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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. [quote name='TJAS92' timestamp='1350397069' post='1838243'] Sounds brilliant but couldn't help but feel the bass was slightly lost in the mix [/quote] Seriously!? Blimey.
  2. The guitarist in my band relics guitars and basses for a living. He's in Manchester. PM me if you want his contact details.
  3. Bump up. The covers band is self-destructing, so I'm [i]definitely[/i] looking for a new project now.
  4. Sorry - I meant Abm, not Dbm/C#m. We're hearing the same thing, I think. A couple more rock-bass thoughts: Your friend's track is pretty crowded as it is. It may well be that "less is more" when it comes to adding a bassline to it. Something simple based on the 1-4-5 triads with a few passing notes to link it all up could do the job nicely. I play in a noisy rock band with two guitarists. I have a Fender P but I don't use it because it's too thumpy to make itself heard when the guitarists are going for it. The Ibanez Blazer and the G&L L2000 cope better because they have a more middy sound naturally. So, as has already been said, you may well have to boost your mids to establish some bass presence if it all starts getting too busy and loud. Consider a pick too, for more attack. Be wary about trying to get yourself heard simply by turning your volume up - you'll start a volume-war with the guitarist(s).
  5. Thanks - I can open it now. Does it start off as a 1-4-5 blues progression in C#m? Standard 12-bar pattern fits for a while, then it seems to change.
  6. Can't open your .ipb file without faffing about trying to find a file converter online. Is there any way you could convert it to, say, an MP3 file?
  7. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1349516444' post='1827205'] Very nasty. I think next time I put something valuable up for sale on Basschat I'll put a watermark on the pictures, if I can figure out how to do it. [/quote] How about a copy of a daily paper in the picture?
  8. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1349349529' post='1825020'] MB1. Whine Bar? A shop thats previously gone out of business that now has a tacky veranda and chairs outside! Serving overpriced warm bottled beer. (Perfect for those warm evenings in sunny Mancunia). [/quote] Hi Martin! Yep - that's the sort of thing! Something called "Spanky's", just opposite the train station, with a bin outside sponsored by McDonalds.
  9. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1349348155' post='1824984'] Hi Steve, 1) I thought you were sorted! 2) Not many of those type of bands around are area as there aren't many wine bars anymore. Just joking on point 2. I think I know what you are after and I'll keep my ears open. [/quote] Hello mate, 1) Well, I'm looking for something that's a better fit with my natural likes to run alongside the rock covers band. 2) Exactly! There are loads of pub-rock bands but not many cool-vibe female-singer outfits. Thanks for keeping me in mind, Steve
  10. Folks, I'm looking for a covers band playing groove-based pop, soul, indie, funky stuff, preferably fronted by a female singer. Sort of a wine-bar vibe without being elevator music or too mushy. Don't really want loud, 2-guitar classic rock, or anything too blokey or testosterone-fuelled, thank you. I have loads of time available for practice, rehearsals and gigs. I'm mature and reliable, and I learn songs before rehearsals - yes! Open to all suggestions and ideas, Steve
  11. Is there a decimal place error in that price?
  12. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-bass-guitar-/251159766302?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3a7a49e51e"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-bass-guitar-/251159766302?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3a7a49e51e[/url]
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1348993365' post='1820346'] I`ve no experience with that amp, but having used a fair few provided amps recently, I`ve found everything at 12 o`clock works well both for on-stage monitoring, and FOH. Not my usual sound, but invariably the amps have been too low-powered (50/100 watts) so this approach has been the most effective. [/quote] Yes - My first thought was "everything at 12 o'clock", providing there are no strange knobs and controls that have odd scaling properties. I don't want to get on stage, peer bemused at the head, choose some random settings and launch into the first song with an unworkable setup because I have no idea what I'm doing.
  14. Folks, Our next gig is a mini festival with supplied backline: "EBS TD600 head and Ampeg 4x10", with sound guy out front. Ideally, it's get on stage, plug in with minimal faffing and play, so as to maximise the 90 minute slot we have. I'm looking forward to using this quality rig. I've never seen an EBS TD600 head, let alone play through one. So, I'm looking for advice on a head setup for a neutral tone for use with a G&L L2000. I don't use effects at all and I don't tend to change amp settings once I start playing. So, what's a good plug-and-play setup for this head, please? Steve
  15. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1348904871' post='1819574'] Brilliant! I'll be recording in the next couple of weeks, ill give that a shot. A good friend who plays cajon a lot has had good results from putting the mic inside, but if this gets better results! I'll post the recorded piece up when it's done. Dan [/quote] Yes please - it'll be interesting to hear how it turns out. I always think of this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L4aeowB_YE[/media] with BC's own jakebrown fella on bass.
