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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. Folks, My main rig is a TE Classic 450 (450 Watts, 4 ohms) into a Barefaced Compact (lots of Watts, 8 ohms). I use it for rehearsals and gigs. For added flexibility, I'm considering getting 2, 12" cabs, possibly the Eden EX112 (300Watts, 8 ohms). Trouble is, there is only 1 output on the head - a combined speakon/1/4" jack socket. So, some questions: Is it possible to use a Y splitter speaker cable to connect two 12" cabs to the head? Given that the cabs are 8 ohms (the Edens are available as 4 or 8 ohms), would that mean the head's delivering into a 4 ohm load (assuming that a Y splitter means that the cabs are wired in parrallel)? Does this plan make any sense at all? Where's the best place to buy a Y splitter speaker cable? Please remember I'm not especially well clued-up on ohms, watts, load, etc. All advice gratefully received, Steve
  2. [quote name='peety' timestamp='1328646852' post='1530705'] Apologies just picked up the cabs they are in fact 400watts RMS and weigh 18kgs each cheers steve [/quote] Thanks.
  3. How much does each cab weigh, please? is that 600W peak or RMS for each cab?
  4. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1327664197' post='1514907'] Correct me if I'm wrong but £900+ seems a little out [url="http://www.promenademusic.co.uk/lodestone-Primal-Instinct-JBass-Black"]http://www.promenade...nct-JBass-Black[/url] Oh its the P version.. [url="http://www.promenademusic.co.uk/lodestone-Primal-Instinct-PBass-tbs"]http://www.promenade...tinct-PBass-tbs[/url] [/quote] I've slightly edited my post in case I've given a bum steer...
  5. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1327663908' post='1514899'] Brand new, with EMG Pickups. Originally priced at £900+ !! Review here: [url="http://www.musicradar.com/gear/all/guitars/electric/bass-guitars/4-string-electric/primal-instinct-206247/review/2"]http://www.musicrada...206247/review/2[/url] For sale by the guitarist in my band [/quote]
  6. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1327662191' post='1514856'] I [i]think[/i] this is within the rules... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Surf-Green-Lodestone-Primal-Instinct-Bass-Laidback-headstock-/220934109519?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3370b2f94f"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3370b2f94f[/url] [/quote] Originally priced at £900 (!!) with EMG pickups (in 2009), according to this review: [url="http://www.musicradar.com/gear/all/guitars/electric/bass-guitars/4-string-electric/primal-instinct-206247/review/2"]http://www.musicrada...206247/review/2[/url] Not sure whether the one on Ebay is the same spec, though. For sale by the guitarist in my band.
  7. I [i]think[/i] this is within the rules... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Surf-Green-Lodestone-Primal-Instinct-Bass-Laidback-headstock-/220934109519?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3370b2f94f"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Surf-Green-Lodestone-Primal-Instinct-Bass-Laidback-headstock-/220934109519?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3370b2f94f[/url]
  8. See: [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/olp-ernie-ball-musicman-bass-guitar-blue/95137383#gallery-item-full-3"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/olp-ernie-ball-musicman-bass-guitar-blue/95137383#gallery-item-full-3[/url]
  9. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1327611936' post='1514301'] My apologies. I may indeed have misinterpreted your post, nor did I mean to suggest that you were boasting. As it turns out, we are both making the same point, i.e. Tribs. can be as good tone wise as their U.S. counter parts. I too, have a maple necked L2000 Trib. [/quote] No problem.
  10. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1327599490' post='1514057'] I have no doubt that you do. However, a lot of people admit to not being able to tell the difference tone wise. Some even say that in some cases they prefer the Tribs. [/quote] Errrr - I'm afraid I don't quite understand your comments. You seem to be suggesting that I'm almost boasting about the tone of the USA L2000, or perhaps I've misunderstood. In my post, I say that I find the USA L2000 richer and thumpier than my past Tributes to the extent that I spend most of the time trying to get rid of the fullness. In fact, although I don't explicitly say so, I preferred the tone of my maple-necked Tribute to my rosewood-necked USA. Steve
  11. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1327582506' post='1513664'] One of my favourite sounds: Neck pickup, passive. Coils in parallel (down towards floor), roll off the volume (very important !) and treble a bit... huge fat funky P bass tone. Rolling off the volume seems to make a huge difference to the sound of mine when in passive mode - makes it sound much more 'old school'. [/quote] I find my USA L2000 is even richer and thumpier than the Tributes I used to own. In fact, I spend most of my time switch-fiddling, trying to dial out some of the richness to enable the bass to cut through in a mix. Best setting I've come up with is; neck pickup, passive, parrallel switching (bass-cut), both bass and treble knobs 8/10. To be honest, I've just about given up and I'm favouring my Blazer for live gigs.
