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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. Hi all, Our singer's got us a 20 minute slot at a booking agents' showcase event. In 3 weeks time. Gulp. None of us have the faintest idea what to expect, so I'm looking for advice and guidance. We're a female-fronted 5-piece pubrock/party/functions band playing the usual stuff - Blondie, U2, Beatles, bits and bobs of Elvis, Queen, Katrina and the Waves, Kaiser Chiefs, Fratellis, etc. I know it'll be like a production line. We're planning on doing 4 songs in our 20 minute slot, leaving a bit of time to tell the agents what sort of gigs we're after. Sound about right? "Full backline provided", so I'll just need to take my bass - right? (I don't use any pedals) Will we be expected to have flyers/marketing posters with us? All advice gratefully received, Steve
  2. Cloudscape Vanilla Cloud The Ooooh Matrons
  3. Apologies if this has already been covered, or the answer is flaming obvious: I use a Roland combo and it's excellent. Thinking of a plan B in case the combo when phut, I bought an XLR cable to run from "balanced out" socket on the back of the combo straight to the powered desk. I've tried it and it works tolerably well. But, that's hardly a plan B, is it? What happens if the amp part of the combo gives up suddenly - what happens then? Is there a simple way I can connect the bass (through a DI box??) straight to the powered mixer desk without having to use the combo at all? Please excuse my ignorance - I'm not really an "engineer" type bass player. Steve
  4. Now sold, folks. Thanks for all the interest. Steve
  5. Some overseas interest, and an offer of a trade. That said, it's till here. Steve
  6. [quote name='Spoombung' post='700852' date='Jan 4 2010, 07:42 PM']WOW. [/quote] Yep - gorgeous. Some overseas interest, so PM soon if you're thinking of putting in an offer... Steve
  7. [quote name='wombatboter' post='700665' date='Jan 4 2010, 05:14 PM']Beautiful instrument ! Hard to resist but I'm feeling strong..[/quote] Thank you. I'm very happy to courier it to Brussels, as long as you foot the bill...
  8. [quote name='MB1' post='700488' date='Jan 4 2010, 02:28 PM']MB1. BUMP![/quote] Thanks for the bump mate.
  9. [attachment=39297:Stingray_1.JPG] [attachment=39298:Stingray_2.JPG] [attachment=39299:Stingray_3.JPG] [attachment=39300:Stingray_4.JPG] [attachment=39301:Stingray_5.JPG] [attachment=39302:Stingray_6.JPG] Serial No: E12423. I've checked this with EBMM and the date of manufacture is 23rd February 2000. They also confirm the body colour as Pearl Lavender (discontinued in 2002, I'm told) and the fingerboard as Pau Ferro. To quote EBMM: "...most likley the only one we ever made exactly like this". It went straight to Bass World in Kent where it remained on display and lonely until I bought it in June last year. It is extremely rare to the point of being quite possibly unique! 4-string 3 EQ model Fretless Pau Ferro touchboard Maple neck, with some attractive birdseye figuring - click and zoom on photo 4 to see Complete with original MM hardshell case and hangtag Fully checked and set up by instrument tech. Currently strung with Status Hotwire halfwounds It's never been gigged. Consequently, it's in "nearly new" condition, with a tiny (1mm) dingette on the top edge - almost impssible to see, but I'd like to be upfront about it. There are 2 extra screws in the pickguard where I installed, and then removed a thumbrest - click and zoom on photo of bass in the case to see. I keep getting it out and gazing at it wistfully since it is a thing of rarity and beauty (the bass that is, not the thumbrest). But, I'm not getting on with the Stingray tone. I realised I prefer a P-tone, and my recently-acquired Fender MIA Precision has confirmed that. Bit of a shame, really, but there it is. Putting a price on it has been difficult becuase of its superb condition and rarity. I've searched ther web for new fretless 'Rays - they're about £1300 - but they're not really directly comparable to this one. I've taken it into 2 music shops and asked for a valuation too. The result is I'm putting it up for sale at £900, which I think is realistic. I'm in Stockport. Anybody who wants to pop round for a cuppa, a chat and noodle on the 'Ray is more than welcome, anytime. Happy New Year to all bass players, Steve
  10. [quote name='51m0n' post='679773' date='Dec 10 2009, 12:07 AM']Another definitive groove:- That is the real shizzle right there. If you need to 'learn' feel, play along to this for 6 weeks. You either go mad or you learn good, or both - biscuit mudflap perfiffle Mr Flibble is very angry etc etc.... Once you got that one you neeeeeed to get this one:- [/quote] That's just made me look up the bassline, download the video from Youtube and disappear to the spare bedroom. Never heard of The Meters, but I'll be finding out more.
  11. Hmmm - well, it's not doing it for me. Sorry. I'm not an experienced bass player, and I'm always interested to see and hear great players - I'm looking for inspiration, really. There surely can be no doubt that Gouche is a tremendously talented player. Is he inspiring me? No, not really. Why? Because he plays too fast for me. The opening moments of the video seem to have a sort of constant background bass-rumble that, to me, is more of a general soundscape than a thoughtful bass accompaniment. The more I listened to the video, the less interested I became in the bass. I personally thought it's too busy, too dense, not enough light-dark contrast. Bit like a sonic equivalent of a wide, flat boulder-strewn landscape - lots of things there, but too few features or contrasts to be really involving and stimulating. I hope nobody is upset by my comments. They are my purely personal feelings and comments. Each to their own... Peace on Earth, Steve
  12. How about a halfway house? I use halfwounds (halfrounds?) on my fretless. Lots of classic richness, lovely smooth feel. Status HotWires. £15.
