Bruce Wayne's batcave as a sort of handy shorthand for goth music. The Wikipedia link educates me.
  4. This is how to start a band from scratch: [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/miss-boniface-t501785.html"]http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/miss-boniface-t501785.html[/url]
  5. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1368095124' post='2073050'] Every band needs an organiser, but lots of bands don't want or welcome such a person. I'm pretty organised, and I used to think this would be welcomed by a band. I'm happy to get involved in booking rehearsal rooms, ensuring that everybody is learning the same version of songs, getting gigs etc. However, the less organised people I play with can be easily spooked by somebody like me (and me by them) and the result can be some tension between the "can't you just [i]feel[/i] it" brigade and the "we only play what we've rehearsed" group. Happens every time. I despair. [/quote] This thread has got me going. I'm looking to start a band from scratch but I fear I won't be able to because I'm punctual and organised. For example, I attempted to meet up with a singer for coffee recently. After waiting for an hour, I left. We tried twice more and she was late each time. "I don't do late", I said and I was told off for being inflexible and unrealistic when dealing with musicians. I might as well give up forming a band right now then.
  6. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1368093791' post='2073029'] because there's loads of people out there who are totally incapable of organising anything, every band needs someone who tries to anticipate problems before they happen, in other words a nurse maid, perhaps that ought to be in the OP's list as well [/quote] Every band needs an organiser, but lots of bands don't want or welcome such a person. I'm pretty organised, and I used to think this would be welcomed by a band. I'm happy to get involved in booking rehearsal rooms, ensuring that everybody is learning the same version of songs, getting gigs etc. However, the less organised people I play with can be easily spooked by somebody like me (and me by them) and the result can be some tension between the "can't you just [i]feel[/i] it" brigade and the "we only play what we've rehearsed" group. Happens every time. I despair.
  7. Each to their own... [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/bassist-looking-to-start-goth-rockdeathrockpost-punk-band-t501460.html"]http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/bassist-looking-to-start-goth-rockdeathrockpost-punk-band-t501460.html[/url]
  8. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1366446522' post='2052643'] I'd just like to sound like someone vaguely competent! [/quote] Seashell has summarised what I was drivelling on about neatly and succinctly.
  9. Some sweeping generalisations being made by the OP that I would like to comment on because over the past few weeks I've been thinking hard about what I would like to get from playing music: "When we all start out, on any instrument, presumably all of us had some inspiration from another musician... " [color=#0000CD] Not in my case. I started to play bass aged 50 because I wanted to play a musical instrument. At that point I could not have named one bass player.[/color] "When we start playing, we can't wait to start playing the songs our idols play, then we can't wait to have their sound, we can't wait to take what they have done, and make it our own, by improvising around the general idea, and that is how things go for must of us I assume, certainly me anyway." [color=#0000CD]Not in my case. I had, indeed I [i]have[/i], no real desire to "make things my own". I play in covers bands and I've seen quite a few examples of people trying to "make things their own" and wrecking a perfectly good song in the process.[/color] "...i simply realised that I have the capacity to play things in my own distinct way, which is the real goal I suppose." [color=#0000FF] Well, it's [i]a[/i] goal, certainly. However, there are other goals and it's not my primary goal with my bass playing[/color] [color=#000000]"I've heard it said many times by musicians "It's important to sound like yourself"...[/color][color=#0000FF] " Well, again, that's one thing that some people may be aiming for. Good for them. However, in my case, I personally don't think it's important to sound like myself (whatever that "sound" may be). Indeed, for me, it's more important to nail a song, be tight and well-rehearsed and then get out there and enjoy the gig.[/color] And that is (presumably) what all musicians realise, sooner or later[color=#0000FF] Not necessarily. In my case, I have come to realise that the pleasure I get from playing music often comes from without - it largely comes from the audience. Realising that I don't have to develop my own style has enabled me to stop feeling "guilty" about playing other people's basslines. For me, a "musician" is simply somebody who plays music - whether it be their own or somebody else's.[/color] Interesting thread! Steve
  10. Well, I've thought about this and I've just emailed the band to say "Thanks, but no thanks" to the dep work for all my reasons above. I just don't think I'd enjoy the whole experience, and I don't need the money.
  11. I hadn't advertised myself as a dep, and I wasn't seeking any dep work. The band saw my "bassist available" ad on one of the usual websites and contacted me asking if I'd consider depping for them. I've just received the setlist. There are 25 songs and I'd need to learn 13 from scratch. The remaining songs I've played before, but virtually all will need a key change. For me, that's a lot of work. Also, I'm afraid the setlist leaves me cold - I think it would feel like a chore learning and playing them on the night. I wouldn't feel engaged by the songs. So, looking at this as objectively as I can, I'd say; I hadn't regarded myself as experienced or musically flexible enough to take on dep work I don't read I like to arrive at gigs well-rehearsed and practised I would need to put in a[i] lot[/i] of time before the gig to feel comfortable I don't especially like the songs on the setlist Looks like "Thanks, but no thanks"
  12. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1366017828' post='2047224'] Yes, if you are a regular dep, you will have those skills, so £100 is very cheap. If you are not a regular dep and aren't set up for it, you will need a rehearsal at least. We have used a dep keyboard player a couple of times. We paid him £20 less than an equal split, because deps don't pay for rent or fuel or the PA etc. Was still a good wage. [/quote] I'm certainly not a regular dep. I don't read, and I wouldn't say I learn songs extremely quickly. I have always taken pride in practising hard at home so I know what I'm doing at rehearsals and gigs. For me, one rehearsal doesn't sound enough to learn intros, outros, different keys to what I'm used to. In reality, maybe I'm not the right person for depping at this gig.
