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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. Folks, Recently I was round at Bassbunny's house. I was picking his brains about heads and speakers. This SWR Triad quickly became the standard against which we compared Markbass, Zoot, Barefaced and TC rigs - it's that accomplished. Bassbunny is a nice guy too - hugely knowledgeable about all things electronic, and a hugely experienced bass player. He'll see you right. Steve
  2. Couple of interesting offers, but nothing sorted yet. The search continues...
  3. [quote name='cocoliso' post='1362222' date='Sep 4 2011, 09:05 PM']I live in Spain. I would like to play bass for all of you. Quite dificult. But you wrote that you've been in Spain. I live in the south near Malaga and i am looking for a online band to prepare some concerts duriong the year, in summer prefererably in Spain and also in England. My holidays summer are in Whitby, north Yorkshire. So we can meet in Spain or in England for a Jam or a tiny concert to enjoy. I have some ready music for you to listen in www. soundcloud.com look for ABOneTwo and you will find some songs. Good luck and just tell me if you need something. Best regards[/quote] Some confusion here! I'll PM you.
  4. [quote name='Strewth' post='1361405' date='Sep 3 2011, 11:00 PM']Hi, we are a band called Strewth and we are looking for a bassist to complete our lineup. You sound like-minded for what we are hoping to achieve -to have a laugh, but to rehearse seriously and to get out gigging and entertaining people. We do cover by artists such as the Rolling Stones, Dr Feelgood, Neil Young, The Doors, The Blues Bros etc. We consist of Dave on lead vocals and electro acoustic, Joy on backing vocals and some lead vocals, me (Ash) on lead guitar, and Neil on drums. Our ages rang from mid 40s to mid 50s, and we have rehearsal rooms in Prestwich Village, all the equipment we need, and we are keen to get on with our set list. We are nice people, we get on well, no big egos. We´ve had a break for the last few weeks for holidays. I am in spain until next week, but if you are interested and still free, and you´d like to come and meet up with us and have a play through some songs and see what you think then please e-mail me at [email protected] looking forward to hearing from you, and hopefully to meetiing up cheers Ash[/quote] Ash, Thanks for getting in touch. I've emailed you at your ntl address. Steve
  5. Hi Folks, *sigh*, here we go again. I'm looking for a decent covers band in the South Manchester/Cheshire/Stockport area. I have plenty of recent gigging experience playing bass in covers bands and I'm on the look out for a soft-rock/pop/funk/soul/indie crew that is looking to rehearse hard and gig regularly. I'm not looking for record deals, tours or world domination - I just want to play good-time music to appreciative audiences and see people enjoy themselves. I'm hard working, reliable and very happy to help out with band management if I can. No originals, thank you. I'm regularly checking the usual websites (Partysounds, Join my Band, Northwest bands, etc). PM me with any suggestions you may have, Thanks, Steve
  6. No sailing today - too tired from last week's 7-day regatta. So, following a B&Q trip, I sanded the neck with very fine grade wet-and-dry, then 2 coats of Denmark oil. 3rd coat tomorrow. All the dings and scrapes have been removed and the discoloured area has been toned down a bit. The finish is lovely and smooth. Thanks for your help. Steve
  7. I'm looking to tidy up the back and side of the neck on this bass: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=150300&hl=Ibanez+Blazer"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...l=Ibanez+Blazer[/url] I've had a tentative go with wet and dry and this has been promising. Virtually all of the minor dings have been removed and the discoloured areas are now smooth to the touch. Some of the neck lacquer has been removed and I'm now thinking about very lightly sanding all of the neck to completely remove the lacquer. What would I finish the neck with? I'm looking for a smooth, non-sticky, matt finish - doesn't have to be shiny-glossy. Oil? If so, what type? Something else? Steve
  8. [quote name='FlatEric' post='1342671' date='Aug 17 2011, 08:00 AM']Go for the Blazer! Set up your amp for the USA P and then plug the Blazer in! Come back and tell us all what happened. I know the answer already, as I have done it before but I'd be interested to hear what you say about it. Cheers. [/quote] Well, I bought the CAR one. Having fettled it and done an initial setup, I plugged it into the amp and I'm very impressed, considering what I paid for it. It really isn't far behind my USA P in terms of clarity of tone. The A string's a little dull at the moment, but I'm still fiddling with neck relief, saddle height and pickup height. It'll be a few days before it all settles down. It has a lot of punch and power - probably a bit more volume and attack than my USA P, but possibly lacking a little bit of depth and subtlety to the tone. But hey - as a backup to the P, it'll be absolutely fine. It's quite nice to have a bass that you're not too concerned about catching on the ceiling or floor too. The G side of the neck is fairly marked and the lacquer's worn off. Is there something easy I can do to smooth it a little? Wet and Dry and polish?? Steve
