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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1337170697' post='1656500'] MB1. "We've chosen a bass player who is already quite familiar with a large part of our set list?" ...You were but they didnt want you to play it? Very strange! Sounds like youve had a close escape!. [/quote] Yes - just what I thought. Who knows what the real reason was. Whatever. Onwards.
  2. Just received this email: [color="#000000"]. I'm sorry to have to say that although we all enjoyed the audition with you, we've chosen a bass player who was already quite familiar with a large part of our setlist and because we have gigs imminent we felt this was the sensible way forward. It was a close run thing, [/color]
  3. The band said they were auditioning some bassists last night (Monday 14th) and they'd get back to me after that. I just cannot [i]wait[/i] for the phone call.
  4. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1336929402' post='1652876'] You have possibly made my day. This band has real potential to provide material for an epic thread. You HAVE to join if asked. I can't wait to hear about the demo. I don't want to actually hear the demo, the story of its recording wil do. [/quote] The demo? Errr, not sure I know anything about that....
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1336859368' post='1652138'] So the gig on Friday was the first? Did you go to watch? You should definitely join if offered, just for comedy value. Tthis thread could become epic.... [/quote] The Friday gig was cancelled because the guitarist couldn't make it.
  6. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1336778546' post='1651118'] [/quote] Yep. Johngh and you were right.
  7. Update: I went to the audition last night. From the band's setlist, I had 11 songs prepared, 4 of which I'd learned from scratch. It turned out that it was only the second time that the band in its current line up had played together. The setlist I'd been sent related to the previous band's line-up, was way out of date and was going to be completely changed anyway. We ran through 6 of the songs and it was all pretty rough and ready, unsurprisingly. The band definitely has the potential to be a decent pub/club band. I'm not convinced about corporate functions and weddings, but who knows. I left because they were due to see another bassist, with 4 more being seen in 3 days time. I don't think the band had painted a true picture of the current situation. Actually, I wouldn't have been put off by knowing that they'd only just got together. I needn't have prepared so many songs. Don't mind if I get asked to join. Don't mind if I don't. Steve
  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1336430578' post='1645639'] ... and the melody in the opening bar goes G# G# B G# B D# (i.e. G#m triad) while the bass holds an E note underneath. [/quote] Thank you. Holding the E in the 1st bar and then playing the G#m triad in the 2nd bar (as a sort of echo of the vocals) sounds good. Steve
  9. [quote name='Shudehill' timestamp='1336428717' post='1645598'] E [/quote] That's what I thought.
  10. [url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/e/emeli_sande/heaven_crd.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate.../heaven_crd.htm[/url] Keys player tells me it's "G#m, with E as the first chord". Is that right, please?
  11. [quote name='REDLAWMAN' timestamp='1336412027' post='1645284'] I've no idea why anyone would use one of those, but now I want one...!! [/quote] I was wondering whether it would do a similar job to an Auralex Gramma pad, but at 1/3 price.
  12. As a development of this topic, I've been wondering how to stop my micro amp from sliding off the top of my Barefaced Compact if I use an amp stand like this: [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/guitar-stands/pid12048/cid584/stagg-low-profile-amp-stand.asp?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=pricecomp&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping"]http://www.andertons.co.uk/guitar-stands/pid12048/cid584/stagg-low-profile-amp-stand.asp?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=pricecomp&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping[/url] Any thoughts?
  13. [quote name='Tinman' timestamp='1265399006' post='736585'] In fact, anything done by anyone born on the 31st of January (any year) is going to be brilliant. [/quote] That's me then! if only it was that simple, though. *Sigh* Steve
  14. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1336126664' post='1641224'] Thread title includes an inapropriate use of the apostrophe /pedantry [/quote] Check spelling of inappropriate.
  15. Drummer has his own website: [url="http://themaddrummer.com/"]http://themaddrummer.com/[/url]
  16. [url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/store/index.php/bstuwasdmibass550/p_47412.html?utm_nooverride=1/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=Google%2BShopping"]http://www.absolutem...ogle%2BShopping[/url]
  17. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1335917524' post='1638179'] I think it's quite helpful when a band confidently says "check out our website"! You can sift out the no hopers in no time. [/quote] I asked if they have a website or if they are on Facebook or Myspace. No. They did, however, send me a compilation of video clips. They have a gig this Friday - I'm going to watch them. The keys player is covering the bass parts, apparently. Audition is next Thursday. I've learned 3 new songs as well as dust off 7 that I'd played before. We'll see...
  18. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1335720818' post='1635001'] Apparently, different people have different styles. My audition experience (both ways) has been more of a two stage process: "Before learning any new songs, how about if you drop in and play a little for us. We'll have a chat and will try to play together. If we like each other, you could learn some of our songs, and we can see your learning ability that way." When we needed a new person in a job one day, we were impressed with one of the candidates' ability to set some boundaries for what he was willing to do. He was invited, confirmed our impression of him, and got the job. bert [/quote] That sounds like the approach I'm aiming for.
