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Posts posted by solo4652

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='547969' date='Jul 22 2009, 06:44 PM']I'm so suspicious of ebay these days. You should have no problem getting your money back though.

    Hate to say this but maybe you should have posted the link on here before you bought it, but I guess that's inviting in the competition :)

    Feel for you.[/quote]

    Is there a way we can all help each other here? We look at adverts on Loot, Friday Ad, Gumtree, Preloved, Ebay etc and then wish we could run something passed somebody knowledgeable to get an informed opinion without alerting the whole world.

    Perhaps we could have an agreed list of experts who are willing to offer some sort of review service to fellow BC'ers - on the understanding that it's only their advice, no legal comebacks, could be wrong etc. Using Private Messages, we can then send the experts adverts, photos and what have you for comment. Have to trust each other a bit too.

    Just a thought.


  2. Hi,

    I've ofered this to Greeneking as a beginners bass. If he doesn't have it, then it's for sale.

    [attachment=29336:Blondie_1.JPG] [attachment=29337:Blondie_2.JPG] [attachment=29338:Blondie_3.JPG] [attachment=29339:Blondie_4.JPG]


    This will make a great backup, beater or project bass. I bought this from a fellow BC'er a few months ago as a back up for my G&L Tribute. But, I've just bought another G&L...

    It's a Vintage V4 P copy in cream(ish), with rosewood (?) fingerboard. I'm afraid I don't know how old it is. It has the Wilkinson tuners, and I'm pretty sure it has the original Wilkinson pups and bridge, although I can't be certain. In the photos, it's fitted with a brass nut which was all wrong and causing string-height and intonation problems. So, I had it (professionally) replaced and a setup done. It now plays really smoothly with string-height of 2.5mm at 12th fret. The cavities were also lined with foil. It does the P tone amazingly well.

    It has had some "antiquing", as you'll see. Some yellowy/cream overspraying on the upper horn and some paint removal on the upper edge and the back of the body. At the top-back of the neck, behind the nut are some small dings in the neck. Some sratches and dings around the edge of the pickguard, and pup screws. I emphasise that none of this affects the playability at all - it's all been done to give it an aged look. To set it all off, there is a "Fender" decal on the headstock. Comes with a reasonable gigbag too.

    I'm happy to post, no problem.

    £85 sound about right?


  3. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='543821' date='Jul 18 2009, 10:06 AM']Mmm... I like the look of those Comfort Strapp things. I have a bit of a dodgy shoulder (along with the dodgy back etc etc... old age!!) and my shoulder can start to suffer after a long stint.[/quote]

    To help with my sore neck and shoulder, I've tried this:


    I've got a spare one here you can have for £8, if you want.


  4. [quote name='martthebass' post='540006' date='Jul 14 2009, 08:27 AM']No problem, good luck with your quest. If I had time to sell the Ray and make you an offer I would but holidays are beckoning....

    You suprise me regarding the G&L comment tho, I could never get mine to sound like a Ray when I switched to the bridge pup - it was always much darker and less defined. Maybe it was just my G&L?[/quote]

    My G&L on the rear pup sounds very bright and clear. In fact the slight problem can sometimes be that I want more depth and roundness to the tone (easily achieved by switching to both pups) but without the volume (G&L pups are very loud). The search for a cheapish, good P to trade for my 'Ray continues...

  5. [quote name='martthebass' post='539456' date='Jul 13 2009, 04:40 PM']Just the one. I had a 2H G&L - too many tone options for my simple brain.[/quote]

    Ah, yes - I have a 2H G&L - My No.1 bass. Simple flick of the pup switch enables you to move effortlessly around P-tone, J-tone and MM-tone. I don't generally bother too much with the other switches - too many options for me too!

    Thanks for your offer of the 1H 'Ray. Realistically, It's not quite what I'm after - the G&L on the rear pup does that sound for me already. Still looking for that good CIJ/MIJ or Highway 1 P bass as a possible trade, however...

  6. Hi,

    I have this 4-string fretless Stingray:

    [attachment=28661:Stingray_1.JPG] [attachment=28663:Stingray_4.JPG] [attachment=28662:Stingray_3.JPG]

    Made on Feb 23rd 2000. Pearl Lavender body, fretless Pau Ferro fingerboard. Described by Ernie Ball company as "most likley the only one we ever made exactly like this". Complete with original Musicman hard-case. Displayed in Bass World shop in Kent until sold to me new last month. I've noodled with it fewer than 10 times in the bedroom. Never been to a rehearsal, practice or gig. Technically "used", but to all intents and purposes it's as new.

    It's a beautiful bass. I keep picking it up and gazing wistfully at it. But I can't get on with the Stingray tone - I've realised I'm a P-tone man.

    So, I'm beginning to consider selling it, or possibly trading it for a Highway 1 Precision or MIJ/CIJ Precision with cash my way. But - what's it worth? The only new Stingray Fretless I can find on the web is £1600. The one I have is unique, pristine and beautiful.

    Seriously folks, any idea of what I might sell this for, please?


  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='535673' date='Jul 8 2009, 01:38 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.com/VINTAGE-1974-FENDER-PRECISION-P-BASS-ELECTRIC-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ220408854626QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item220408854626&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A7%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1309%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50"]Found in less than five seconds on Google...[/url][/quote]

    Aha! There's the answer! Good bit of sleuthing there.

