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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1325249105' post='1481289'] If that was just over the phone I'd be wary of putting any business his way, especially since you're local. [/quote] I must say I was a bit surprised. I thought he could at least have had a look and then gone through the repair/replace options. As soon as I said it was a Line 6 he lost all interest. He'd already half lost interest when i said it was solid-state and not valves.
  2. I've just ordered the Eden E10. £150 new. Fingers crossed.
  3. Folks, My Line 6 Studio 110 combo has died and needs replacing. I'm looking for a cheap-but-decent 1x10 (possibly 1x12) combo that gives out at least 50 w. It needs to be small enough to hide behind a sofa, but not sounding thin or weedy. I don't need loads of amp modelling or on-board effects. Budget is £200 max. Shortlist; Eden E10 kickback for £150 Ampeg BA112 for £170 Orange Crush 50BXT for £189 Which is best? Steve
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1325181229' post='1480705'] It is what people used to do instead of buying new gear. [/quote] In my case, DIY = Destroy It Yourself!
  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1325177839' post='1480648'] Can you solder? Redoing all the places where pots an jacks meet the PCB might fix it, it its scrap anyway, be good learning. [/quote] Solder!? Errr - what's that, please?
  6. [quote name='guyl' timestamp='1325175188' post='1480579'] Dave Lunt - in Stockport. Excellent. 0161 432 9698. [/quote] Thanks. I've just spoken to him and he quickly decided it's "beyond economical repair". These are about £180 new and, without even seeing my combo, Dave said that it wouldn't be worth fixing! Time to go shopping for a replacement? What shall I buy?
  7. Folks, My Line 6 Studio practice amp is misbehaving. It's suddenly lost a lot of volume, and what output remains is muddy and woolly. I've tried it with different power leads, basses and instrument leads all to no avail. Can anybody recommend a good amp technician in (south) Manchester, please? Steve
  8. Ooops - decimal place error! Title now corrected.
  9. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RICKENBACKER-4001S-1964-SUPER-RARE-/390375804845?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item5ae4360fad"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item5ae4360fad[/url]
  10. [quote name='JPS' timestamp='1324461936' post='1474369'] I must admit I'm finding it harder than ever to find a band. Don't know if that's my age (I'm 42), the economic climate taking its toll, or me having unrealistically high standards - i.e. wanting to play with people who can actually play, stay sober and display a vaguely professional approach (e.g. turn up on time, learn the songs, rehearse occasionally that sort of thing). Of course I could just be rubbish and socially dysfunctional! Down here - in East Kent - the only options appear to be metal, classic rock, or twentysomethings playing originals influenced by the Kings of Leon. [/quote] It's definitely not an East Kent phenomenon! I too would reagrd myself as somebody who can play to a reasonable standard, stays sober and displays vaguely professional behaviour. But, since finding a band has proved so hard, I'm now wondering whether I'm rubbish or socially dysfunctional. I lasted 3 rehearsals with my last band before receiving the most unbelievably patronising email from the band leader who then went on to post a rude and defamatory reply to my "available" ad on Join My Band. I complained to the moderator who promptly removed the message. Outrageous. All-in-all, not good at all for your confidence and it can make it hard to keep looking. Having said all that, I've been approached by some people who seem really friendly and keen to meet me. They've been very receptive to my tentative suggestions about their setlist and I'm looking forward to meeting them next week. Fingers crossed.
  11. Thank you Dave. I'm having a pause for thought about my bass playing, and the sort of bands I'm looking for. I don't know what your recent experience is, but I've found that there are plenty of bloke-rock/classic rock bands out there that need bassists, and there are plenty of young songwriters who want to break into the bigtime with their own brand of Ocean Colour Scene/Nirvana/I am Kloot type stuff. Full respect to anybody who gets out there and plays what floats their boat, but neither of these are quite what I'm after. Straight-forward, semi-cheesy, good-time party music, with easy-going people is what I seek, but it's proving elusive. Maybe I'll have to use the Christmas break to have a bit of a serious re-appraisal of what I'm offering and what I'm seeking. Edited, having stuck my head in a bucket of cold water for a while. Steve
  12. [quote name='Strewth' timestamp='1324324301' post='1473073'] Hi, not sure I've I've got deja vue, or whether I've contacted you before? We formed a group about 3 months ago that hasn't amounted to anything, so we are trying to get like-minded people together in the new year to form a really good covers band. We want to do covers from Rolling Stones, Dr Feelgood, Neil Young, right through to Kings of Leon, Miles Kane, Vintage Trouble. We are putting adverts out for a drummer and rhythm guitarist, and a bassist. I am the lead guitarist, got lots of gear and all the band gear we'll ever need. We rent a rehearsal room in Prestwich Manchester for about £125 per month between us. My wife, Joy, sings backing with some songs of her own, and we have a couple of possible lead singers to try out for us. If you'd like the setlist, and a couple of links to our last charity gig send a message to [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] cheers Ash [/quote] Hi Ash. I've replied to the message you sent to me via Join My Band. Thanks, Steve
  13. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]Folks,[/color] [color=#000000]I'm looking for a covers band playing good-time soft-rock, pop, soul, motown, indie in Manchester, Macclesfield, East Cheshire areas. I'm reliable, hard-working, easy-going, prepared to help lug the drummer's kit at rehearsals and gigs and I learn songs before rehearsals - yes![/color] [color=#000000]I'm not looking for record deals or world tours. I'd very happily settle for a friendly bunch of people playing for fun and beer money.[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]I'm regularly searching the usual band-member websites. To further increase my chances of success, maybe somebody can help me find what I'm looking for,[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]Steve[/color][/font][/size]
  14. I'd emailed the seller twice for details, which he provided promptly. I decide it was worth a punt, if only for all the bits. It think it was due to end later today, but it's been pulled. Shame - I was getting quite excited. I've emailed the seller this morning to see what's happening.
