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Posts posted by solo4652

  1. How about a Roland D-bass combo: [url="http://www.roland.com/products/en/D-BASS_115/"]http://www.roland.com/products/en/D-BASS_115/[/url]

    Light (22kgs), small (ish), powerful (330W), reliable, can easily extend with a D-bass 115x cabinet. I use one for all our small and medium pub and club gigs, only having to use the extension cab for audiences of more than 100 people. I was lucky - bought mine as an ex-demo model with warranty 2 years ago for £300, and they still do sell for this occasionally (Andertons, I think). On balance the tone seems to be a little more towards the bright rather than boomy end, (but that may be my playing style - I'm always told to turn up the bass tone no matter what guitar or amp I'm using). In any case, you just switch it to "Vintage" if you want boom-thud. If anybody wants to come round and try it out - just let me know.


  2. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='873667' date='Jun 21 2010, 05:30 PM']Wharfedale and db are also good shouts, I too would steer clear of the Class D stuff; it's probably fine for rehearsals and suchlike but the build quality isn't great and their reputation for reliability isn't very good.

    If you don't mind going secondhand, look at FBT, JBL Eons and maybe Studiomaster VPX / Studiospares Fortissimos as well (apparently the latter two are the same speaker with different badges).[/quote]

    Thanks for your advice. The band really wantes to buy new, and there's a pretty tight budget. So, I've ordered the Mackies.

  3. [quote name='sk8' post='873334' date='Jun 21 2010, 11:27 AM']we're using the mackie thumps and they seem okay so far[/quote]

    Aha! Mackie Thumps were also on our shortlist - can get a new pair including stands for £498. From people's comments about the Class D speakers, the Mackies are now right at the top of the shortlist.


  4. Hi all,

    My band's in the market for some reasonable active PA speakers, mainly for vocals PA (maybe keys too). Shopping list:

    350w minimum
    Reasonably lightweight

    I've seen these from the manufacturer called Class D in Nottinghamshire:


    Anybody had any experience of these, please?



  5. Thought this might be of interest to somebody:


  6. I put in the initial bid of £75. It looks like that's been matched but not beaten. However, I've since discovered that the neck-width at the nut is too narrow for me at 40mm (I'm used to a 44mm G&L neck), so I don't really want it.

    So, can somebody please bid £77 so I don't have to faff about retracting my bid?!


  7. My band is is in the market for a portable powered mixer, so I volunteered to have a look round the 'net to see what I could find. I'm probably not the most knowledgable person when it comes to such things, but I think I've found a real bargain here:


    Would that do the trick, do you think?


  8. Hi,

    I have my eye on a Stingray clone, mainly for use as a cheap-but-good rehearsal and "beater" bass. It's passive, and that's how I'd keep it. I'm looking for a deep, rich, full tone without it being too thumpy or indistinct, maybe with the option of series/parrallel switching to give some tonal options. Any suggestions for a drop-in replacement pup, please?


  9. [quote name='TRadford' post='838337' date='May 15 2010, 07:07 PM']When I've sold cameras, I always blur the serial numbers on the public photos on ebay
    There are many scammers around, and they will use your photos and serial numbers to con others.
    However, I would give out a partial number to anyone who asked, and probably the full one privately through email.[/quote]

    Well, I have to admit, this whole are of creating clones just hadn't occured to me at all. Where does that leave us with the usefulness of serial numbers when items are being sold?

  10. [quote name='bass24' post='837300' date='May 14 2010, 03:32 PM']Does anyone know where I could find the tab for the bass section in the song How long by Ace?

    Here is a YouTube link: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIK5F4zRN0Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIK5F4zRN0Y[/url]

    Thanks in advance

    (Sorry if this post is in the wrong section, still finding my way around here)[/quote]


    My band does this song and I've cobbled together a bassline that sounds OK. I have it written down as a messy mix of root notes and tabs. Happy to email a copy to you if you PM me with your email.


  11. [quote name='bassmeg' post='837493' date='May 14 2010, 06:54 PM']He seems to have cleared the issue up on the link. I wonder if he saw this? :)[/quote]

    Ahh yes - so he has, up to a point. He still seems reluctant to give the actual serial number, though. Funny that.

  12. See this:


    I've asked the seller for the serial number of the bass. The conversation went like this:

    "Hi - some questions about your bass, please:

    How old is the bass? Any serious damage (I'm not concerned about cosmetic scrapes or dings)? Is there any chance you could send me a picture of the headstock that clearly shows the serial number, please?"

    "no serious damage and im not sure how old it is i bought it from a guy in salt lake city u.s. i dont really want to give the serial number out until the item is sold"

    "Why don’t you want to give out the serial number until after the sale, please? The serial number means that potential buyers can verify the bass’ age and country of manufacture. If a buyer decides to keep that secret, I’d immediately be concerned."

    "I have nothing to hide but ufortunately as you may well know ebay is full of scammers and if the buyer is not happy when i give them the serial number then i will re list item with no negative feedback"

    "If you’re not prepared to give the serial number up front, I’m not interested in bidding. I strongly suspect that will be the case for many other people too."

    "thats fine and your choice"

    What's going on here, then?


  13. I'm feeling rough and fed up. I have an ear infection and I'm pretty deaf right now. I just got this message from a fellow B/Cer:

    "Hello. Just to say I still have the V4 you sold me. It now has pickup and bridge covers and a set of Jamerson LaBella Deep Talkin' flats which incidentally hardly moved the neck at all, and does sterling duty in a jazz/blues band. Thanks again. cheers. Ian"

    A pleasure to get that message - gave me a much-needed lift. Good to hear that the old Vintage V4 is being gigged and is earning its keep.


  14. [quote name='KiOgon' post='835082' date='May 12 2010, 09:53 AM']Hey Steve,
    I hope it clears soon for you, that must be a horrible feeling, can't the doctor 'help' clear the gunge?
    Best wishes,


    Apparently not. He said I could try the head-over-water and menthol thing, although there's no proof that it helps at all, apparently. Band practice tonight, and I'm a bit concerned that my 1 good ear (which is only working 50%) is going to get a battering. I can't smell or taste anything either - it's a bit like sensory deprivation!.

    Sorry, just feeling a bit low today.


  15. I wish I could hear something - anything, really! Right now I can't hear a flaming thing. Hearing in my left hear has been poor for the last 20 years, apparently because of some intravenous antibiotics I had aged 30. Currently I have an ear infection in my right ear and can hear nothing that side. Result - serious overall deafness. Doctors say the infection is getting better and that the "gunge" (Doctor's phrase, not mine) should eventually clear in the next 2-3 weeks. In the meantime, I'm walking around in my own cotton-woolly world unable to hear normal conversation and finding it really difficult to play the bass. Seriously fed up too.

    Sorry - just feeling a bit low today.


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