    See this from the same seller:

    [url="http://www.tootoomart.com/seller-zxqwsf/page_1/"]http://www.tootoomart.com/seller-zxqwsf/page_1/[/url] Loads of Gibsons, and a MIA Jazz ($340) and a Geddy Lee cosmetic second ($340).

  8. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='535655' date='Jul 8 2009, 01:21 PM']Agreed - Quick, somebody do the biz. while Beedster's not looking.[/quote]

    Steady now. The queue starts with me.

    I'm soooo naive at times. So, is it real? Surely not!? I've just emailed the Hollywood place to see what they know. Interestingly, all of their other basses are $4000 or more. So, is this somebody in China simply "borrowing" somebody else's advert hoping somebody will send some money to them? Hmmm?

  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='535584' date='Jul 8 2009, 12:19 PM']Something tells me I don't even need to look at the site to know the answer :)[/quote]

    Go on - have a look. You know you want to. There are loads of pictures...

  10. Just spotted this:


    What do the Fender experts think? Is it real?


  11. I have a G&L Tribute L-2000. I normally have it switched to "both" pups, sometimes switching to bridge for a more jazzy sound. In the last 2 days, the bass has lost it's smooth rounded P-sound no matter which pup I select, and is sounding very burpy. Major fiddling with the amp to heighten the mids and treble doesn't seem to improve it. I have fitted a new battery - no change. My other bass seems to be working as normal with no noticeable tone changes. Any ideas?


  12. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='531161' date='Jul 2 2009, 10:13 PM']This guy's gonna wish he never put his mobile number up there![/quote]

    I did actually ring the number. The recorded message said that the message system was "full". Surprise surprise. I seem to recall that Gumtree uses it's own mobile number asa buffer between buyers and sellers, so it may not be the seller's own personal number. I just hope there's a good outcome to this.

  13. I saw this today:

    [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/61/40807561.html"]http://www.gumtree.com/london/61/40807561.html[/url] More than 2600 hits!

    Looks like a Precision to me. I can't tell much more than that from the picture, but I'm sure you Fender gurus will be able to.

    If the seller is who/what he says, I wonder if he could do with some advice and guidance about selling his bass? Would a friendly BC'er be able or willing to help? Or is it none of our business? :)


  14. I'm sure that most people are aware of this but as a relative newcomer to Ebay I wasn't, and it could have cost me dearly. I bought an item using Paypal and it arrived wrecked in the post. Numerous emails to the buyer produced no replacement or refund - nothing. Because I left it for more than 45 days to raise a dispute with Ebay and Paypal, neither will pursue my complaint against the seller. Fortunately, I've only lost a total of £8, but it could have been a lot more. I'm regarding it as an important lesson learned for a cheap price. :)

    So, if you want to raise a dispute with either Ebay or Paypal, make sure you do it within 45 days of the transaction.


  15. [quote name='solo4652' post='521470' date='Jun 23 2009, 09:49 AM']I've just replaced the nut on my P-bass. The old one came away easily with a gentle tap on the end. The new one, a brass one, was a little wider than the slot, so I had to file the slot out a bit. Trouble was that the new brass nut was bigger all round than the old nut - it was higher as well as wider, and I han't appreciated just how that would impact on string height/neck relief/saddle height/intonation. Fortunately, i didn't glue the new nut in place before realising I had to deepen the existing slot. Couple of spots of superglue gave an instant weld. So, just make sure that the height of the new nut is the same as the old one or you're likley to give yourself problems later with string height, neck relief etc[/quote]

    Actually, I've just re-read the OP and it seems you have the exact opposite problem - original nut is cut too low. Anyway, I was surprised just how much difference a small change in the height of the nut made to subsequent neck relief/saddle height etc.

  16. I've just replaced the nut on my P-bass. The old one came away easily with a gentle tap on the end. The new one, a brass one, was a little wider than the slot, so I had to file the slot out a bit. Trouble was that the new brass nut was bigger all round than the old nut - it was higher as well as wider, and I han't appreciated just how that would impact on string height/neck relief/saddle height/intonation. Fortunately, i didn't glue the new nut in place before realising I had to deepen the existing slot. Couple of spots of superglue gave an instant weld. So, just make sure that the height of the new nut is the same as the old one or you're likley to give yourself problems later with string height, neck relief etc

  17. [quote name='mathewsanchez' post='509255' date='Jun 9 2009, 05:01 PM']Wasn't that for sale on the forum? Think it's a 'Vintage' brand p bass with 70s fender decal added. And i think it's been relic'd not natural playwear.[/quote]

    Ah, right - I see what's happened now. When it was decribed as a "vintage bass", I thought that meant...

  18. [quote name='far0n' post='505446' date='Jun 4 2009, 01:19 PM']Do Sterlings suffer from the 'weak G string' like Stingrays ??[/quote]

    Aha! That's interesting- I thought it was just me with a poor playing technique - I find the G string on my fretless not as strong as the other strings.

  19. [quote name='Rayman' post='509890' date='Jun 10 2009, 09:00 AM']That's a beautiful colour, superb bass.[/quote]

    Yes - I think the body colour goes with the fretboard colour very well. You can't be far from me, and I think you're a bit of a Stingray fan, aren't you? You're more than welcome to come round and have a go on "Lilly" and a cuppa too. PM me for my address and phone number if you want.


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