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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. [quote name='solo4652' post='1289984' date='Jul 2 2011, 12:09 PM']Just in case the seller does get back to me, can the G&L experts out there offer their opinions on: How does the tone of the L-1000 compare to the L-2000? I generally play the L-2000 on "combined pup" setting, occasionally front pup only setting. What checks would you carry out to satisfy yourself the bass is genuine? What would you be prepared to pay for it? Steve[/quote] Aha! I've just received this email from the seller: "I tried to cancel the auction but ebay wouldn't allow it ...would be nice to speak to a human intead of FAQ's and avatars. Anyway the winning bid has been refunded as I would only sell at a BUY IT NOW price in excess of £1100. Sorry for the confusion but as I said the ebay set up is new to me."
  2. Oh good (for me). No, wait - that's bad (for Gareth). Once the bidding has started and it's allowed to run its course (and providing any reserve has been met), isn't the seller obliged to sell?
  3. Just in case the seller does get back to me, can the G&L experts out there offer their opinions on: How does the tone of the L-1000 compare to the L-2000? I generally play the L-2000 on "combined pup" setting, occasionally front pup only setting. What checks would you carry out to satisfy yourself the bass is genuine? What would you be prepared to pay for it? Steve
  4. I'm absolutely kicking myself about this. I have a USA L2000 and I've been looking for a passive version for ages. The L-1000 would be close to a dream bass for me. I keep telling myself that there must have been something dodgy about the deal/the seller, if it looks too good to be true then it probably is, suspiciously cheap, sombody may well get scammed or ripped-off here (let's hope not), better off out of it, etc. Didn't stop me from emailing the seller to say "If the deal falls through, let me know". *sigh*
  5. Sold for £459!! I'm absolutely amazed. Staggered. I quite thought it would fetch over twice that. What's the story here?
  6. I recently got my Ibanez from somebody who once lived next door to the second cousin of Sting's housekeeper. Allegedly. Therefore it used to be Sting's. Yours for £1000. bargain.
  7. Sounds like you've already virtually recouped your outlay. Just hope the deal goes through OK and the unresponsive seller does actually exist. Let's not go there.
  8. [quote name='BottomE' post='1285225' date='Jun 28 2011, 01:10 PM']haha - i got this for the starting price! Already sourced a US Precision neck and PuPs to install. Good times...[/quote] Nice one! Usual commission rates apply... Steve
  9. [quote name='tom1946' post='1283842' date='Jun 27 2011, 10:54 AM']Haven't got a pic of the rear headstock atm, I'm already £100 under what I paid for it so it won't get any cheaper, sorry. I will take a pic if anyone wants one and is serious about purchase, there's nothing to see though.[/quote] How about a trade with my Ibanez ATK 400?
  10. This chap's looking for a 210TX: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=142309"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=142309[/url]
  11. A just-about-to-go-sailing bump.
  12. See; [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200623279282&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:GB:1123"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:B:WNA:GB:1123[/url]
  13. [quote name='smb' post='1282297' date='Jun 25 2011, 05:42 PM']I had one of these...until it got stolen. Amazing bass. Wish I could make you an offer on it, anyway have a free bump[/quote] Much obliged - thank you.
  14. See: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BASS-GUITAR-/280701822085?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item415b21e485"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BASS-GUITAR-/2807018...=item415b21e485[/url]
  15. I got fed up with trying and failing to upload pics via BC. So, see the photos via Picasaweb link (I hope - first time I've tried it). Also, I've widened the trade criteria to include non-fender P's - see original post. Steve
  16. [quote name='andy67' post='1281625' date='Jun 24 2011, 10:59 PM']Amazing instruments and made in Japan as far as I can recall. Bought mine in 2002, exactly same as yours for £400 new. However, back then you could tell these were worth more than the ticket price. £350 aint a terrible amount to ask for. Stunning! I miss mine [/quote] Thanks for the kind comments. I believe that some were made in Japan and then Korea. With the 5-way pup switch you can go from a close P impression (but with a little more treble) through to a very hi-fi sound that some people have likened to a Stingray. Mine's in excellent condition too with only a few minor marks to the back of the body and some discolouration on the back of the neck. Mahogany body too, with some sort of veneer on the top - beautiful finish. I certainly don't mind keeping it if nothing comes up by way of a trade. So, anybody want to do swapsies then? Steve
  17. [quote name='tom1946' post='1281377' date='Jun 24 2011, 07:05 PM']How do you value it? I have a Jap P bass which is mint and has a maple board, 2 tone sunburst 57 reissue with the gold anodised p/guard. The Ibby looks very nice but it doesn't seem to be in the same ballpark price wise.[/quote] Hi Tom, Yes, it [i]is[/i] a bit tricky balancing possible values, isn't it. I searched the BC For Sale forum for CIJ/MIJ P's and also ATK 400's. No problem finding out about the P's - plenty of current and past examples at anywhere from £350 to £500. However, an ATK 400 is much more difficult to find. Ebay isn't much use either - I searched "Completed Listings" for an ATK 400 and found nothing. ATK 300's go fo £200+, and an ATK 700 went for £400. Putting the ATK 400 between these puts it around the value of some of the CIJ/MIJ P's, especially when you take into consideration the ATK 400 is now getting pretty hard to find and the one I have is in excellent condition. Your P sounds interesting. Do you want to swap photos? If you show me yours, I'll show you mine... Steve
