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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. Blast! Just what I was looking for. Anybody else got one for sale, please? Pm me if you do. Steve
  2. I have one of these: [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/recording-studio/detail.asp?stock=08102916514428"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/recording-st...=08102916514428[/url] Could I use an instrument lead to plug it straight into the desk? Steve
  3. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1323508' date='Aug 1 2011, 08:39 PM']Yes your laptop will have a line in/mic socket, but, you`ll need some recording software![/quote] Audacity?
  4. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1323406' date='Aug 1 2011, 07:10 PM']Hi Steve, yes there are loads of simple solutions. It does depend on the desk being used though, and you need to ask the engineer nicely because they don`t usually like the extra hassle. First, if the desk has unused aux outs, then a stereo pair can be sent to your laptop/minidisk whatever recorder, or if the desk has a Matrix out section, it will be very easy to take a stereo line from that too. Take lots of cables and adapters to suit your recorder. A decent desk will usually have 1/4" jack outs for matrix and xlr for auxes.The engineer will apreiciate you not making him look for cables! If at all possible, try to contact him before the show, and discuss it, he`ll know what to expect then, but if thats not possible, get to him as soon as you can when you arrive, so he has time to prepare. Be aware that a desk recording will not provide a balanced mix, but will favour things that are quiet onstage, and wont perhaps have so much guitars that are loud etc. reverbs and other FX are usually louder than preferred also. MM[/quote] Thanks for your help. So, if I take my laptop, will the engineer plug into its microphone socket or a USB port?
  5. Hi folks, On Saturday, my band's at a local festival where there is a hired-in PA, backline and Sound Technician. I'm wondering whether this is a good opportunity to get some decent recordings done. Now, go easy on me please - I have NO experience whatsoever of recording or mixing, and I'm not brilliant with IT in general. So, is there a real easy way we could take some sort of output from the mixing desk and capture it? Steve
  6. [quote name='andydye' post='1312882' date='Jul 22 2011, 03:56 PM']Will you be able to hear yourself over the rest of the stage noise if it's on the floor? have you got PA backup? have a look at: [url="http://barefacedbass.com/technical-information/stage-or-floor-coupling.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/technical-informa...or-coupling.htm[/url][/quote] Thanks. Having read that, it seems like I'll need to put the Compact on a beer crate.
  7. Quick question: I have a Compact. Tuesday's gig is in a biggish bar, 150-200 noisy people. Given the size of the Compact, would you leave it on the floor or put on top of something? Steve
  8. Is there something cheap 'n' cheerful that does what an Auralex GRAMMA pad does, but without the bulk, weight and cost? Maybe a roll-up mat or something? How about: [url="http://www.dm-tools.co.uk/product.php/site/froogle/sn/DRA30743"]http://www.dm-tools.co.uk/product.php/site...gle/sn/DRA30743[/url] Maybe I'm just being stingy. Steve
  9. Try floating thumb technique. I used to use a thumbrest but since adopting floating thumb, string muting is so much easier. See: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZFSeNy_GMk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZFSeNy_GMk[/url] Steve
  10. Tom, My Roland Dbass-115 combo is still for sale. Steve
  11. +1 I have the Classic 450 and a Barefaced Compact. At home, they sound OK - nothing more; too thin at dining room volume level, and causing too much furniture/window/bookcase vibration at gig volume. However, at full band rehearsal, it's a completely different story and I've gone from doubting the wisdom of buying the rig to being pleased I did. Steve
  12. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1307141' date='Jul 17 2011, 10:07 PM']So what have you got the new rig for? The idea was to get rid of everything else, but you still have everything else, and will essentially use it all despite the Roland because admit it the Barefaced sounds better?[/quote] I'm assuming this question is aimed at me as the OP (but excuse me if I'm wrong). Yep - the initial idea was to get rid of everything else. Maybe I was showing my inexperience and naivety here. As it turns out, sheer practicalities have held sway. I've kept the rehearsal combo because it's so easy to leave it at (the band's own) rehearsal room so all I have to take there is my bass and notes. I was going to sell the little Line 6 combo and use the Barefaced/TC 450 rig for home practice. However, small though the rig is, it's still a bit intrusive and unsightly to live in the dining room (that's what I'm told, anyway). So it lives upstairs and for home practice I use the tiddy little Line 6 because I can lose it behind the settee when it's not being used, and that contributes to domestic harmony. As for the Rolands - well, the reason I still have them is because they're proving difficult to sell. I suppose I'll have to Ebay them. Steve
  13. I have some Tabs for Message in a bottle and Walking on the moon, if you'd like them. If you do, Pm me with your personal email address and I'll send them over. Steve
  14. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1305766' date='Jul 16 2011, 01:46 PM']same finidng here: [url="http://www.rockmagic.net/guitar-tabs/black-sabbath/juniors_eyes.btab"]http://www.rockmagic.net/guitar-tabs/black...niors_eyes.btab[/url] but surely you could pick that one just by ear? or not?[/quote] *Sigh* Here we go again. Is that actually helpful to the OP?
