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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. Folks, I think I've unknotted my knickers and finally understood what's happening. I've just played the full bassline in F# and it's fine - just as Monckyman said. Re-reading my guitarist friend's email, perhaps he meant "play the [i]shape[/i] of E major (with capo on 2nd fret)" - which then means you're actually playing F#. Flaming guitarists and capos - I thought I'd taught myself this lesson a long time ago. Obviously not. [url="http://www.free-emoticons.co.uk/getcode.php?dir=Embarrassed/&image=embarrassed016.gif"][/url] Apologies for the confusion, Steve
  2. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1320361225' post='1426014'] Lo Steve. Tis F#. with the main loop starting on F#>Eflat>G#>F#>B>C# [/quote] Oh dear - I've lost the plot here. Please bear with me if I'm missing something obvious here, which I'm sure I am. Just sticking with roots for now, I've tried the F# progression and it just doesn't sound right to me. Transposing down 2 semi-tones to E gives E C# F# A B and this sounds OK. It also links-in with what the guitarist is saying to me: [color="#000000"]"Miserable is very scalic, if you know E major then you'll have it. Actually its F#, cos the guitar uses a capo... anyway it's a satisfying bassline, very melodic."[/color] [color="#000000"]I'm confused. Please will somebody put me out of my misery. [/color] Steve
  3. Folks, I need to learn "Heaven knows I'm miserable" by The Smiths and I'm very confused. Looking it up on the web, the guitar chords start with F# but with capo on 2nd fret. This suggests that the "true" key is E, doesn't it? However, when I play the roots for the song in key of Emaj, it all sounds wrong, whereas key of F sounds fine. A very careful look at the YouTube video sugegsts to me that the bassist is playing in F, but who knows how his bass is tuned. Can somebody please tell me what key this song is actually in, please? Steve
  4. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1320325366' post='1425307'] i know it's not exactly what you're asking, but seeing as we're on the subject of these awesome basses........ if you want to remove a bit of the growl and get an all-round Fender-ish tone: try both pick ups on, no bass boost, passive with max on each knob. very nice tone there that seems to work in all settings. I actually prefer these basses in passive mode, generally. for more cut through, you might want to try bridge pup only, bass boost and active (but no treble boost); i've found that gives quite a crisp and well defined tone. my main thought is don't give up on these great basses; it does take a while to get to grip swith so many tonal options, but once you've got them at your finger tips, you'll find this is a bass that can step up to the plate in just about any musical situation. Oh and, as you say, they are SOOOOO nice to play. PS - Hello Dub Junkie - that Asat Special guitar is still getting plenty of love in these parts! [/quote] OK - I'll get my rig out and have an experiment - thanks for your suggestions.
  5. [quote name='dub_junkie' timestamp='1320310550' post='1425026'] the non bass boost switch position you refer to will likely be parallel and the mids are more transparent on that setting. neck/passive/series should cut through more (it did from my experience with L2000/Asats) but the MFD pickups / tri-tone preamp combination is pretty dark sounding overall imo [/quote] Thanks for your thoughts. looking at the user manual, the series switch position is described as "Bass boost" - is that what we want for more cut-through tone?
  6. [quote name='nitrokid' timestamp='1319988839' post='1420882'] Hi, This is my first post and i don't know much about bass guitars so be patiant. I have wanted to play the bass guitar for quite some time now and i finally have deceided i am going to buy a bass and learn. I already play the drums and when i get my grade 8 i am going to get a bass but which one... I have £200 to spend on just the bass and will probably go second hand but i don't know what makes a good bass guitar and which ones to look at. I have been down to my local music shop and he pointed me in the direction of the Ibanez SR range. But there all trying to sell you what they have in stock so i would like some independanted opinions. Thanks Jack. [/quote] Where are you based Jack? If you're anywhere near Stockport, you're more than welcome to come round and try out my basses - I have a good-value starter bass and more expensive gigging basses, so you'll be able to gauge the differences. Just drop me a PM - no problem. Steve
  7. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1320258473' post='1424539'] I'm not 'machines' but I know what he was referring to (I hope, since I posted agreeing ) and in that case it's the treble control on the bass itself. [/quote] Ahh - right. I did wonder... I've done a bit of digging and I found this thread on Talkbass: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/g-l-l2000-l2k-tone-controls-think-boost-not-cut-732606/"]http://www.talkbass....not-cut-732606/[/url] In line with Machines and yourself, the suggestion seems to be to start with the controls at zero and gradually dial up.
  8. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1320252261' post='1424409'] Try completely rolling off the treble control (treble switch can stay on) - I find this seems to shift the mids (almost like a parametric EQ) making them much more apparent, especially using the neck pickup. [/quote] Rolling off the treble control on the amp, do you mean?
