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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362657351' post='2002798'] He's in Stockport though isn't he? Anyway, there are plenty on the list that I doubt many people have heard .. [i][font=Calibri]After Midnight - JJ Cale[/font] [font=Calibri]Pumped up kicks - Foster the people[/font] [font=Calibri]Steam - Laura Vane and the Vipertones[/font] [font=Calibri]Enjoy the ride - Morcheeba[/font] [font=Calibri]Rome wasn’t built in a day - Morcheeba[/font] [font=Calibri]So much trouble - Sir Joe Quaterman[/font][/i] Is it my perception or are there a hell of a lot of cover bands around at the moment, breeding like flies over the last few years. [/quote] yes - LOADS of covers bands. The one I was in folded 4 days ago and I don't want to join another bloke-band doing the same old pub-rock stuff. My aim with the funk/soul setlist was to come up with foot-tapping accesible songs that, even if people didn't know them, would nevertheless get people boogying. Steam by Laura Vane is a good example. Trying to do something just that little bit different. As most people have said, finding a female singer who could sing that lot is going to be a real problem. I do have somebody in mind, but she's a professional session singer and I don't think we'll be able to offer her enough money.
  2. I've been tossing a few ideas around with some friends about a possible female-fronted pub/party covers band. What do you think of this setlist, please? [font=Calibri]Free Me - Joss Stone [/font] [font=Calibri]Love shack - B52s[/font] [font=Calibri]Stupid Girl - Garbage[/font] [font=Calibri]Moses - Coldplay[/font] [font=Calibri]After Midnight - JJ Cale[/font] [font=Calibri]Groove is in the heart - Dee Lite[/font] [font=Calibri]Pumped up kicks - Foster the people[/font] [font=Calibri]Bohemian like you - Dandy Warhols[/font] [font=Calibri]Mercy - 3rd Degree[/font] [font=Calibri]Steam - Laura Vane and the Vipertones[/font] [font=Calibri]Happy birthday - Altered Images[/font] [font=Calibri]Do you believe - Cher[/font] [font=Calibri]I’m outa love - Anastacia[/font] [font=Calibri]Get this party started - Pink[/font] [font=Calibri]Tainted love - Imelda May[/font] [font=Calibri]Enjoy the ride - Morcheeba[/font] [font=Calibri]That’s not my name - Ting Tings[/font] [font=Calibri]You’ve got the love - Florence and the machine[/font] [font=Calibri]Rome wasn’t built in a day - Morcheeba[/font] [font=Calibri]Losing my religion - REM[/font] [font=Calibri]Hi Ho - The Lumineers[/font] [font=Calibri]What’s up - 4 non-blondes[/font] [font=Calibri]So much trouble - Sir Joe Quaterman[/font] [font=Calibri]Can’t touch this - MC Hammer[/font] [font=Calibri]One day like this - Elbow [/font] [font=Calibri]Chemistry - Semisonic[/font] [font=Calibri]My favourite game - The Cardigans[/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000] [/color][/size][/font]
  3. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/fender-precision-bass-60w-amp/1010825235"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/fender-precision-bass-60w-amp/1010825235[/url]
  4. How about this; I placed an ad on JoinMyBand as a beginner cajon player looking for people to jam with so I could improve. Here's the opening part of a reply I received: [color=#0000FF]"What's a cajun lol ? Cba lookin it up although I have heard of it , well I took up playin the rhythem guitar last year n built me own rehersal shed..."[/color] [color=#0000FF][/color] At first, I thought it was somebody I knew having a laugh, but I'm now fairly sure the guy's for real.
