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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. See: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260913445488"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260913445488[/url] What do we think, folks?
  2. Folks, What do we know about "Satellite" branded basses, please? Googling throws up very little. I believe they were made in Japan, but I'm struggling to find out much else. Steve
  3. [quote name='subaudio' timestamp='1323339748' post='1462102'] Hi Steve, cool, have been in double bass land for a while and just wanted to make sure I was giving you the right info, as Bobby K says, it is a Jazz type neck, much slimmer than a P bass neck. Cheers Marti [/quote] No problem. Ideally I'd like a fretless with a wide neck but that's fairly shallow front-to-back (less bulky than my Fender P), passive, MIJ or MIA, £200 - £250. Picky? Me? Don't know what you mean. Hope yours sells. Lovely looking thing. Steve
  4. [quote name='subaudio' timestamp='1323282086' post='1461614'] No worries Steve, I'm rather hulking in the paw department myself and it's fine for me, can I just check that by nut width you mean the width of the neck at the nut ( across the fret side) [/quote] Yes - that's what I meant. I'm used to a wide Fender P neck and a G&L L2000 neck (44mm at the nut). The thickness of the neck front-to-back is also a factor, of course. How does the thickness of the neck compare to a Fender P, would you say? Steve
  5. [quote name='subaudio' timestamp='1323264934' post='1461205'] Hi guys, have added a photo, nut width is 40mm. I'm afraid I don't know the weight as I dont own any scales but it's lighter than my 4 string US standard P bass if that helps. [/quote] Thanks for measuring this. 40mm is going to be too narrrow for my hulking great paws, so I'm out, sadly. Steve
  6. Is it a factory fretless, or has it been defretted? What's the nut-width, please? Steve
  7. Just to add further confusion, I have a USA L2000. In the past I've owned 2 Tributes and the USA model sounds darker and richer to me. It may be that settings that work on maple-boarded Tributes don't work so well on a rosewood-boarded USA model. Just a thought.
  8. So, to summarise the discussion so far: To get my L2000 to cut through in a fairly noisy band mix, I'll need to: Use front pickup. Or bridge. Or both Select active. Or passive Series (or parrallel) pick up switching for bass boost. Or not. Start with tone knobs on zero and slowly dial up. Alternatively, have both on max. Or possibly one up and one down Use either roundwound or halfwound strings
  9. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1322504900' post='1451762'] Both pickups on will cut through the mix! However I have found when I use a modern amp, GB, EA and the like, bass cut takes too much away. Best to ramp all three knobs to max, bass boost on, stick it in active and to hell with anybody who gets in your way! [/quote] Won't that set-up remove the plaster from the ceiling?! I can make the G&L loud alright, but getting it to stand out alongside two guitars is proving quite hard.
  10. How about this: [url="http://www.wwbw.com/Mighty-Mite-MM2919-P-Bass-Replacement-Neck-with-a-Fretless-Ebonol-Fingerboard-585058-i1519590.wwbw"]http://www.wwbw.com/Mighty-Mite-MM2919-P-Bass-Replacement-Neck-with-a-Fretless-Ebonol-Fingerboard-585058-i1519590.wwbw[/url] £98 delivered, including shipping and all duties and taxes. Drop it into my Fender P and see how I get on? Black ebanol board might look pretty sexy with my black P with white pickguard.
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1322479475' post='1451183'] I bought a new Mighty Mite neck (from the USA) with an Ebanol fingerboard, and transferred the tuners from the 'donor' neck. The heel needed a shave to get it to fit the socket perfectly, which I was happy to leave to an expert, but apart from that it was a doddle. Might Mite kit isn't cheap, but it is very good. Ebanol has a very nice mwah to it, especially if you use either rounds or half-round strings. [/quote] Thanks Jack. Thinking about it, I'm not sure whether I'd really want to start messing with my Fender P. However, I do have an Ibanez Blazer that I'd happily mod. Wonder if the Mighty Mite neck would fit. Or there's this: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fretless-Precision-bass-guitar-neck-Not-Fender-but-decent-quality-/120819245845?_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D3%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D4512306787961955899"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fretless-Precision-bass-guitar-neck-Not-Fender-but-decent-quality-/120819245845?_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D3%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D4512306787961955899[/url]
  12. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1322477831' post='1451146'] I'd say don't worry about lines. Dots on the side on the "fret" positions will be enough to get you in the right ball-park and then it's down to how much fretless playing you do. Fretless technique is also not really about planting your finger at the right point on the fingerboard and leaving it there. The freedom to slide notes a little, add vibrato and generally shape the expression of a note means that the nominal "correct" intonation isn't always as clear cut as you might think. P [/quote] Thanks for your reply. I'm very open to the idea of an unlined neck with a full set of side dots on the fret positions. It's just occured to me that I have a lovely 2008 USA P that I'm not playing much.Perhaps I could get a fretless neck for it. Or maybe a neck for my Ibanez Blazer. Hmmmmmmm...
