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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='1233159' date='May 16 2011, 03:32 PM']The easiest way is ears! A chord chart is just that. Are you trying to write the dots/notes as well?[/quote] My ears have had a bashing over the weekend with this and they don't seem to hear what the guitarists' ears are hearing! I'm trying to write a chord chart which I can then use as the basis of a bassline. Is there a simple, free software program that will do this for me? I tried to download Digital Music Mentor but McAfee threw a complete wobbler, and it's taken me almost an hour to clean up the computer. Steve
  2. The drummer and singer in my band write songs. Over the past few weeks, I've been sent studio recordings of these songs so I can learn the bass parts. No music (no point - I don't read music), no chords, no tabs - nothing written at all. Just the MP3 files. I've asked for a chord chart - blank looks from the songwriters. I have spent HOURS listening to the songs, trying to write down the basic song structures and bass parts, and then re-writing them. So have the lead guitarist and the rhythm guitarist. The result is 3 different chord charts, which leads to much discussion and experimentation at rehearsals. It also leads to an obviously-bored singer who contributes by saying "can you all stop fannying around and get on with the song"! I'm getting so frustrated with this. I'm new to transcribing originals, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Is there an easy, foolproof way of coming up with a chord structure? Steve
  3. [quote name='Sibob' post='1230065' date='May 13 2011, 03:52 PM']May I put forward my 'guitar bands' effort Forgive the extended intro (we have fun with that live), but we mess with the arrangement of the main tune and I think it works! Si[/quote] Damned good. Damned depressing.
  4. [quote name='charic' post='1229600' date='May 13 2011, 07:51 AM']Line 6 Studio 110 gets my pick [/quote] I'll second that. Mine sits unobtrusively behind the sofa. Beedster's got one for sale: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135523"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135523[/url]
  5. [quote name='peteb' post='1228436' date='May 12 2011, 09:02 AM']Unfortunately that makes it impossible to play on a guitar / 4 string bass in standard tuning Get the feel right and E sounds just fine![/quote] My last band played this in E and it was fine. We had a very good keys player who played most of the bass, with me helping out. He and I worked out a fairly simple bassline for me to play and I have it written down as a scruffy mix of roots and tabs, if anybody wants it. PM me, if so. Steve
  6. [quote name='Grandad Paul' post='1228953' date='May 12 2011, 03:54 PM']I have just twisted my back looking at the photo. Not much torque in my spine at 64. lol.[/quote] Perhaps it's not even worth a sidelong glance.
  7. This seller just doesn't know when to let the picture do the talking - I gave up reading the details... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Torque-200-watt-bass-head-and-4-x-10-inch-speaker-cab-/140545462787?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20b9299203"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Torque-200-watt-bass...=item20b9299203[/url]
  8. Update. Thanks to everybody for your helpful comments. The singer has made it clear that she is much more interested in originals than covers. Given that 3 of the 5 band members are keen songwriters, it may well be that the band decides to go down the originals route. I'm not unhappy with that - in many ways I'd rather do that then try to do both covers and originals and end up falling between 2 stools. We'll see how it pans out over the next couple of months. Steve
  9. Folks, I recently joined a covers band that's rapidly turning into an originals band. It has been suggested that we could do a 50/50 split but I'm not sure whether this is viable. Are covers and originals different "markets", played in different venues to different sorts of audiences? The band leader (an experienced pro muso and songwriter) says that all will be well providing we choose originals that are dance-y, poppy and accessible and in that way sit easily alongside the covers we play. "We'll write and play songs that the audience think they know, but don't, so they'll still get up and dance..." To be fair, the originals that I've been played [i]are[/i] catchy and "commercial", but is this covers/originals blend going to work? What do you think? Steve
  10. [quote name='watchman' post='1203124' date='Apr 18 2011, 02:15 AM']At a real push, I find. But it is a decent little home amp, with some decent recording chops too. I wish it were a bit lighter, but mine does well for the practice task.[/quote] Vote of support for the Line 6 110 Studio. I use mine for living room practice and it tucks away neatly under the TV table. Up until recently I also used it for rehearsals with a rhthym guitarist, singer and unmiced drummer. It eventually ran out of puff when we got a lead guitarist too. Steve
  11. [quote name='LemonCello' post='1196743' date='Apr 12 2011, 01:08 PM']If it helps, I'm working in Peterborough during the week, so could have it with me there (or thereabouts). Just a thought. LC[/quote] I'm afraid that doesn't really help me any.
