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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1364465676' post='2026786'] If you can get hold of a good Ibanez Promothean 5110 Combo you'd be laughing, it'd suit your needs perfectly! [/quote] Well, I got a new P3110 from Thomann and it lasted 20 minutes before dying. Its replacement lasted longer but wasn't loud enough - 150W or so on its own (300W with an extension speaker. So, I'm sort of off Prometheans at the moment.
  2. EEEK! Bit of a problem with the bass this morning - now fixed. The bass needed a bit of a wash and brush-up, and some routine maintenance. So, this morning, I; - Sorted out the loose jack socket. - Quick squirt of switch cleaner into the pots and jack socket - electrics are much quieter now. - Removed the strings to clean and oil the fretboard with lemon oil. Smells like your mum's kitchen now. - Tightened all tuners - they were all loose and rattling - Cleaned the bridge and removed nearly all of the rust. Putting the strings back on, the nut cracked and half went flying across the kitchen! Oh sh*t. Panic phone call to Steve Robinson guitar tech in Manchester. "Bring it straight over" he said. While I waited, he fitted a new nut and he tweaked the truss-rod to get rid of the fret-buzz at frets 1-5. Since it's the BC relay bass, he didn't charge anything. He's a good man. Here's his website: [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/"]http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/[/url] Anyway, the bass is now much fitter and healthier and ready to get back out on the road. All's well that ends well. Steve
  3. Pictures from kev's gig at the Golden Eagle in Chester on 28th March: Kev explaining the bass relay before playing: [attachment=131320:Kev 1.JPG] Kev playing and singing: [attachment=131318:Kev 3.JPG] Kev hands bass to me in the interval while eating his pick: [attachment=131319:Kev and Steve.JPG] I'll be playing with my old band Ask Anyone at Madisons wine bar in Rawtenstall on 5th April. Anyone in the area, please do come along and say hello. I'll then pass the bass on to Vinny for his gig on 13th April. Cheers, Steve
  4. Just back from Chester. Kev "lurksalot" and his band were rocking the Golden Eagle - people singing, clapping and dancing. Good, tight band! Kev handed the bass to me. Pictures to follow tomorrow. Steve
  5. You mean it [i]doesn't[/i] weigh 12 Kgs!? Really!?
  6. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1364473813' post='2026924'] I would be more worried about the quoted weight - 12Kg suppose it's a concrete body [/quote] Crikey - hadn't spotted that. So, 12 Kg (26.5 Lbs). It might even be heavier than my mahogany-and-brass Blazer. Surely not.
  7. [quote name='Lee Carter' timestamp='1364469956' post='2026849'] Just my two-penneth but I to tried one of these and found the neck to be bloody awful. Hard to put my finger on why, it just felt very unwieldy in my hands, could of been my hands of course ;-) [/quote] Well, that's interesting - you're echoing what cocco was saying, above. Pickup seems to be a little dubious too. I'm losing interest..
  8. [quote name='OliverBlackman' timestamp='1364424919' post='2026462'] I love mine. But be warned, apparently it's not an American standard pickup in the 60th anniversary. According to a post from a rep at fender uk it was instead a mex made 60's reissue pickup. I cannot remember what forum it was on as it was a long time ago but it's worth a google search. He went on to say it was a catalogue mistake that was never changed. I must admit they lacked a bit of low end. I replaced the pick up with some fralins and it's now so good that it is the only bass I will never sell. [/quote] Hmmm - that's interesting! I'm hoping to try the bass out in the next few days, but it will only be in the seller's house, through my practice amp - so, not a good representation of gig-level tone and volume.
  9. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1364426666' post='2026498'] solo4652 in Rawtenstall on the 5th, then me in Bromborough on the 13th. Next? [/quote] On to Chrismuzz in Stoke??
  10. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1364428683' post='2026539'] On the plus side , its all plus , on the minus , I am also gigging on the 13th so won't be able to come and enjoy the craic young Vinny- my-lad , ah well , as a mr green once said . the party is still on tommorrow night for y'all . [/quote] Great! I'll come over tomorrow night (28th) and pick up the bass from you. I'll then pass it to Vinny after my gig on 5th April. See you tomorrow, then. Steve
  11. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1364424014' post='2026444'] I've PM'd solo, I don't want him to miss out if (as it appears) he's only got the one gig to play it at. [/quote] Thanks Vinny - PM replied to. I saw that the relay looked as if it might be stalling, so I offered to do something to keep it going. I'm not in a band at the moment, but I contacted an old band of mine and they graciously offered me 1 song at their gig in Rawtenstall on 5th April. I'm happy to pick the bass up from Kev and then hand it to you after the 5th if that helps the relay at all. If it over-complicates things, then I'll simply stand aside - it's not a problem. Steve
  12. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1364410385' post='2026154'] Excellent news ,we have people queing for it now Latest from me is that Vinny has been in contact and will happily take it on next and I have tentatively given him the OK ,though I am not sure he can attend on thursday, or what his gig diary is like, but I will point him to the thread now and get his input with regard the other kind offer from Steve . Kev [/quote] Hi Kev, Not a problem at all. I can take the bass if Vinny isn't able to, and play it for 1 song at Madisons in Rawtenstall on 5th April. Apparently, I'll be playing Sweet Home Alabama.... Just let me know, Steve
  13. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1364384809' post='2025641'] If you have it next, I'm only an hour's drive away so I'll come get it after you. I've got 3 decent gigs in April Unless somebody closer wants it before me? [/quote] I've just emailed my old band, and they're happy to let me do one song at their gig on 5th April. So, if I pick it up from Lurksalot, play it on 5th April and then pass it to you, would that work? Steve
  14. I'm happy to be a link in this. I'm in Stockport and I can pick up the bass this Friday or Saturday. I'm not gigging at the moment, but I'm off to a jam night on Sunday, if that's any good. I might be able to blag a guest spot for one song with my old band who are gigging on 5th April, but I'd need to know soonish if I'll have the bass at that time. Don't want to get in the way of its journey to Scotland with mcnach. Steve
  15. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1364372657' post='2025440'] I had one of these, I'd recommend playing before you buy, I didn't like the neck at all. [/quote] What was it about the neck you disliked? I see you have a Blazer - I have one too. If I buy the MIM P, either it or the Blazer will be my gig back-up and the other will have to go. Which do you prefer, and why?