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1322300761' post='1448998'] This is my old Ibanez 2366: [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/albums/m496/h4ppyjack/Ibanez%202366%20FLB%201972%20SOLD/"]http://s1128.photobu...%201972%20SOLD/[/url] The fret-ends appeared to be factory-fitted and were a God-send when I first started playing fretless. That bass would probably fall within your £200 budget if you could find one. Bloody heavy, mind. I liked it so much that, when I converted my old Lakland Duck Dunn into a fretless with a Mighty Mite neck, I asked my regular luthier to copy the fret-end idea: [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/albums/m496/h4ppyjack/Lakland%20Skyline%20Duck%20Dunn%20FL%20conversion/"]http://s1128.photobu...L%20conversion/[/url] I honestly can't remember how much he charged, but it wasn't too outrageous. It was helpful that I showed him the Ibanez before I sold it, so he could have a really good look at how they'd done it. [/quote] That's it! That's the bass I had in mind - I searched for it on Basschat but couldn't find it. If anybody has one for sale - let me know. I've seen a Yamaha BB 400s for sale and that seems to be pretty much what I'm after. Any good?
  14. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1322298644' post='1448970'] If budget is a deciding factor have you considered getting an un-lined example and try some way of putting the marks on yourself? Or with the help of a luthier. [/quote] Yes - that's a thought. Wonder how much a luthier would charge...
  15. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1322218266' post='1448016'] There's a good example here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159670-fs-fbass-ac5-alain-caron-signature-fretless"]http://basschat.co.u...nature-fretless[/url] [/quote] Aha! - that's the sort of thing. I'd be looking for 4 strings, passive, P-width neck and less than £200 though... Steve
  16. Folks, I'm interested in going fretless. I know there are necks that have a full set of fretlines along the top edge that don't extend fully across the touchboard, but I'm struggling to find any such examples. Googling hasn't thrown up anything helpful. Can somebody point me in the right direction, please? Cheers, Steve
  17. Folks, I just need some help with a small section of the bassline of Can you dig it - it's the guitar solo just after the middle 8. Look up "Guitar tab" on the net, and you get this: [color=#000080]"[/color] [color=#000080]Solo, plenty of reverb and work that wah baby![/color] [color=#000080] e--15--------------------------------------------- B----------12----10----12----14--10------------------ G------------------------------------9----7---------- D-------------------------------------------9-7-9----[/color] [color=#000080]Played twice over B, twice over A, then twice over D"[/color] Look up the bass tab on the net for the guitar solo and you get: [color=#000080]"...the bass hits either D or E on the A string and slides to 12th fret and back repeatedly. Best to experiment with what sounds best for you."[/color] Jamming along to YouTube, sliding between E and A (frets 7 and 12) on the A string sounds just fine to me, but my band's guitarist insists that's wrong and that I should play B A D roots under the rhthym guitarist's B A D chords, and I'm not convinced this works well for the bass. Any advice, please? Steve
  18. [quote name='clarkpegasus4001' timestamp='1321887760' post='1444057'] Talking of Pino, this track has got to be my fave fretless sound i've heard on record right here......... I've always loved this mega bass line...... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTWt_pKiMl4[/media] [/quote] That's lush. Smooth, controlled elegance. I'm so envious.
  19. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1321490519' post='1439939'] Especially the box that says 'You've probably got enough' Replace it with 'what the hell' and an arrow pointing to 'buy more guitars' [/quote] Alternatively, you could replace "You've probably got enough" with "OK - perhaps it's time to consider a double bass" and an arrow pointing to "buy more basses".
  20. Whole section missing: "Are you bored with your playing?" if Yes, Have you: changed your strings? tried to learn new songs? bought a new strap? If Yes to any, go to "Buy more basses" If No to "Are you bored with your playing?" , go to "Hiding any basses at a friend's place?"
  21. Some more DIY ideas here: [url="http://www.keithstead.com/and_more/know-how/diy_speaker_pads.html"]http://www.keithstead.com/and_more/know-how/diy_speaker_pads.html[/url]
  22. Would these do as good a job as a gramma pad? [url="http://www.studiospares.com/sound-insulation/acoustistop-rubber-floor-tile/invt/465130/"]http://www.studiospa...le/invt/465130/[/url] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Draper-30743-Vibration-Absorber-Mat/dp/B000UQ7CZK/ref=pd_cp_computers_2"]http://www.amazon.co..._cp_computers_2[/url] [url="http://www.soundsolutionconsultants.co.uk/acoustic-product/sound-mat.aspx"]http://www.soundsolu.../sound-mat.aspx[/url] [url="http://www.keepitquiet.co.uk/quietfloor_plus.htm"]http://www.keepitquiet.co.uk/quietfloor_plus.htm[/url] [url="http://www.keepitquiet.co.uk/vibration_pad.html"]http://www.keepitquiet.co.uk/vibration_pad.html[/url] [url="http://www.polymax.co.uk/acatalog/Rubber_Anti-Vibration_Pads.html"]http://www.polymax.co.uk/acatalog/Rubber_Anti-Vibration_Pads.html[/url]
  23. Bit of fun. My brother's just sent me this. It mainly relates to guitars but it's mostly true for basses too, I reckon.
  24. [quote name='Bobby K' timestamp='1320592923' post='1428679'] Andy (Rourke) played his bass a tone up (F#) back in the day. So the opening F# note is on the 2nd fret of the D string, if that makes sense? I play with a Smiths tribute and take two basses out with me, one tuned a tone up, for this and most of the other older songs and one tuned in standard tuning. "miserable" is one hell of a bassline! The double stop chords towards the end of each verse are awesome. (the "why do I give valuable time" section etc) [/quote] Aha! It's all falling into place now. Knowing that the bass is retuned a tone up solves the riddle. Thanks for putting me out of my misery. I have a week to learn this bassline. It'll be a bit of a change from the pub-rock stuff I've been playing - it's even got chords in it! Blimey. Wish me luck.
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