  12. Here you go: [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/1954-fender-vintage-precision-p-bass-super-light/77597709"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/1954-fen...-light/77597709[/url]
  13. Blast. Just what I'm after to leave in our rehearsal room. Trouble is, I'm in Stockport... Steve
  14. [quote name='MB1' post='1193996' date='Apr 9 2011, 07:20 PM']MB1. Ive played this! and its an absolute cracker great tone and as New! BUMP![/quote] Thanks Martin! With your kind remarks, it looks like the bass has now been sold. Steve
  15. Forgot to mention that there's a screw missing from the back cover...
  16. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1194023' date='Apr 9 2011, 07:50 PM'][attachment=77071:IMAG0027.jpg] Meao..ump[/quote] Almost as desirable as that G&L L2000 Tribute over there... [attachment=77072:100_0568.JPG]
  17. [quote name='tom1946' post='1193845' date='Apr 9 2011, 03:30 PM']Must.... re...sist..... I have a natural trib and it's my best G&L, buy it as you won't be sorry.[/quote] Absolutely. When I bought this bass I already had a Tribute with the darker body and rosewood neck. When A/B'ed, the natural/maple (just) had the clearer, more cut-through tone. So I kept the natural/mape one and sold the first one. Looks good in the photos, doesn't it! Steve
  18. Folks, I've invested in a USA L2000, so my Tribute isn't getting played. Sadly, I can't justify keeping it. ID number = 04106846 which dates it to 2005, possibly 2006. Natural body, maple neck. I should think that many people on Basschat know all about these basses, but in case you don't here's the official spec: [url="http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/TributeSeries/basses/L-2000/index.asp"]http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/Tribu...-2000/index.asp[/url] The bass is in excellent condition, having not been played much at all - it's always been my back-up, first to a Fender P, then the USA L2000. There are some [i]very[/i] minor marks in the usual places - top of headstock, slight "bloom" of bucklerash on the back. Other than that, it's clean as a whistle. You'd buy this in shop as "ex-demo", no problem. I will point out that one of the knobs has been replaced somewhere along the line and is ever-so-slightly off-centre. Don't worry, though, all controls work exactly as they should. Currently sporting Status halfwound strings which add to the famous G&L big sound to give a truly fat and warm tone. Comes with a beat-up Warwick gigbag which will protect it in transit but won't win any concours d'elegance prizes. The bass is here in Stockport. Buffed, cleaned and lonely - bless it. You're more than welcome to come round anytime for a try out and a chat. £350. Photos: [attachment=77053:001.JPG] [attachment=77054:002.JPG] [attachment=77055:003__3_.JPG] [attachment=77056:004.JPG] [attachment=77057:003.JPG] Might be better to PM me with messages to ensure I see them promptly. Cheers, Steve
  19. [quote name='Muzz' post='1189715' date='Apr 5 2011, 09:17 PM']You mean Roland D-bass 115X Powered Extension Speaker, £175 Good buy for someone, though: these are great with the combo - makes a real 660w, 2x15 stack...[/quote] Yep - you're right on both counts. It's the extension speaker, not the combo - I didn't look closely enough. I have the combo and the extension - hugely impressive, meaty-sounding, lightweight, affordable, reliable bits of kit.
  20. Here you are: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Roland-D-Bass-115X-300W-Bass-Amplifier-D-BASS115X-/150584124569?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item230f836499"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Roland-D-Bass-115X-3...=item230f836499[/url]
  21. [quote name='BIG.J' post='1187482' date='Apr 4 2011, 10:24 AM']Hi Buddy, I had always stuck to D'Addario 40-100's amaizingly Bright and they stay bright. Another member (Funkgod) introduced me to them along with the G&L L2000. I tried the coated Nexus strings and paid through the roof and didn't like them. I took them off 2 weeks later. If you want to try them just Message me your details and will send FREE when I return off my Holiday. Now on a budget try any of the Newstrings range as they are a great string and value for money - See link in my Signiture Cheers. J.[/quote] How kind you are, sir! I'll send you my address via PM. Steve
  22. Hmmmm. I've been reading reviews about coated strings. All opinions represented! I don't use a pick, so maybe the disintegrating-covering issue won't apply to me. That said, are there any smooth-feeling, bright-sounding non-coated strings? Steve
  23. Guys, Thanks for all the suggestions. Much appreciated. Steve
  24. Hi all, On my G&L L2000, I currently have Status half-wounds. I've got very used to their smooth feel to the extent that I now struggle to cope with roundwounds. Given that the G&L tone is so meaty anyway, I'm thinking about trying some brighter sounding strings, but I'm now very used to smooth-feeling strings. So, suggestions please for smooth-feeling, bright-sounding strings. Steve
  25. Just spotted this on Join My Band. Not my genre, but might suit somebody else on here. Please don't reply to me - contact Katie Spitfire direct through the original ad. Steve [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/double-bass-player-wanted-t200836.html"]http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/do...ed-t200836.html[/url]
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