  12. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1327594226' post='1513954'] And if Truckstop doesn't have it, I will! My Blazer has now taken over from my USA P and my USA G&L L2000 as my main gig bass, mainly because I can get the Blazer to cut through a noisy band mix more effectively. At rehearsal last week, we A/B/C'd the 3 basses and the band collectively voted the Blazer the best. Pity it's red, though. [/quote] I've found a Blazer for sale for £200! Includes hardcase, lead and stand. One small problem, however... [url="http://melbourne.gumtree.com.au/c-Stuff-for-Sale-musical-instruments-guitars-guitar-amps-Ibanez-Bass-guitar-W0QQAdIdZ348231669"]http://melbourne.gumtree.com.au/c-Stuff-for-Sale-musical-instruments-guitars-guitar-amps-Ibanez-Bass-guitar-W0QQAdIdZ348231669[/url]
  13. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1327576567' post='1513514'] Blow Musicians and Roadsters, get a Blazer! I'm shifting my other basses and I'm gonna grab another Blazer the second one comes up for sale! Truckstop edit: Flateric, if you come across a Blazer that either you want to sell or don't want to buy, could you send a PM my way please? I'll have it! [/quote] And if Truckstop doesn't have it, I will! My Blazer has now taken over from my USA P and my USA G&L L2000 as my main gig bass, mainly because I can get the Blazer to cut through a noisy band mix more effectively. At rehearsal last week, we A/B/C'd the 3 basses and the band collectively voted the Blazer the best. Pity it's red, though.
  14. Errrr - Provisionally sold, pending payment, within 5 minutes of ad going live! Steve
  15. Folks, Being between bands, I bought this to keep me out of mischief. Then, I joined a new band and I'm now up to my neck with learning new songs. Realistically, I'm not going to be playing this fretless, so I'd like to move it on to somebody who will appreciate it. [color=#000000]It was originally put together by BC's Happy Jack (dancing spiderman avatar), and here's how he described it:[/color] [color=#0000CD]Neck = Mighty Mite Precision fretless, ebanol board, "fret-end" markers added by luthier Andy Gibson (Denmark Street) Tuners = Korean Hipshots from a Lakland Skyline Body / Bridge / Scratchplate = Fender Squier Precision Pickups & Wiring = P is a Duncan Design unit, J is a complete unknown, wiring by Andy Gibson Knobs = John East P-Retro, so a pair of stacked knobs, in this case wired as V/T & V/T Very nice little project, this was, and an ideal introduction to fretless bass. The "fret-end" markers are only really visible from above, i.e. by the player. Glance down as you play and you see frets, and play with confidence - what the audience sees is a plain, unlined fingerboard and they all think "[i]Why this man is a bass-playing God![/i]". Or something.[/color] [color=#000000]Jack's right. The neck is a delight. I picked up the bass and was able to hit the notes pretty much spot on immediately. The body has some dings and scratches (nothing serious at all) and some missing screws. The pickups are occasionally a little noisy until you start playing, then the hum disappears. It comes with a basic gigbag and a completely unused "how to" book/CD. [/color] [color=#000000]I'd like to recoup what I paid for it: £140, excluding courier costs.[/color] [color=#000000][attachment=97763:001.JPG][/color] [color=#000000][attachment=97764:002.JPG][/color] [color=#000000][attachment=97765:005.JPG][/color] [color=#000000][attachment=97766:006.JPG][/color] [color=#000000][attachment=97762:007.JPG][/color] Clearly, I'm useless at photography so Jack has very kindly given access to his original pictures - Thank you Jack. [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/albums/m496/h4ppyjack/Bitsa%20Precision%20Fretless%202010%20SOLD/"]http://s1128.photobu...%202010%20SOLD/[/url] [color=#000000]Thanks,[/color] [color=#000000]Steve[/color]
  16. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1326799654' post='1502018'] Oooh, I've never seen a blazer in anything other than Natural! Refinish? Any pictures at all? Anyway, thinking about it now, I think it's because I have a little gut on me that makes slab bodied guitars swing to the right. If you dont mind me asking, do you have a bit of a belly too? If so, then that could be the reason why! On everyone else they might sit perfectly! Truckstop [/quote] Here's my CAR Blazer [attachment=97553:023.JPG] Neither my Fender P or G&L swing to the right. perhaps I could stuff a small cushion down my shirt when playing them! It'll be interesting to hear what other people's experience is.