  9. Looks like this is sold and on its way to a new home in France. Still looking for an vintage MIJ Ibanez Blazer with original tuners, pickup, bridge, knobs. Not too picky about body colour and I don't mind scuffs/mojo/dings to the body (within reason!) but neck needs to be in good condition. No "projects" please! £150 available. PM me if you have anything. I'll post something in the Wanted forum. Steve
  10. See: [url="http://www.preloved.co.uk/fuseaction-adverts.showadvert/index-1034281429/c7e66d5f.html"]http://www.preloved.co.uk/fuseaction-adver...9/c7e66d5f.html[/url]
  11. [quote name='FlatEric' post='1342671' date='Aug 17 2011, 08:00 AM']Go for the Blazer! Set up your amp for the USA P and then plug the Blazer in! Come back and tell us all what happened. I know the answer already, as I have done it before but I'd be interested to hear what you say about it. Cheers. [/quote] OK - I accept the challenge. Steve
  12. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' post='1340698' date='Aug 15 2011, 02:21 PM']If the Blazer's in good nick, it will probably be the finest P-style bass you will ever own! I picked one up for £200 a couple of years back and it soon became my number one. Even the ultra-sarcastic tech/luthier I go too was impressed (Aside from a little giveaway on the fretwork of it's budget origins). Gutsy, growly tone- a bit more balls than the usual Precision tone. Probably down to the DiMarzio pickup and heavy brass bridge. No contest between this and the Squier IMHO.[/quote] Thanks for your comments. I'm definitely leaning towards the Blazer.
  13. Oooops - just bought something, so the ATK is now surplus to requirements. For sale for £275, excluding P&P. PM me if interested. Steve
  14. Folks, I've been offered an early '90's MIJ Squier P. I've been looking for a good, cheap CIJ/MIJ P for a while now as a knockabout backup to my USA P. The alternative is a MIJ Ibanez Blazer. Any thoughts? Steve
  15. [quote name='XB26354' post='1336396' date='Aug 11 2011, 01:35 PM']Having just got the 5-string version on BC I can vouch for just how good these basses sound. Feel and tone is pretty reminiscent of a Stingray 5 HS. They're very solidly made and easy to adjust. Highly recommended![/quote] Thank you for your comments!
  16. [quote name='ped' post='1336343' date='Aug 11 2011, 12:48 PM']I love these basses... a real bargain! I've just put a pic in your first post. All you do is right click on the image in Picasa and choose 'copy image location' then on BC hit the insert image tag to the left of the smiley face and paste the link in there. Cheers ped[/quote] Aha! [i]That's[/i] how you do it. Thanks Ped.
  17. It's still here folks. I'm still looking to trade it for a MIJ/CIJ Fender P. I'd also consider a decent MIM P, Musicman SUB (passive - yes, I know how rare they are) or decent 4-string, passive, P-necked bass with appropriate cash adjustment. I'm valuing the ATK at around £330. PM me with anything interesting, Steve
  18. I've just bought one of these and the download does make quite a difference to the low-light recordings.
  19. I had this problem with my Ibanez ATK400 recently. I'd had a new jackplug put in and it had been wired up wrong. Correct wiring of the jackplug sorted it out. So, check the wiring to the jackplug as one possible remedy.
  20. Hi Folks, I have a Line 6 Backtrack + mic for sale. Here's all the details: [url="http://www.whybuynew.co.uk/musical-instruments/guitars/line-6-back-track-mic-digital-recorder.htm"]http://www.whybuynew.co.uk/musical-instrum...al-recorder.htm[/url] Please note this is the sw***ier version with the onboard mic. Brilliant bit of kit for recording at home and rehearsals. The size of a small mobile phone, you turn it on, and it sits there and listens. Start playing, it starts recording. Stop playing, it stops recording. Errr, that's it. Complete hands-free use. I clip it to my music stand at rehearsals and forget about it. It will record your bass if you plug the bass straight into it, or it will record a full band through the mic. File download (WAV files) is so simple that even I can do it. It's in as-new condition and comes in the original box with all the leads and instructions. Cheapest I can find on the web is £81 for B Stock - see link above. Yours for £45, excluding P&P. Photos to follow later today Contact me via PM if you're interested. Steve
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