  16. Folks, I have my eye on an MIM Precision 60th anniversary, just like this: [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Fender_-_60th_Anniversary_Standard_Precision_Bass/FEN-0146102355"]http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Fender_-_60th_Anniversary_Standard_Precision_Bass/FEN-0146102355[/url] Will the American series pickup make a noticeable difference compared to a standard MIM pickup? Steve
  17. Hi, I've recently started to play the cajon. I've been to a couple of open mic nights and enjoyed jamming along with acoustic guitarists to pop, rock, blues, indie songs. So, flushed with inital success, I'm now looking for people to join and jam with so I can continue to improve. I have lots of band experience as a bassist, so I know how rehearsals, gigging, bands and live music works. Duos, threesomes, full bands playing soft-rock, pop, blues, funk, soul, indie, power ballads - I'll give them all a try. Being honest, I'm not really into traditional folk music, thank you. I live in the Stockport area and I'm very happy to drive to meet up with the right crew if the vibe's right. PM me with anything interesting, Regards, Steve
  18. [url="http://www.musicroom.com/se/id_no/01063182/details.html?kbid=1582"]http://www.musicroom.com/se/id_no/01063182/details.html?kbid=1582[/url] Anybody seen or used one of these? Seems a really good price. Weighs 19 kgs, though.
  19. Hi, I'm looking for a duo, threesome, full band, acoustic, electric - it's all good. Ideal would be a female-fronted covers band, really. I'm into soul, funk, blues, soft-rock, pop, indie, ballads, but not classic rock, thank you. I'm experienced, mature and sensible with loads of time available for rehearsals and gigs. Not only that, I learn songs before rehearsals and I help lug drum kits too - how good is that! I'm more than happy to drive to meet up with the right crew if the vibe's good. Manchester, Macclesfield, East Cheshire... PM me with anything interesting and I'll get straight back to you. Cheers, Steve
  20. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1363269148' post='2010730'] If you're doing "acoustic" gigs without a kit drummer, a good 10" is easily enough. I regularly use a 1x10" with drum kit in pubs, though in a bigger room or with louder electric guitarists I'd want more. The GK does look good value though, and if it's lighter than the Ashdown there's no real downside for portability. [/quote] It'll be a 4-piece: Singer, "acoustic" guitar + BVs, cajon (possibly miced)/other hand percussion, me on bass/another cajon, depending on the song. We're targetting smart wine bars and decent pubs. We even have a traditional Tearoom interested! So, not loud, low faff, quick and easy in, and out. For larger venes, I'll use my GK MB500/Barefaced Compact rig
  21. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ashdown-Five-Fifteen-100w-bass-combo-/281077767249?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item41718a5c51"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item41718a5c51[/url] As queried by, and cleared with the mods, this is not my own ad! I have nothing whatsoever to do with this combo - I just thought somebody on here might be interested in it. Steve
  22. I'm still in the market for a small, light, cheap, powerful, reliable combo (aren't we all?!) for "coffee shop" gigs alongside an acoustic guitarist and singer. What about the mibass combo? - now £300 (reduced from £700!): [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Ashdown_MiBass_220_110_Bass_Combo_Amplifier/ASH-MIBASS-220-110"]http://www.soundsliv...-MIBASS-220-110[/url] Can't seem to find any reviews on the web. Anybody got one? Any good? Or there's the GK MB112 for £249: [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Gallien_Krueger_MB_112-II_Bass_Combo_Amp/GK-MB112-II?CAWELAID=1834946507"]http://www.soundsliv...LAID=1834946507[/url] which gets good reviews, has a 12" rather than a 10" driver, is lighter and cheaper. Hmmmm. Might be answering my own query here... Steve
  23. You can buy just the pickups here for £1000: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Original-Vintage-1966-Fender-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-Pickups-Pickup-Set-/130868504014?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item1e785ee5ce"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Original-Vintage-1966-Fender-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-Pickups-Pickup-Set-/130868504014?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item1e785ee5ce[/url]
  24. Folks, Thanks for your views and comments. Late additions to the list: "Truth or beautiful" by Paloma Faith and "Where are you baby" by Betty Boo. I'm meeting a singer for a chat next week and I have a guitarist and a cajon/percussionist (not me) on hold. Aiming for a 4-piece acoustic setup, but very much dependent on the singer's vocal style and range. Steve
  25. Pay attention to initials, in case you unwittingly end up with S.H.I.T. or something equally disastrous!
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