  13. Answering my own post here... I think I'll need the longscale, 40-60-80-100 guage Hot Wire halfwounds from Status. Sound about right?
  14. I've been using Status halfrounds recently, and I love the feel and tone of them. However, they're too short for through-body stringing on my 2008 Fender P. Also, the E string is a bit too thick for the bridge and saddle. So, what's going to be comparable to the Status halfrounds in tone? Will I need long scale length? Steve
  15. Oh yes. Oooh yeeesss. Firing on all 4 cylinders there - nice simple-and-tight feel to those songs. Singer is excellent - great range of styles from smooth/controlled through to growl-attack when needed. Is she available for general hire at all? Pity about the green lighting, though! Just the sort of band I'd like to be part of. Steve
  16. Free Me - Joss Stone. Infectious bass riff drives the song nicely. Easy to play, even for me.
  17. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='689600' date='Dec 20 2009, 11:10 AM']The "strips of metal" on the neck are to remind you that you are not a poncy jazz playing twat.[/quote] And a merry Chrsitmas to you.
  18. I had an american-made 1980's Peavey Fury which sounded absolutely marvellous. Thin neck didn't suit me however, otherwise it would still be here. High-quality, well-made bass with all the jazz features, made in America. Sold it for £150 - complete bargain. There's one on ebay now, I think.
  19. [quote name='BassBunny' post='689224' date='Dec 19 2009, 05:12 PM']Steve the "tone" control is purely a Bass or is it Treble "cut". As it's passive you can't boost anything.[/quote] Hello Stuart, I was being a little facetious, of course! The tone knob doesn't really seem to cut or boost or alter much at all (in comparison to, say, the G&L's tone controls). It's not actually a problem - I find I don't change the tone settings much after the first song - I'm far too busy concentrating on playing. By the way, the Precision has strips of metal across the neck. My Stingray doesn't have them at all. What are [i]they[/i] for?
  20. [quote name='Rayman' post='689119' date='Dec 19 2009, 03:05 PM']Piece of cake mate, honestly, I'm useless at stuff like that too. Litteraly undo all the guard screws, undo the nuts that hold the two controls in, lift the plate off, put the new one on and screw it all back up again, really simple I promise. 10 minute job, and you'll be so glad you did it.[/quote] "undo all the screws"?..."undo the nuts"?...."lift the plate off"?..."screw it all back up again"? I just knew it - things have got technical.
  21. Yes, but to change the pickguard means I'll have to unscrew screws and suchlike. Massive undertaking for me, that.
  22. Initial impressions: The strings needed changing, so I offered up a set of Status halfwounds, my current favourite strings. But, they're too short for the the through-body stringing option. So, just for now, I've strung them from the bridge. The action was unbelievably high, with the saddles standing on tippy-toes. So, down they came. Higher notes sounded more rounded and boomy than the G&L and the lower notes sounded a bit more woody too. Perhaps that's the difference between the active G&L and the passive Fender? Bit of fiddling with the amp EQ soon produced some gloriously rich tones. What is the tone knob for on the bass? Doesn't seem to do much at all. I have no intention at all of changing the bridge - I have no DIY skills at all and, besides, I'm already hugely impressed with the sound of the bass. Then I started playing a few songs. I kept hearing "wrong" notes. Hmmm, must be out of tune already I thought - but no - tuner said it was bang-on. The problem is with the Fender that the notes are soooo clear! Already, it has forced me to check the accuracy of some songs because it's so easy to hear what you're playing. Easier to hear the bum notes too, however. So far, so good then. I'm very pleased with the richness of the tone and also the clarity of the notes - I'm not getting muddiness at all, quite the reverse in fact. I'll keep fiddling with the action over the next few days. Already looking forward to trying it at next rehearsal on Monday (partner's birthday - am I in trouble, or what). Steve
  23. Couldn't wait until Saturday, so I went to see it this this morning. Looked "as new", neck felt lovely ( a bit shorter than the G&L) and,well, it's Christmas. So I bought it. My other half hasn't been home yet today, and I've got 3 hours to think up a justifiable reason for buying it. Steve
  24. Great! Sounds like a runner, then. I'll take my G&L Tribute for an A/B comparison. To justify buying it, the Fender is going to have to be noticeably better then the G&L, with the G&L on just the front pup, set to "Valve" on my Roland amp. Should be interesting... Steve
  25. I'm looking at this on Saturday. I am by no means a Fender expert and I just thought I'd ask for people's opinions, please: [attachment=38474:DSC00019.JPG] [attachment=38475:DSC00021.JPG] [attachment=38476:DSC00023.JPG] The serial number dates it to 2008. Seller says it's "as new", with case and case candy. Seller says it's been played fewer than 10 times. I reckon I could probably get it for under £500. Worth a punt? Steve
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