  19. Well, thank you to everybody for your honest comments. I appreciate people's views. In an effort to clarify the situation (and maybe to defend myself a little), I'd like to make these points: In previous bands I'd been in, we'd asked auditionees to look at the setlist and bring along any 6 songs to the audition. In that way, we thought we'd be helping the auditionee to be as relaxed and comfortable as possible. We were confident that we'd be able to tell whether they could sing or play guitar within a few songs, even if the auditioneee had chosen them. I actually thought this was a considerate and sympathetic approach by the band. It's not all been done by email. I had a lengthy phone conversation with the keys player before any email songlists were exchanged. Before speaking to her, I'd looked at their setlist and spotted 7 songs I'd be able to offer at audition. During the phone call I said that I'd prefer not to learn new songs for the audition but if I was invited to join the band then it would be sleeves rolled up and crack on with learning the setlist. I would too - I sell myself on my reliability and dependability. After the phone call I emailed the keys player and offered to learn 2 new songs from the setlist as well as the 7 which I already knew, thinking that would show willing. I then received an email asking me to pick 4 songs from 6 chosen by the band. Their list of 6 didn't show much overlap with my list of 9. However, I know 2 of these 6 songs, leaving me with 2 new ones to learn (which will be different from the 2 new ones I'd previously offered to learn) "No problem", I said - see you next week. Thinking about it, I'd make 2 points: I've learned that the way I'd seen auditions done in the past isn't the only approach. Fair do's - lesson learned by me. I'm left with a slightly uncomfortable feeling about this band. I truly believe I was showing enthusiasm by offering to learn new songs and by saying that I'd throw time and energy at learning the full set if I got the gig. I'm left with a niggling sense that the band hasn't done that much to create a welcoming atmosphere. Steve. Sorry about the length of this post.
  20. Further emails between me and them have produced a compromise. They've given me a list of six songs and asked me to choose four from it. Two I know, so that means I'll need to learn two new ones. It's not a good start between us, is it...
  21. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I have an audition for a covers band next week. Given that there are at least 7 songs on the band's setlist that I know, I thought that would suffice. So, I said that I'd prefer not to have to learn any new songs for the audition. This has not gone down well. Message from the band's keys player: [/font][/size] "[color="#000000"]The general consensus is that [i]we [/i](italics added by me) should choose the pieces we'd like auditionees to play"[/color] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color="#000000"]They know which songs I already know but they've insisted I learn some new ones. In previous bands when auditioning, we've generally tried to be accomodating when people turn up for auditions and ask them which songs from the setlist they'd like to have a go at. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color="#000000"]Am I being lazy and inflexible? Are they being unhelpful and over-controlling?[/color][/font][/size]
  22. Interesting. I've played 4 different basses over the past 4 months and I've had plenty of comments from the band; Fender USA P - sounds... OK, a bit too bass-y and not as clear as your red one G&L USA L2000 - sounds very thumpy and loud - can't you get a bit more treble out of it, Steve? You're always fiddling with the settings. Prefer the red one, actually. The red one. MIJ Ibanez Blazer. That's our favourite. It sort of rings out better than the other two and we can hear what you're playing more. You look more comfortable playing it too - you just... [i]play[/i] it Then; Fender MIJ P. I've been playing this for the past 4 weeks with no comments from anybody Steve
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1335347705' post='1629519'] Yes, all this. It's important not to waste time trying to make people do what seems to be obvious to you, because they just won't. It's the same in the band as it is in a relationship! I've just quit a band because I realised there was no way I was going to change people's attitudes towards learning new material and rehearsing. Can't be done! You have to find out early on what the score is and make a decision! [/quote] I think it's this point that's rattling round my brain. I work hard at keeping my equipment simple. The guitarist (and, increasingly the singers) seem to enjoy using effects for the hell of it, and then get into time-consuming trouble with equipment problems. "Why don't [i]you[/i] use some effects, Steve?" Because I don't feel I need to, I don't like the complexity they bring, I don't understand them and they seem to distract you guys a lot of the time. I'm not going to change my approach that much and neither are the rest of the band. So, I guess it's time for me to think about whether it's the right band for me. This morning, I can't stop playing this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L4aeowB_YE[/media] Love the stripped-down, less-is-more vibe. It's so different from the loud, two over-driven effects-laden guitars, women singers using effects to sound like men (why?), can't hear yourself think, all-instruments-should-be-miced, let's play this no matter whether the audience might like it, approach I've been battling with recently.
  24. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1333134848' post='1598020'] +1 for the cajun! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L4aeowB_YE[/media] [/quote] Thanks for posting this link. I wanted to say just how much I enjoyed this performance of Superstition. Stripped-down, transparent musicianship on full display. Love it. Steve
  25. Maybe I'm getting so frustrated because I work very hard a keeping things really simple. I play passive P basses that have just two knobs. I chose an amp that has the minimum amount of knobs, switches and dials. I don't use any effects or pedals at all. I choose this sort of setup because it suits me - I feel I can concentrate my time and energy playing to the best of my (limited) ability. But that's just me.
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