  13. I've been asked to dep for one gig in May. As far as I know it's a fee-paying gig in a social club. I'm told that there is "only time for one rehearsal before the gig". It will be the first time I've done any dep work and the band has asked "What is your dep fee?" What's normal for dep work? I was thinking it was simply a matter of accepting what the bassist would normally have received for the gig. Steve
  14. Shaolin Temple Defenders [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysjgaO2vJCQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysjgaO2vJCQ[/url] Laura Vane and the Vipertones [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEDNa-jS5fs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEDNa-jS5fs[/url]
  15. See this thread too: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/187685-anybody-play-cajon-i-fancy-a-go/page__hl__cajon"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/187685-anybody-play-cajon-i-fancy-a-go/page__hl__cajon[/url]
  16. Hi Chris, I've recently started to play cajon, and I'm really enjoying it. In fact, it's starting to take over from the bass as my main instrument. There are many cajons available. They basically split into two types - those with snare wires and those without. I generally play the cajon in pop, rock and indie songs and the snare-snap sound is a basic requirement for these, I feel. You can buy cajons with an external switch to "turn off" the snare but this switch often gets in the way of your playing. Probably best to avoid cajons made of MDF or glassfibre or pine. Other than that, you're basically paying for fancy finishes and exotic woods which may or may not make a difference to the sound. As a very rough guide, £100 should get a decent sounding new one - plenty on Ebay. You may need to consider micing the cajon. I use this: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CAJON-DRUM-MIC-KIT-MICROPHONE-CLAMP-CAHON-percussion-folk-instrument-/221175155288?pt=UK_Music_Instruments_Microphones_MJ&hash=item337f110a58"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CAJON-DRUM-MIC-KIT-MICROPHONE-CLAMP-CAHON-percussion-folk-instrument-/221175155288?pt=UK_Music_Instruments_Microphones_MJ&hash=item337f110a58[/url] It clips on securely and really helps to capture the bass sound. I use my mic a lot when playing with other musicians (it simply feeds straight into the desk) and it means I don't end up hitting the cajon too hard and hurting myself. Occasionally, I'll mic the cajon into my Eden E10 bass combo and that works surprisingly well too. For basic playing techniques, check out Heidi Joubert on YouTube - she's posted lots of useful videos. Get your posture right from the start or you'll hurt your lower back for certain - I did. Ideally, you have to be shaped like a gorilla - short back and long arms. Keep things simple and practise basic beats slowly, making sure you alternate your hands. Drop me a PM if I can help with anything else. I've not been playing all that long and I've already realised the basic mistakes I made - happy to pass them on! Steve
  17. Three of my friends have put together a band, and an associated website. When I looked at the website I was immediately concerned and suspicious: 1. The person singing on the audio files has nothing to do with the band. 2. Of the three people pictured on the website, only one is in the band. I have no idea who the other two are. 3. There are a number of "gigs" being advertised in the form of event posters with the band's name on them. On closer inspection, these are fraudulent - the band's name has been digitally added to the posters in place of a band that is actually booked. Being cautious, I checked with the event organisers and my friends' band has definitely not been booked for the events. I sent a very carefully worded email to my friends accusing them of nothing. I asked who was singing on the audio samples and I pointed out that there seemed to be a mismatch between the posters on the band's website and the events' own posters, adding "I'm not sure what's happened there..." The reply I received confirmed that the audio samples were not of the band and that the posters were false; "Haha - well spotted, Steve! We put the website together in a hurry and the content is temporary - we'll put our own stuff on there as soon as we can". Good, I thought - they now know it's been spotted and they'll do something about it. That was a week ago. Today the the band has advertised themselves on a gig-source portal with the website completely unaltered. Given that I know for certain that it is, at best, misleading and, at worse, fraudulent, what's the best thing to do? Ignore it because it's none of my business? Contact the band again privately and say something like "It might be a good idea to have another think about the website contents in case anybody finds out that the important information is false..."? Report the band and its website as fraudulent to the gig-source portal? Steve
  18. The Baton is clearly in good hands.
  19. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1365175419' post='2036402'] Great pic! Bystander bemused by ant chance? [/quote] Yes - I think so! We decided not to go into detail about what we were up to apart from saying; "It's alright, we're not nicking it or anything...", which, of course, only made it look even more shifty.
  20. Slightly furtive-looking handover completed in car park at Macclesfield train station, as captured by a pressganged bystander. I'm on the left, chrismuzz on the right. Sounds like chrismuzz is going to make The Baton earn its keep. [attachment=131851:001.JPG]
  21. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1365108125' post='2035574'] I'm not sure what time I'm about on Saturday yet, but are you free Friday afternoon? [/quote] PM'd you
  22. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1365103904' post='2035478'] Bugger Well I'm gigging on the 13th so if nobody else has anything sooner I'll have it next! [/quote] As it turns out, I'm not going away this coming weekend. So, when's a good time for us to meet up for a handover? Just about any time is OK with me, apart from Sunday when I'll be sailing.
  23. Fate is against me on this one. It's just been confirmed that my gig tomorrow night (5th April) has been cancelled. Apparently, the venue closed two weeks ago and didn't inform the bands that had been booked. So - who's having it next? Steve
  24. Nice bassline here: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0tGE2N3NKE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0tGE2N3NKE[/url]
  25. In theory, I'm playing The Baton this Friday, 5th April. I say "In theory" because the venue is not returning calls or emails, and it cancelled last weekend's scheduled gig. It's possible our gig may be cancelled. I'm away 6th - 7th, so I'll be able to hand over the bass anytime after that. I'm surprised that nobody else in Manchester has put themselves forward. Steve
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