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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. Some interested parties, but it's still for sale.
  2. Folks, I'm trying to reduce the number of amps, speakers and combos I seem to have collected. This Line 6 Studio 110 combo is now for sale. Many of you will be aware of these little marvels. Here are the key features: 5 Bass Amp Models: Clean, R&B, Rock, Grind and Modern Synth Bass Full-time Opto Compressor XLR Direct Out "with Line 6’s exclusive A.I.R.™ processing" (whatever that is...) Pre Amp Out 4 Programmable Model Memories Headphone Out Jam Along CD/MP3 1/8-inch Input 10-inch Speaker 75 Watts Dimensions: 24lbs, 12"L x 12"W x 12" Will hide behind the sofa when not in use Full spec here: [url="http://line6.com/lowdownstudio110/"]http://line6.com/lowdownstudio110/[/url] I've mainly used it for home practice, and it's perfect for that. In the past, I've used it for band rehearsal with a (fairly well-behaved) drummer, lead guitar, keys and lead vocals. It coped remarkably well, producing virtually no distortion even though it was close to max volume. The addition of a second guitar to the band was just too much for it, however. Photos: BC system says my photos are too big! I'll try again later. Pm me with you personal email address, and I'll send them. Looking for £100, excluding courier charges please. Cheers, Steve
  3. Folks, I'm new to this seperate head and cab lark - bear with me. I need a speakon-speakon cable to connect a head and cab. The head will sit on top of the cab, so a short run of, say, 1 metre. The head's rated at 450w (800w peak) and will drive a Compact. Do I need a cable of 1.25mm cross section or 2.5mm? How critical is it anyway? Cheers, Steve
  4. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='1267839' date='Jun 13 2011, 08:32 PM']Line 6 Studio 110 is just fine and well in budget 2nd hand. It doesn't fart out until you turn it RIGHT up, and the compressor is usable to keep things in order. fine for a jazzgig and "unplugged" with a sympathetic drummer. For just practice, perfect.[/quote] Completely agree. I have one and it has been fantastic as a small practice amp. Hides behind the sofa! Ideal for music-on-the-go college use. You can save your own settings so you can move it between different situations and basses. DI out, headphones in, MP3 in - it's all there. In my previous band, I used it for rehearsals with a (fairly well-behaved) drummer, lead guitar, vocals and keys. The Line 6 coped amazingly well - hardly any distortion even though it was close to max volume. It's only when we added a second guitar that it ran out of puff, bless it. Since I'm trying to reduce the number of amps and combos I have around the place, I'm willing to make this available for £100, excluding courier costs. Utter bargain. PM me if you're interested. Steve
  5. [quote name='Muzz' post='1263020' date='Jun 9 2011, 06:12 PM']With a bit of judicious searching, £300 should get you a Roland D-Bass 115 combo. Terrific combos for the money, and, as they're not very trendy, a s/h bargain.[/quote] I have one for sale. Pm sent. Steve
  6. Price dropped to: Buy both for: £590 Combo alone: £385 Cab alone: £250 Steve
  7. [quote name='Paul S' post='1265096' date='Jun 11 2011, 04:51 PM']There's both a Little Mark Tube 500 and a Barefaced Compact just popped up on the For Sale section - this has to be the best VFM lightweight rig ever![/quote] Aha! Thanks you for the head's up. I've PM'd the seller regarding the Compact.