  15. See: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-Fretless-COPY-NOT-ORIGINAL-/260915909689?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cbfccd439"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-Fretless-COPY-NOT-ORIGINAL-/260915909689?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cbfccd439[/url]
  16. The band's been struggling with a song. Realising I was playing the introduction wrong, I changed what I was doing and sent it to the band leader/rhthym guitarist/lead singer (he's a full-time music teacher) to short-cut any further wasted time at the next rehearsal. I then re-worked and simplified the fingering and sent him the amended version. His reply: [color=#0000CD]Those are the same notes but on a different string. So... yeah, it's the same. I'm going to send you a bass fret board template. I think you should label the notes and start thinking about the fretboard in simpler terms. The fifth fret of every string is the same as the string below played open. So instead of playing 5 play 0 on the next string so you needn't use your pinky so much. [/color] [color=#0000CD][/color]
  17. That's exactly the sort of starter fretless I've been looking for, complete with full set of fret-end markers. Just the job. I'm next in line behind observer, with cash in hand. Steve
  18. Just had this reply: [color=#0000CD]I[color=black] [/color]have updated the listing to include the serial number (sorry about the photo!) here it is: S868743 As to the other questions... I will have to find out for you. I am selling this item for a neighbour. I'll pop round and measure it for you, should get back to you in a day or so. don't know what active/passive means - that's to do with if it's powered, isn't it? there's no "on board" power source or battery supply, so I guess that would make it passive. (am I right?). I believe the electrics and truss rod are good... you'd be welcome to come round to Kentish Town and have a look. [/color]
  19. Here are the seller's answers to my questions: [color=black]Where was it made? The [/color][color=#0000CD]bass is unmarked apart from a faint 'Satellite' on the headstock but Satellite made their instruments in Japan.[/color] [color=black]How wide is the neck at the nut? [/color][color=#0000CD]47mm[/color] [color=black]Do all the electrics work properly?[/color][color=#0000CD] The pickup and rotary tone and volume work great, the output socket could be better (could make a more solid connection) and I would replace it if keeping the instrument, but it does work.[/color] [color=black]Truss-rod working properly? [/color][color=#0000CD]Yes, this is fine.[/color] Any major wear or damage? [color=#0000CD]The bass is[/color] [color=#0000CD]in great condition, there is slight surface wear on the fingerboard under the lowest string but this could be sorted out with some kind of oil- there is no roughness or ridging though, the fingerboard is perfectly smooth. The body and neck are in lovely condition. A couple of machine heads rattle at certain frequencies and this is something else I would replace if keeping it. The bridge is a very solid through-body type and all adjustment screws work well.[/color]
  20. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1323531004' post='1464278'] Some of the Satellites were rough! I have one of these - lent it to my mate, a year ago and although he has access to a lot of my stuff, that's the one he plays live. Neck through, lovely Old School sound, very nice to play - not too heavy. The ony iffy things are the tuners - you would need to budget for those. Although some ome the posts say don't touch it - I would agree on some of their other stuff but if you fancy fretless and are new to it, you might be tipped over the edge by the fact there is a dot for every fret postition - only the punters can't see that!!! Cheers. [/quote] but if you fancy fretless and are new to it, you might be tipped over the edge by the fact there is a dot for every fret postition - only the punters can't see that!!! [color=#0000CD]Now then, that's interesting....[/color]
  21. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1323524138' post='1464181'] I'm no P bass expert - not even a beginner really, but the seller is trying a bit too hard in the copy - which makes me suspicious. Much prefer the down to earth matter of fact ads that tell you the score and that have quality high resolution photos. The fingerboard.... either do the former fret slots in a light shade or precisely the colour of the fingerboard wood - any 'expert defrettifier' would do this. Doesn't look too good to me. Hard to tell in any case with this abysmal photography. What about a serial number that can be seen? [/quote] I've emailed him and asked for the serial number.
  22. Message received. Thanks folks.
  23. Aaah, right. It's not sounding too promising, is it. Just seen this, you see: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fretless-Bass-made-Satellite-through-neck-construction-precision-pickup-/270871168697?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f112e06b9"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fretless-Bass-made-Satellite-through-neck-construction-precision-pickup-/270871168697?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f112e06b9[/url]
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