  5. I've recently started to play cajon and I've quickly discovered I need to mic it to keep up with a couple of acoustic guitars which are going through the PA. I bought this mic so I can go through the PA too: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/BODHRAN-MICROPHONE-CLAMP-ALSO-SNARE/dp/B004ZEUYK8"]http://www.amazon.co...E/dp/B004ZEUYK8[/url] The blurb says that because it's a dynamic mic it does not need batteries or an external power source. It works very well with the cajon and it means I don't have to hit the thing too hard (and hurt my fingers) to make myself heard in the mix. Suddenly I have some offers to jam and busk with a couple of bands but I'll need to have my own standalone amp for the cajon. Could I use my Eden E10 bass combo with the Yoga mic I've just bought? I don't want to try it and then wreck either the mic or the combo. All advice gratefully received. Steve
  6. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1361648131' post='1988853'] As most here have expressed, that reply tells you everything you need to know about the person who wrote it. May still be a nice band though, who need to get rid of one asshole. But trying to answer your question, here's what you wrote and my notes to it - not that [b][i]I[/i][/b] am that critical against your mail, mind you, and I'm very much aware that I'm from a different culture than yours, but I just to try and find what they may have reacted negatively towards by using my own critical eyes. [b]"Disclaimer":[/b] [b]This isn't meant in any other way than answering your question seriously. I hope it contributes to something and that it will not be regarded as a sneer.[/b] "I play bass (and, occasionally, cajon)" As devil's advocate, I'd say: Look at how much space these two elements each take, and how the bass gets no attention, while the cajon is highlighted by brackets, commas and a long word. Mind you, I understand this was not on prupose, but it works that way. My immediate reaction to that sentence, long before reading their answer was exactly that: the bass did not get any attention beyond being mentioned. "I'm currently playing with this band: (website link) but I'm very uncertain about its future." As devil's advocate, I'd say: This offers no details, no enthusiasm and may be seen as poorly worded. You "play with" instead of "being the bassist". May come across as unengaged and uncommitted. That was two short sentences about you. The rest of your message is four sentences about them, and asking them to provide you with more infor about them before you are going to supply them with more about you. As devil's advocate, I'd say: That may have patted them against the growing direction of their fur. IME, these things are dynamical in the interaction: their original ad was uninformative and badly written. You then didn't offer too much extra either, and the result is what we know. I suppose this was just a lucky escape for you, but in another case on the future: how about something slightly more like: " Hey guys, I'm much interested in your prospect. As a bassist with [kind] of background, and [such and so] of playing experience, I'm used to cooperate with the drummer so as to create a firm foundation for the rest of the band. I'm not a typical soloist, but I do try to create interesting parts for the rest of the band to listen to whilst at the same time trying to be clear and easy to respond to. Though having played hundreds of functions, incidentally I've never done weddings. I do know the typical songs though, and am willing to dress in style with the occasion. If this sounds remotely interesting, how about some words about you, your set list, gear and plans? To save time, you could just call me on 01-23456789. Thanks, and c-ya? " Again, I hope this contributes to something and is not regarded as a sneer. It isn't meant in any other way than answering your question in a serious manner. best, bert [/quote] Bert - thank you for your helpful and measured response. Steve
  7. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1361477656' post='1986440'] I assume he didn't see the bass bit and just saw the Cajon bit. How is your profile setup? What does it look like to other people? [/quote] Well the title of my reply to him was "Bass player here" and the opening phrase was "I play bass..."
  8. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1361470859' post='1986284'] I meant he'll probably pass the watering can tip on to the drummer. [/quote] Ah, so you did. We're cool.
  9. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1361468920' post='1986224'] The bassist is actually a BC member so I'm sure he'll pass that on... [/quote] I meant the bass [i]drum[/i] tone was lacking - bit difficult to get that from the fertiliser sack!
  10. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1361465689' post='1986149'] Well, in short - you're in a band already. Not wishing to cause offence, but your reply might have felt a little like window shopping if the chap was expecting commitment. What do you feel? [/quote] Well, I feel that he's being unhelpful and unwelcoming almost to the point of rudeness.
  11. I saw this ad on Join My Band: [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/bass-player-t470825.html"]BASS PLAYER[/url] (Greater Manchester) Hello, we are a three guys been in the business all our lives..........we have put together a high quality band playing to the wedding/lounge set. If interested get back with email, then we can chat and hopefully arrange something ASAP Stockport/Cheshire Standard: Semi-pro [color=#0000CD]My reply[/color] (slightly edited to remove information about my current band): I play bass (and, occasionally, cajon) and I live [locally]. I'm currently playing with this band: (website link) but I'm very uncertain about its future. Could you tell me a little more about your band, please? Do you have a setlist you could send me? Where and when do you rehearse? What sort of venues and gigs are you aiming at? Thanks, Steve [color=#0000FF]His reply[/color], in full; We have a percussionist, we want committment. Thanks for your interest The Band
  12. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1361411275' post='1985695'] Cajon's? Posh hi-tech stuff. Look what you can do with a pair of brushes and a plastic bag in a garden shed... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWOAp61jIWY[/media] [/quote] Ha! Love it. Good "snare" snap there, but a bit lacking in the bass department. He needs to have a look round the shed for a large watering can to kick.