  8. Folks, Any thoughts on this, please: [url="http://www.giggear.co.uk/p/Orange-TB500c-Terror-Bass-Combo/"]http://www.giggear.co.uk/p/Orange-TB500c-Terror-Bass-Combo/[/url]
  9. [quote name='Muzz' post='1263623' date='Jun 10 2011, 09:27 AM']I'd echo the thoughts about Schroeders or Barefaced being a good, light, one-cab solution. Never tried a Barefaced, tho if it wasn't for timing issues I'd have bought a Super12 last year untried (there's always Alex's returns policy as a backup), but I can tell you definitely that the 1515L sounds as big as your full Roland stack, because I had one previously (you've got my old 115X there). Pair it with a LMIII or TC Classic/RH450 (to taste) and you've got a great portable stack. The RH450 even has MP3 in/phones out for silent practice. The Schroeders do have 'a sound' - which I like - however if you want to come over and try mine, give me a shout. Because of the aforementioned timing debacle last year, I ordered mine from a place in Sweden (or was it Denmark? I forget), and it arrived in three days.[/quote] Well, thank you. I'd like to take you up on your offer to try your rig out. How about you drop me a PM with your contact details and a time that suits you? Steve
  10. [quote name='3below' post='1263415' date='Jun 9 2011, 11:03 PM']Unlucky or A lucky break? Plan B, find a good woodworking type, give plans,exchange cash - still way cheaper than purchasing. YMMV. Like the definition of DIY, will have to get this one in circulation at work [/quote] I've had to work very hard at being bad at DIY. I've mastered it now (being clumsy, that is), so I don't get asked to fix wonky knobs and damp patches. If you see what I mean.
  11. [quote name='3below' post='1263306' date='Jun 9 2011, 09:26 PM']Barefaced Big One does all my stuff, and it's lightweight. Alternatively build your own 15/6 fEARful - plans etc on the web. The Big One does like a lot of Watts if you want a lot of volume (filling hall with 900+ people - loudly).[/quote] *Convulses with laughter* Build your own?!! For me, DIY = Destroy It Yourself.
  12. [quote name='Paul S' post='1262696' date='Jun 9 2011, 02:03 PM']The only thing I would recommend here is a word of caution to try before you buy if at all possible. From a cold start and no preconceptions I tried all of the available gear in my budget range, hoping to spend as little as possible. I dismissed the Promethean as soon as I played it as, to me, it just didn't sound right. That's not to say it won't be right for you - there are a lot of endorsees on here for it, after all - and if it does you would have saved yourself a pile of dosh. But what it offers on paper and in reality might not match your expectations. It didn't mine.[/quote] You're right of course. I've contacted Dawsons in Stockport and asked them if they would get one of the Prometheans in for me to try.
  13. [quote name='solo4652' post='1262525' date='Jun 9 2011, 12:16 PM']I've had an email from the Ibanez suppliers in Birmingham. Apparently, the 5115K combo is 250w @ 8ohm or 500w @ 4ohm.[/quote] Here's what GAK say: "Hi Steve, many thanks for your email. Believe it or not, yes you can get the full 500 watts out of this and you wouldn't need an extension cab to do it. We don't have any in stock at the moment but if you wanted to place an order we'd be able to get one within about 5 working days for you. Hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance." Is this my way forward?
  14. [quote name='Bigwan' post='1262561' date='Jun 9 2011, 12:38 PM']I think Owen has the answer to all your problems (under budget too!): [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135623"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135623[/url] If I hadn't just fallen in love with an Orange Terror Bass I'd be sorely tempted myself since I want to downsize a little![/quote] Yes - I saw that. Recently, I tried out a Tecamp Puma Combo and was a little underwhelmed, to be honest. I have a light plucking style and I seemed to be struggling to get depth and definition out of the Puma. In comparison, a LM2 head with a Zoot cab sounded much fuller.
  15. [quote name='solo4652' post='1262363' date='Jun 9 2011, 10:06 AM']Just spotted this latest version of the Promethean combo. £ 640 from GAK. 18kgs, 500w @ 4 ohm. I can't work out whether you need an extension speaker to get the full 500w and the Ibanez website doesn't clarify things. If it's 500w without an extension cab, I'd be seriously tempted. [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ibanez-promethian-p5115k-combo/48929"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ibanez-promethian-p5115k-combo/48929[/url] [url="http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/amp_page11.php?area_id=3&ampl_id=17&year=2011&cat_id=5&series_id=432"]http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/amp_page1...p;series_id=432[/url][/quote] I've had an email from the Ibanez suppliers in Birmingham. Apparently, the 5115K combo is 250w @ 8ohm or 500w @ 4ohm.