  17. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1326796448' post='1501959'] Hmm, now you mention it my Blazer also seems to gravitate to the right a little too. Further thinking on the subject reminds me of how my old 54' Precision (MIJ Sting RI model) also did that too, so maybe look into the '51 and '54 RIs they're excellent basses and if you're prepared to spend another £50 you can upgrade the pickup to a delano or Seymour Duncan jobbie that IMO sound much more versatile and crisp. Truckstop Ps, aren't Blazers just awesome? How do people spend all that money on MIM Fenders when you can pick up a Blazer for around £150?! [/quote] Interesting that you report that not only the Blazer but also the 51 reissue and the Sting swing to the right. I wondered whether it was simply to do with the weight distribution and strap button placing of the Blazer, but perhaps not - maybe slab bodies in general tend to do this? I've been looking at used 51 reissues and also the Lakland 44-51 as possible replacements for my Fender P. Anything else I should be considering? More and more I'm choosing my Blazer over my Fender P (Blazer's more comfy and cut's through a little better) and over my expensive USA G&L ([i]very[/i] rich tone). Only slight problem with my Blazer is it's Candy Apple Red - not my favourite colour. Finding half-decent Blazer's for £150 is now becoming more difficult, dammit. Steve
  18. I use floating thumb technique. For best results, you need to push your right elbow forward, which is tiring. I've noticed that my Ibanez Blazer (slab bodied - no contouring) sits on my right hip rather than across my belly and this brings my right hand closer to my body, largely doing away withn the need to push my right elbow outwards. Having the bass swung round to my right also swings my left hand round to be a little more in front of me, which I like. I'm wondering whether this more comfortable playing position is to do with the Blazer being slab bodied? If so, I'd be interested in looking for other (slab) basses that naturally sit swung round to my right. Any thoughts, please? Steve
  19. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1326460818' post='1497490'] Try [url="http://www.lodestoneguitars.com/"]this[/url] [/quote] Thank you. "Lodestone" it is, then. Armed with that info, I've been able to uncover loads of stuff about the basses, which I'll pass on. Thanks again, Steve
  20. In my band, the guitarist and his wife make a living from setting up, relicing, repairing and trading guitars and basses. They've been telling me about some basses they've bought to sell on. I said I'd see what I could find out about them. Details are scant, but this is what I've been told: They're badged as "Lonestar", (possibly Lodestar) Possibly made in Czech republic for Ashdown Carbon reinforcing rods in the neck Errr, that's all I've been told. I haven't actually seen the basses, but I have seen some poor phone photos that give no useful information. Anybody thrown some light onto this mystery? Googling produces nothing. Steve
  21. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1326365271' post='1495963'] Thanks for that. In order to use all the functionality, print etc you have to subscribe? Is that right and the site is US isn't it? LC [/quote] I get what I want without subscribing. Quite often, I use Songsterr to correct the errors on some other Tab site, and then print out from the corrected site. I find the Songsterr tabs pretty accurate but sometimes the suggested fingering doesn't work for me. As with all Tab sites, you have to approach it with a degree of scepticism - but probably not as much as other sites. Yes, I think Songsterr used to be Bassmasta.
  22. I find Songsterr really useful. If I'm learning a new song, I go to Songsterr first - it's the most accurate tab site, in my experience. Not only that, you can hear and see the bassline at the same time. You can pause and rewind while you consider whether the suggested fingering suits you. It's my default tab site now.
  23. I've always struggled with the theory side of music, and I glaze over rapidly when I read about it. The reason I've persisted is to know what to do when I play something wrong, rather than knowing what I'm doing when I play something right. Theory as an end in itself still leaves me cold, but theory as a way of solving problems "forces" me to pay some attention. Three practical examples: You look something up on a bass tab website. You play it, and you know it's wrong (very common, sadly). Now what? I used to stumble around until I eventually played something that sounded right - trial and error, really. Now, I'm much quicker to realise something's wrong, and know what I [i]should[/i] be playing just by learning basic scales, 3rds, 4ths, 5ths. Last week at rehearsal, we were playing She does it right - Dr Feelgood. I'd learned it in copy key of G but the singer wanted to shift it to A. The rhthym guitarist said "It's simple twelve-bar blues using 1, 4, 5 progression." 6 months ago I'd have not a clue what he was talking about and I'd have had to say "Leave it with me - I'll be OK for next week". Embarrassing. Now, I'm much more able to key-shift on the hoof. I used to play in a band that did some originals. If I was lucky, the songwriters might be able to give me a basic chord-sheet for a new song. What then? Just play the roots? A little theory really helped me to come up with a vaguely interesting bassline. OK - It's all a bit belt-and-braces, but regarding theory as a practical tool to enable me to solve song problems helps me to feel motivated to learn the basics. Steve
  24. I'm following this thread with interest. I have a Barefaced Compact and a TC Classic 450. I play a USA G&L L2000. I'm finding that the combination of the G&L and Classic 450 can get pretty tone-rich and warm/thumpy pretty quickly. I'm also a little concerned about volume levels at a gig - I have a rather light touch and I'm beginning to wonder whether I'll need more oomph to be comfy alongside 2 rock guitarists and a fairly heavy-handed drummer at gigs. The Shuttle 6 deal (rated at 600W/4 ohms)for £400 looks inviting, but would it actually give any more cut-through and loudness compared to the Classic 450 (rated at 450W/4 ohms)? It's all so confusing. Steve
  25. Folks, Let's all move on. It's not a problem. My Line 6 is dead and I've ordered a replacement. Everything's fine. It's the night before NYE. Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men. Steve
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