  15. Well, this is how it all turned out; I was originally trying to reduce the number of amps and combos I had scattered around various places. What actually happened? - I've ended up with more rather than fewer bits of kit. I ended up buying a Compact and a TC Classic 450 rig, both secondhand. Total outlay = £700. Using it at home for practice, I was pretty underimpressed. Because it's so loud, I had it turned right down, and it sounded thin. I preferred the little Line 6 combo. I thought I'd made an expensive mistake. However, at full-band rehearsal, the new rig came alive. One word: Clarity. I bought the Classic 450 amp because of its simple controls and it only took a few minutes to dial in a really rich-but-clear tone with my G&L. Amp settings: gain half-way, compressor almost off, bass turned down (because the G&L's so full-on anyway), mids up a little, tweeter up a bit, virtually no tubetone, master volume no higher than half. Band members amazed at clarity of tones all along the spectrum. I'm very pleased with it all, but I'll have to tidy up my playing because all mistakes are now clearly audible! I kept the little Line 6 combo for dining room practice because it's just so easy and simple to use, and it hides behing the sofa. I kept the SWR combo for leaving at the rehearsal room for sheer convenience. I still have the Roland combo and extension rig because nobody seems to want to buy it, which I find really surprising. So does the fabled 1-cab solution exist? For me and my circumstances - no. Steve
  16. For Sale at Vintagebassguitars for £711: [url="http://www.vintagebassguitars.co.uk/2011/07/ibanez-artstar-artist-semi-bass-mij-rare-vintage-1980-711-15/"]http://www.vintagebassguitars.co.uk/2011/0...ge-1980-711-15/[/url]
  17. Have a look at this: [url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/b/black_sabbath/juniors_eyes_btab.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/b/black_sa...s_eyes_btab.htm[/url] If you haven't seen it before, this website is a good one for tabs. Please remember, that what's posted on there isn't always right, so you still have to use your own ears and judgement. Steve
  18. Sold for £640. Utter bargain. Anyone on here get it?
  19. [quote name='solo4652' post='1298366' date='Jul 9 2011, 05:30 PM']I can't seem to upload the link. Just get onto Ebay and search for "G&L L-1000" and you'll find it. It's in Sweden.[/quote] Try this: [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=G%26L+L-1000&_sacat=See-All-Categories"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?_from=R40&am...-All-Categories[/url]
  20. I can't seem to upload the link. Just get onto Ebay and search for "G&L L-1000" and you'll find it. It's in Sweden.
  21. Try: Folks, I've been watching this, but I've decided I can't justify buying it, given that I've already got a USA L2000. That's what I've just been told, anyway... Looks a real beauty, and no VAT or import duty payable. I'm going to kick myself about this. [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:B:ONA:US:1123"]http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:B:ONA:US:1123[/url] Steve
  22. [quote name='gary mac' post='1298353' date='Jul 9 2011, 05:19 PM']The link doesn't work for me [/quote] Try: Folks, I've been watching this, but I've decided I can't justify buying it, given that I've already got a USA L2000. That's what I've just been told, anyway... Looks a real beauty, and no VAT or import duty payable. I'm going to kick myself about this. [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:B:ONA:US:1123"]http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:B:ONA:US:1123[/url] Steve
  23. Folks, I've been watching this, but I've decided I can't justify buying it, given that I've already got a USA L2000. That's what I've just been told, anyway... Looks a real beauty, and no VAT or import duty payable. I'm going to kick myself about this. [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:B:ONA:US:1123"]http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:B:ONA:US:1123[/url] Steve
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1296963' date='Jul 8 2011, 11:19 AM']For the OP: I'm not really familiar with the other tracks, but on Love Song by Simple Minds the bass is nice and loud in the mix and does pretty much the same thing all the way trough the song. If you can't work this one out by ear then maybe this music thing isn't for you.[/quote] Well, that's not very helpful, is it? In fact, it's bordering on being downright rude. Can't we focus on helping each other, please? If I had tabs, chords, sheet music, whatever, for a song requested by a fellow muso, I'd gladly share it.
  25. Thought I'd sold this, but the deal's not gone through. So it's back up for sale again with new prices: Combo + extension speaker = £550 Combo alone = £325 Extension speaker alone = £250 Steve
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