  16. Just spotted this latest version of the Promethean combo. £ 640 from GAK. 18kgs, 500w @ 4 ohm. I can't work out whether you need an extension speaker to get the full 500w and the Ibanez website doesn't clarify things. If it's 500w without an extension cab, I'd be seriously tempted. [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ibanez-promethian-p5115k-combo/48929"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ibanez-promethian-p5115k-combo/48929[/url] [url="http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/amp_page11.php?area_id=3&ampl_id=17&year=2011&cat_id=5&series_id=432"]http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/amp_page1...p;series_id=432[/url]
  17. Just a thought: What about an Ibanez ATK 400? P-width neck and nicely contoured body. With the pup switching options you can get a good P sound right the way through to a[i] very[/i] zingy tone. Cheaper to buy than a Stingray too. Here's mine. It's not that easy to see the bridge pup from the photo, but it is there: [attachment=82171:005.JPG] If anybody wants have a go on it, you're welcome to come round any time. You'll be able to compare it with my Fender P and my G&L L2000. Or you could buy that 'ray for £600 - bargain.
  18. Thank you to everybody for your suggestions so far. Keep them coming! A sensible way forward may well be to keep the SWR combo at the rehearsal room (where there are stairs...) and replace everything else with a suitable lightweight head + cab, or maybe a decent combo. So, for £800, what's your choice? I'd rather buy secondhand to get better VFM. Barefaced Compact + GK MB500 head? Compact + Orange Terror head? (might be a bit gritty-grindy for me). How about the Ampeg PF 500 head + cab? Again, I'm not sure I'm after the classic Ampeg rock tone. Secondhand Markbass F1 + 210 cab? How about a GK 210 combo - they look like really good value new. I'm pretty much a plug 'n' play person (because I'm used to combos), so I want a simple-to-use head, a well-matched cab, plenty of grunt, not-too-gritty sound. I don't want much really.
  19. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1261611' date='Jun 8 2011, 06:51 PM']I'd go with either a small head (such as Markbass, Genz Benz etc) & a Barefaced (or similar) or a decent combo & just use it for everything. Using different gear for different venues only results in inconsistent sounds.[/quote] Quite. It also leads to confusion regarding which amp settings to use with which bass in which circumstance. Gives me a headache.
  20. [quote name='DanOwens' post='1261247' date='Jun 8 2011, 02:41 PM']Do you have no PA support for those larger gigs? This is, to me, the critical question. I use a Hartke A35 for home and acoustic practices. Very small but decent low end and I'd recommend to all as a practice amp. I always gig with PA support so extension cabs and a large amp are completely unnecessary since the amp is effectively a preamp for the PA and the cab is just for on-stage monitoring. Dan PS. I have a rather successful sound engineer friend who always complained about bassists bringing amps that were too loud (incidentally he suggested anything over 150w was too loud)[/quote] I can't depend on PA support for the larger gigs. So far, I've never played through a desk - I've always been self-contained and I quite like that.
  21. [quote name='PTB' post='1261232' date='Jun 8 2011, 02:29 PM']In helping you further with this, it would be good to know what styles of music you play, a rough budget, what basses you use and whether you are strong enough to haul conventional cabs around or would prefer the smaller lighter gear that is now available, albeit at extra cost. Ahead of this, I would generalise that you should get a powerful head (400-500w), a small cab and a larger cab. You then have to decide on whether the larger cab is at 4ohms so you extract maximum power from the amp or 8ohms leaving you the option of using both cabs together for your biggest gigs. I also agree with keeping the SWR at your rehearsal room. The answers to the questions above should help us suggest actual gear for you to go try out.[/quote] I play in a 5-piece (2 guitars) pub/functions band. 60/40 spilt between covers and originals. We play all sorts of venues including local pubs, weddings (200 people ish), local music festivals (might be on outdoor stage). At my age, I don't want to haul heavy stuff around - I definitely want portability. Budget is £800 ish. I'm open to a combo, or head + cab. My main basses are a USA G&L 2000 and a USA P.
  22. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1261218' date='Jun 8 2011, 02:13 PM']I've been using a Schroeder 1212r with a LMII for years now, never had volume issues and it's always done a great job despite being so small. It's important to realise that everybody will just recommend what they use though! You might want to have a chat with Mr. Claber about what would suit your requirements, i'm sure he could give you great advice about what would suit you. The Barefaced 2x12 looks good.[/quote] Yes - I've exchanged numerous emails with Alex and he's been very patient and helpful.
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