  18. Folks, I acquired this recently in a part-ex deal. It's a cracking bass, and the only thing I dislike about it is that it's active. I'm happy to keep it and I'm also happy to trade it for a CIJ/MIJ Fender P with 42mm neck, or a similar quality P-necked, passive P-type bass. Here's what I know about the Ibanez: Made in Korea, serial number W4134** which dates it to April 2001. Maple neck and fingerboard, Mahogany body sunburst finish, J/MM configuration pups, through-body or bridge stringing option, 3 band active EQ, five bolt neck joint. It's in excellent condition. The front is glossy and virtually unmarked. The back too is shiny, with 1 or 2 vey minor dings (which don't penetrate the colour) and a tad of bucklerash. The neck has a few very minor marks on the rear and some discolouration around frets 3 -5, but nothing that can be felt whilst playing. When I got it, the jack socket was crackly, so I had it replaced with a new one. Nice chunky tone pots with useful centre detents for easy reference. The only thing that's missing is the truss rod cover. Photos: See: [url="https://picasaweb.google.com/115957742070238396911/ATK400?authkey=Gv1sRgCLDM1MvQgpaU5wE#"]https://picasaweb.google.com/11595774207023...LDM1MvQgpaU5wE#[/url] Looking to trade it for a MIJ/CIJ Fender P in good nick with 42mm nut, or a similar quality, P-necked, passive P-type bass. I'm fairly flexible about body colour and fingerboard wood, but please no beat-up "projects". PM me with what you have. Steve
  19. Phew! I was [i]seriously[/i] considering buying this and trading it for the Sandberg PM4. Pity, really... Steve
  20. Withdrawn. It's too useful for me to sell it.
  21. Folks, I have an active Ibanez ATK 400 which I use as a back-up to my Fender P. I like most things about it apart from the fact it's active. It's the old model with a single coil jazz pickup in the neck and a triple coil pickup in the bridge. active bass. 5 way pickup select switch, volume control, bass, mid and treble controls. I'm considering having it converted to switchable passive/active so I don't have to faff about with batteries. Ideally, I'd aim at a set up that keeps everything as it currently is when switched to active and, when switched to passive, retain the pup switching, volume and 3 tone controls. What do you think - is this possible? If so, roughly how much would it cost to have it done do you reckon? Steve
  22. [quote name='artisan' post='1272804' date='Jun 17 2011, 02:45 PM']i can heartily reccomend these Rolands,i use a D-bass 210 combo & love it to bits,so much so i sold my SVT rig & just use the Roly now. it's a bargain at his price too. have a bump mate.[/quote] Thank you. Just about any tone that is needed is in there somewhere. Also, these Rolands are pretty bomb-proof, despite weighing only 24 kgs. I just can't justify having the Rolands [i]and[/i] a Barefaced Compact/TE Classic 450 rig. Steve
  23. [quote name='matybigfro' post='1273167' date='Jun 17 2011, 08:52 PM']So I've been playing bass properly in bands for 2-3 years now after being a hamfisted guitarist with a spare bass lying around In the first band I joined playing bass the keyboard player owned a bass amp so i played that for the 2 years I was with the band it was one of those behrigner ultra bass heads (350 watt I think) and 15" inch cabs I have to say i was never really happy with the amp even when I upgraded from a cheap 2nd hand tatty bass to a fender mexican precision special So I've recently joined a new band and figure i need a to get myself an amp, i've played through a ton of heads at varios shops (never the best place to judge) Out of the tc450 AND bh300, various ashdown offerings, mark bass Little Mark and fender combo I've can't get away from how good everything sounds played through the orange terror bass and SP210, the only thing that came close was the Ampeg portaflex PF500, but I only got to play this through the portaflex 15" cab and I've always had a thing against 15" cabs so at the moment it would take a hurd of bulls to dissuade me from the Orange Terror bass 5oo head My Dilema is do I get the sexy looking matching Isobaric Cab that orange does (i only have the money left for one cab so ti's a choice between the SP212 or 212) Which have always sounded great when I played them in shops. my concern is will small cab like the SP210 really be able to pull of gigging in a live band situation and that And then there's this nagging thought in the back of mind that I can't get away from 'What would the terror bass sound like through a barefaced compact' Barefaced seem to get a lot of love round here and all I've heard is pretty rave review on the stuff although bigger than the SP210 it is lighter (which seems to get more important each year that goes bye) Any views/opinions or directions appreciated[/quote] I bought a Compact this week. You're welcome to come round and try it anytime. Don't know where you live - I'm in Stockport. Steve
  24. New rig arriving soon, so I'm keen to move the Rolands on. I'm very open to sensible offers, as long as you don't take the p!ss. Steve
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