  9. Folks, I have a USA G&L L2000 playing through a TC Classic 450/Barefaced Compact rig, and I'm slightly struggling to get the bass to cut through the mix in a band setting. I find my Fender P cuts through the mix more easily but I'd like to play the G&L because it has a more comfortable neck and action. Here's my typical G&L set-up which, try as I might seems just too rich, dark and thumpy: G&L: Passive, front pick-up, non bass-boost (can't recall whether that's series or parrallel), Status half-wound strings, tone knobs at 3/4 Amp: Lowish gain, mid Spectracomp, lowish bass, both mids up above centre, treble up, tube emulator very low, volume on 3/4 Band: Pub-rock, 2 guitars, fairly loud, fairly unsubtle... I'm keen to find a setup that means I can play the G&L rather than the Fender, but I'm struggling. All suggestions gratefully received. Cheers, Steve
  10. [quote name='StuFletch' timestamp='1320060930' post='1421640'] I could probably write out all the chords for you and give you the notes of all the runs etc. I can write notes out in tab but i'm useless at writing out all the rhythms and dead notes etc so you'll have to just apply the notes to parts yourself. Should help though. Shouldn't take me too long as I recently had to learn it again for a gig with Chris Helme. [/quote] Marvellous! I'll gratefully accept anything you can send me. Chords and note-tabs would be just great. Once I have those, I'll be able to work out the rhythms, I'm sure. Thank you for your generous offer of help. I'll PM you with my private email address, Cheers, Steve
  11. [quote name='Stag' timestamp='1320011988' post='1421356'] This might sound utterly bizarre but I work (indirectly) with Stuart Fletcher. I doubt he has a tab... but I could ask if he's go any tips / directions? [/quote] That would be great! All help gratefully received. Steve
  12. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1319830753' post='1419206'] Good choice. I love most of that album and there is some very pleasing bass playing on it. Sorry can't sit and work it out at the moment as I still need to nail a few songs for tomorrow nights gig. If no one has come to your aid by the end of the weekend I'll try to help you. [/quote] Thanks for your offer of help. I'm auditioning for a band in 2 week's time and I need to nail this song.
  13. Folks, I need to get my head round the bassline for Seahorses' Blinded by the sun. I have the basic chord structure but I'm struggling to work out the basslines around it. Can anyone help, please? Steve
  14. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1319028553' post='1409029'] Now I`m intrigued! Steve let us know how it goes etc will you? MM [/quote] I spoke to this guy. Based in the Liverpool area, it's a full-on professional covers band that gigs 4 - 5 times a week all over the UK. The band has a full-time sound engineer and 2 full-time roadies. Great opportunity for an experienced player who's footloose and fancy-free. Not me, then. Fellow basschatters - feel free to contact this guy direct - it seems a genuine opportunity from my conversation with him. I've got a couple of maybe-projects to keep me out of mischief. Steve
  15. [quote name='Barryjust' timestamp='1318865729' post='1407091'] Hi Contact me on [email protected] with some details I have a job that may interest you. [/quote] PM'd you.
  16. This really depressed me: 19 year-old guitarist comes to a jam/audition with us. Unpacking his kit, he says: "I looked at those songs you mentioned by that band called Police. I'd never heard of them until I YouTubed those songs - they were quite good, weren't they?" I felt so very old.
  17. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1317914054' post='1396182'] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Sadly, this is becoming more and more prevalent. I'm looking for a new band and I've responded to a few ads from BC and other websites. Quite often, I get nothing back - not even a "Thanks, but no thanks". I don't understand this - I make a point of always responding to people who approach me about possible bassist opportunities in their band. Basic good manners, I call it. Maybe I'm simply showing my age, I dunno. Maybe it's another example of the anonymity of the web.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#000000]There have been some funny moments though: I’ve had approaches from 17 year-olds setting up bands inspired by groups I’ve never heard of, from ageing rockers who only wanted to play 70’s bloke-rock “because everything else is crap”, from one band that described itself as “post-modern industrial shock-rock”, from plenty of goth bands, from 70’s glam-rock tribute outfits (make-up required) and from a jump/jive/swing band. Actually, the jump/jive band were really good and I was quite tempted.[/color][/font][/size] Bands, eh... Steve MB1. Nottingham?...Not LOCAL! thats why i havent emailed ya! "I'M OUT!" ......TIM MIGHT BE INTERESTED THOUGH! 70S Glam Rock tribute is it then Steve? [/quote] I've actually got a pair of platforms from the 70's. I was there, you see. I've also got a pair of 3-button waistband Brutus bags - they're currently lagging my parents' hot water tank.
  18. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Sadly, this is becoming more and more prevalent. I'm looking for a new band and I've responded to a few ads from BC and other websites. Quite often, I get nothing back - not even a "Thanks, but no thanks". I don't understand this - I make a point of always responding to people who approach me about possible bassist opportunities in their band. Basic good manners, I call it. Maybe I'm simply showing my age, I dunno. Maybe it's another example of the anonymity of the web.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color="#000000"]There have been some funny moments though: I’ve had approaches from 17 year-olds setting up bands inspired by groups I’ve never heard of, from ageing rockers who only wanted to play 70’s bloke-rock “because everything else is crap”, from one band that described itself as “post-modern industrial shock-rock”, from plenty of goth bands, from 70’s glam-rock tribute outfits (make-up required) and from a jump/jive/swing band. Actually, the jump/jive band were really good and I was quite tempted.[/color][/font][/size] Bands, eh... Steve
  19. Three attempts to contact this fella via his ad. have produced...nothing. Anybody else having more luck than I am? Steve
  20. With or without you - U2 Sit Down - James Get this party started - Pink (you can get away with simply playing B throughout)
  21. Not [i]quite[/i] my genre, but it might suit somebody else... [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/start-an-obscene-sexhorrorpunk-industrial-rock-n-roll-band-t261802.html"]http://www.joinmyban...nd-t261802.html[/url] I'm still looking for a pop/rock/soul/motown band. Not really into corpses. Steve
  22. solo4652


    Blast - wrong side of Manchester for me.
  23. What a shame I'm not in London or she's not in Manchester - I'd love to play bass behind her voice.
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