  16. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1348863417' post='1819378'] You advanced bass players I have played a cajon at a few jam nights. Quite good fun if you take them in the spirit they are made in! [/quote] First time ever I've been referred to as an "advanced player"! Just bought this: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cajon-Cajon-Sonor-Cajon-Grande-Pro-Range-Cajon-Drum-Free-Sonor-Cajon-Bag-NEW-/180962800039?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Drums_Percussions_MJ&hash=item2a223931a7&nma=true&si=nu7zue8rrkLZqNy2QWnkuVYy4JA%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cajon-Cajon-Sonor-Cajon-Grande-Pro-Range-Cajon-Drum-Free-Sonor-Cajon-Bag-NEW-/180962800039?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Drums_Percussions_MJ&hash=item2a223931a7&nma=true&si=nu7zue8rrkLZqNy2QWnkuVYy4JA%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557[/url]
  17. First go with cajon last night at rehearsal. Two guitars, two singers, all going through the PA. They referred to it as an "acoustic" session. Me and the cajon were not miced. I think the cajon was a fairly cheap one. It lives in the rehearsal room. I watched a few videos beforehand just to get the basics sort of right. I have to say I was a bit underwhelmed. The snare sound was OK but the "bass" sound was thin and indistinct to my ears. Of course, it was my first ever go so my technique was awful, but I'm left wondering if a decent, deep-ish bass tone is possible with a cajon. I came across an "extra large" cajon on the web that was supposed to give a deeper/richer bass tone by virtue of its size. Can this be true? Or am I expecting too much from a box with a hole? Enjoyed it anyway. Made a nice change to root, 3rd, 5th. Steve
  18. I play in a noisy pub-rock band with two guitarists, a drummer who thinks he's John Bonham and a singer who doesn't do quiet or subtle. My rig is a GK MB500 (weighs less than 2 Kgs) and a Barefaced Compact (14 Kgs). I don't think you'll get much lighter than that! Absolutely no problems making myself heard with bags of spare volume on tap. I'd also suggest the behringer BDi21. I've just bought one as an emergency backup in case either my head or cab fails at a gig. You can plug your bass straight into the desk via the BDI with no head or cab at all. I've only tried this at rehearsal and it worked surprisingly well. If you have a decent PA it might be well worth trying for £30. Steve
  19. [quote name='SteveO' timestamp='1348675252' post='1816808'] self built here too. It really is easy and cheap - about a tenner for the bits and that included the snare. lots of plans on the web. [/quote] Build?! Make?! From scratch? Sorry, I'm not with you. For me, DIY = Destroy It Yourself.
  20. [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1348620847' post='1816180'] If you fancy building one there's some plans posted by some of the guys in a thread I started in the other instruments section. The builds are easy enough, Im working on my forth at the moment. When it comes to playing I reckon the secret is to not over complicate things. I use one at acoustic sessions and usually try to play basic patterns which mimic the baseline. [/quote] I'd entirely missed the Other Instruments section - dooh. I can borrow a cajon for the next couple of weeks, so I'm going to do that just to see how I feel with it. Looking forward to it. Better forewarn the neighbours. Steve
  21. Hi folks, I'm interested in trying my hand(s) at Cajon, with a view to acoustic sessions alongside our singer and lead guitarist. I'd welcome any advice on: What's a good make to look for? What's a good material? (I've seen some advertised made of MDF!?) Any particular features to look for - padded seat? well-rounded edges and corners? adjustable snares? Let's say there is £120 available. Which would you buy? Cheers, Steve
  22. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1348254838' post='1811584'] Mine is on when the red LED is on?! That's quite confusing. Liam [/quote] Yes - you're right. I've just re-read the instructions: "The LED illuminates when the effect is activated". "The effect" = all the tone functions (EQ, Drive, Tube emulation). When they're deactivated (LED light off), "...the BDI functions solely as a transparent DI box". So, I'm confused now! When using the BDI with no head and no speaker, it seems I was getting best results when the tone functions were turned off. When they were on, I immediately got hiss, lower volume and more muddiness, especially with the G&L. I'll need to do some more experimenting. Steve
  23. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1348221930' post='1810990'] Probably not but you can It's just foam and mdf IIRC [/quote] Anti-vibration mats: [url="http://www.keepitquiet.co.uk/vibration_pad.html"]http://www.keepitquiet.co.uk/vibration_pad.html[/url] [url="http://www.soundsolutionconsultants.co.uk/acoustic-product/sound-mat.aspx"]http://www.soundsolutionconsultants.co.uk/acoustic-product/sound-mat.aspx[/url] [url="http://www.polymax.co.uk/rubber-anti-vibration-mount/rubber-pad/rubber-anti-vibration-mat"]http://www.polymax.co.uk/rubber-anti-vibration-mount/rubber-pad/rubber-anti-vibration-mat[/url] [url="http://www.studiospares.com/sound-insulation/acoustistop-rubber-floor-tile/invt/465130/"]http://www.studiospares.com/sound-insulation/acoustistop-rubber-floor-tile/invt/465130/[/url]
  24. I've just bought a Behringer BDI21 as a back up in case either my head or cab fails. I used it tonight at rehearsal with no head or cab. Plugged the bass straight into the desk via the BDI21. It worked very well - better than I was expecting. Certainly enough power and loudness to cope with a pub gig. Unsurprisingly, it didn't sound quite as sharp and clear as my usual gig rig, but it was perfectly acceptable as a back up. In fact, I've decided not to take my head or cab to rehearsals now - I'll just take the BDI and use the PA that lives in the rehearsal room. Saves lugging my gig rig to and from rehearsals. Some initial observations regarding using the BDI without a head or amp: Using my G&L L2000 bass, best results seem to be with bass on passive, blended pickups, all knobs set mid-way on BDI Using my Ibanez Blazer or Fender MIJ P, best results were all knobs set to mid-way on BDI. The Blazer in particular sounded very good with the BDI adding some richness to the Blazer's natural middiness to give a full, lush tone. With the Fender P, the BDI's tube emulation was getting a bit close to producing a bottom-heavy thumpiness that was almost too thuddy. Depends what you're after, of course. With all the basses, turning off the BDI but leaving it plugged in didn't work too well. There's quite a lot of noise, the tone is a bit woolly and the volume is reduced. So, either use the BDI as a combined DI and tube emulator, or unplug it completely and remove it from the signal chain. One final point: the red light on the BDI is pretty small and faint - in a brightly-lit rehearsal room it was difficult to see whether it was iluuminated or not. Also, Red light illuminated means the BDI is turned off - I find that confusing because red lights on my head generally mean a function is turned on. Hope some of that helps, Steve
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