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Posts posted by solo4652

  1. Quick update:

    It's like waiting for a bus, isn't it. I have had several people contact me about the bass. While I deal with these enquiries, I'll not take any more offers just at the moment, thank you.

    if all the interest comes to nothing, I'll re-launch the advert.

    Thanks to everybody who has shown intereest so far.


  2. [quote name='warpie' post='604066' date='Sep 20 2009, 10:33 PM']hi,

    are you still selling this bass? :)


    Hi, Yes, it's still for sale. It's just been played by a well-known BC'er this afternoon (name withheld for security reasons) who brought his Stingray round for an A/B exercise and a chat. "Oh blimey, he said, I actually prefer the G&L to my Stingray..."


  3. I've been playing a Dido song where you move from F# to G. Because I play a fretless, I can easily "walk" the bassline from F# to G by playing the note in between the two, and it sounds fine to me. Just wondered if this note and others like it has an official name?


  4. [quote name='Mumbles87' post='592157' date='Sep 7 2009, 03:23 PM']Hey mate where abouts in stockport are you based? Also don't suppose your interested in any trades?


    I live in Marple. At the moment, I'm not really interested in trades because I'm trying my best to reduce the number of my basses and in so doing generate some much-needed cash for household bills!
    PM me if you want to come round - I'm at home most of the day - and I'll send you my contact details.


  5. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='590588' date='Sep 5 2009, 01:02 PM']It's perfectly natural to wonder about the credentials of a zero feedback seller - but we all had to start somewhere.

    There's a hundred reasons why anyone - maybe esp a new ebayer - doesn't relpy to messages.

    I'm all for 'innocent until proven guilty' - but you have to protect yourself first.

    Petrol or a train ticket to Leeds is a lot cheaper than losing hundreds of pounds to a scammer , and if you have any doubt whatsoever insist on seeing the bass in advance or paying cash on collection. The seller has offered the option to pay cash and collect and that's a good sign unless it's a total bad egg who does that to lull folk who need to use other options into a false sense of security

    A genuine seller - esp a newbie unwise to the fact that there are many scammers out there - will , or should , understand that attitude.

    [u]Re Stingrays.... if you liked what you played - play more of them. Make the effort , go to shops , try and find out (maybe here) if anyone near you has one you could try.[/u]
    If you then decide you want one - there's no shortage of Rays on the market and I'd be suprised if you couldn't get sorted with what you want for around the £650 mark.[/quote]

    Dr Dave's suggestion seems very sensible. I live in Stockport and I have a (fretless) Stingray that you're more than welcome to come round and try anytime. I also have a G&L L-2000 Tribute for sale which would be a VERY acceptable alternative at half the price...


  6. [quote name='budget bassist' post='589173' date='Sep 3 2009, 10:14 PM']hi
    just thought i'd say this is indeed a swamp ash body, all the trans finish L-2000 tribbys are ash bodied and the solid finish ones are basswood IIRC[/quote]

    Aha! I thought so, but I wasn't completely certain. Thanks for the clarification.


  7. [quote name='MB1' post='588890' date='Sep 3 2009, 05:44 PM']MB1. :)
    Got any other colours? :rolleyes:
    ...Mancunian Bump![/quote]

    Hi Martin,

    Well, actually I do have another Tribute in the lighter body colour and maple fingerboard. But, that's the one I'm keeping!


  8. Hi,

    I was so impressed with this Tribute, that I went out and bought another one. Then, I got my Stingray to sound as I wanted, so I don't need two G&L Tributes. This one is now for sale.

    Serial number = 04023534. Made in Korea, 2004-2005

    You all know about these basses, but in case you don't - here's the spec:

    2 G&L USA humbuckers
    Swampash body (I think...)
    Hard rock-maple neck with rosewood fretboard
    G&L-designed Saddle Lock bridge
    Tri-Tone active/passive electronics
    3-way mini-toggle pickup selector, preamp control, series/parallel control
    Treble boost/cut knob
    Bass boost/cut knob,
    Volume knob

    When I bought it 6 months ago, the pots were pretty crackly - not uncommon on these basses. So, I had all 3 knobs replaced with CTS pots by Ged Green, Instrument Technician in Manchester, at a cost of £35. Now, there is absolutely no hiss or crackle whatsoever.


    [attachment=32111:008.JPG] [attachment=32112:009.JPG]

    [attachment=32113:010.JPG] [attachment=32114:011.JPG]

    I've only used the bass for bedroom practising - I've never gigged it. Consequently, it's in excellent condition with only a very few, faint marks on the back, and 1 or 2 almost unnoticeable marks on the neck that you can only just see, and only if somebody points them out to you. You can't feel these at all when playing. Comes with a new, but mediocre gigbag.

    I'm in Stockport and anybody who's interested in the bass is welcome to come round and have a go on it any time. I will post - I have a sturdy cardboard box for this and loads of bubblewrap.

    Revised price: £350 including delivery to your door.


  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='586281' date='Sep 1 2009, 09:47 AM']The collapsible sack barrows from Lidl are really cheap (<£15), really light, and perfectly adequate for most rigs. I used to use mine to move around a pair of Eden D210XLT's, total weight = 138lbs.

    They tend to go very quickly when a store gets them in, so you need to keep an eye out.[/quote]

    I have one of these to move my combo. Takes up to 70 kgs.


  10. [quote name='martthebass' post='576906' date='Aug 21 2009, 05:26 PM']Good decision. But................thumbrest:rolleyes:[/quote]

    Yes, yes, I know - I'm not fond of them myself! But, when it makes the difference between being able to play a bass, and not - it's time to just get on with it. I wish I could master the floating thumb technique but, try as I might, I can't.

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