  13. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1361376565' post='1984983'] We use a cajon sometimes and I think they really are great. First time I saw one it blew my mind so the last 3 bands I've been in we've bullied drummers into getting one [/quote] Our drummer isn't especially bothered about playing the cajon. He tells me that there is a big difference between playing drum kits and hand percussion - different set of skills, apparently. He's a fine drummer, but can't get on with the cajon. I can sort of see that, from a drummer's perspective, the cajon could be seen as a somewhat limited instrument. No matter - he's better on the bass than I am and so we swap over depending on the song. I've just seen this video of a funk groove on a cajon using a Heck Stick to the side. I like this. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwUTIjyXWHE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwUTIjyXWHE[/url]
  14. For the acoustic numbers in our set, I decided to have a "bash" at the cajon. I bought a good one off ebay and watched loads of YouTube vids. Lots of home practice and, heart in mouth, had a first go with the band lst night. We did Maggie May, Babylon, Yellow, I'm a believer and Stuck in the middle with you. Our drummer was on the bongos alongside me. I hadn't bargained for 2 1/2 hours, so I have sore fingers and wrists today. Enjoyed it, and got good comments from the rest of the band, including the drummer, so pretty pleased with my first attempt. I'll be playing more percussion with the acoustic set and then switch to (electric) bass for the full-band songs. Nice contrast for me. I've just ordered a cahon mic, and I'll buy some rubber thimbles for my fingertips.
  15. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/maranello-classic-bass-guitar/1007565866#gallery-item-full-4"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/maranello-classic-bass-guitar/1007565866#gallery-item-full-4[/url]
  16. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1359891938' post='1961564'] MB1. Currently Unavailable? [/quote] Can't have had much stock then - I bought mine 3 days ago at that price.
  17. Here you go - bargain price for one of these handy little recorders: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/LINE-6-BACKTRACK-MIC-REAMP/dp/B001ELJTD8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359813802&sr=8-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/LINE-6-BACKTRACK-MIC-REAMP/dp/B001ELJTD8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359813802&sr=8-1[/url]
  18. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1359504781' post='1956017'] Certainly harder to see the bass. Say, Solo, the pic thing doesn't work, on the stickies are instructions for a Photobucket and the like, the pics come out much better on here by doing that anyway, uploading (rather than link sharing) used to give a tiny pic. [/quote] Errr - I'm a bit confused. You seem to be telling me about picture-posting, and I'm not sure why. I'm not the person selling the bass!
  19. Folks, This situation has now resolved itself. Our new singer has resigned today. I'm very conscious that this is a public forum so I think the best thing for me to do is to bow out of the message thread, go away and learn some lessons from the experience.
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1359453641' post='1954852'] To the OP; when you add a musician the vibe of the band doesn't always change. Bass players and drummers usually just slot in, but when you add a singer the feel of the band will probably change. If the singer is any good, and I assume he is or you wouldn't have offered him the gig, why don't you utilise his strengths. In my experience a new singer always changes the feel of a band. They are usually the least flexible member and are the limiting factor. Unfortunately it's usually the singer that [i]makes[/i] the band. I don't think his set is very inspiring and yours could be better, so you've both got to select better numbers. You could end up with a great band if you both work at it. [/quote] Yes - I would agree with you an all counts. I'd welcome the chance to refresh our setlist. I'll air my concerns tonight at rehearsal and see what the reaction(s) are.
  21. We're a pub covers band. Here's our setlist - you wouldn't believe how much time I've spent getting the more recent songs included. Singer's choices are starred; Get it on - T Rex Inhaler - Miles Kane Bohemian like you - Dandy Warhols * Valerie - Zutons Lonely Boy - Black Keys * Mustang Sally * Dakota - Stereophonics * Importance of being idle - Oasis Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones * She does it right - Dr Feelgood * She sells sanctuary - The Cult Mollys Chambers - Kings of Leon Blues hand me down - Vintage Trouble Louie Louie - The Kinsmen 20th Century Boy - T Rex Chelsea Dagger - The Fratellis * Hard to handle - Black Crowes * Ballad of John and Yoko - The Beatles Losing my religion - REM Are you gonna be my girl - Jet Times like these - Foo Fighters Jean Genie - David Bowie Teenage kicks - The Undertones I can't explain - The Who Ever fallen in love - The Buzzcocks Creep - The Pretenders version Ain't no sunshine - Bill Withers Stupid Girl - Garbage Your heart is as black - Hart/Bonamassa Singer's suggestions: Stuck in the middle Don't stop Long train running Johnny B Goode Superstition Maggie May Saw her standing there You really got me Come up and see me Great balls of fire Message in a bottle
  22. We sacked our previous singer in October and it's taken this long to find a replacement. Our new singer has a fine voice, lots of band experience and has useful gig contacts. Result! However...he says he only wants to sing 8 songs from our current setlist. Also he is plainly unhappy with most songs post 1980 ("all that sh*t", he said). We're losing 2/3rds of our setlist to accomodate him. His song suggestions are all from his old band's setlist and are mostly from the 1970's. Wedding-band dad-rock. I can see that all the band's hard work to keep up to date with song choices looks in jeapardy, and I'm pretty unhappy about that. Am I being too impatient with getting the new singer on board? Time for me to look elsewhere?
  23. Looks like it's gone!
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