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Posts posted by solo4652

  1. Hi,

    Big day this...

    My tonetastic 1987 MIA Peavey Fury is for sale - see photos.





    Made in America. I've sent the headstock number to Peavey and they confirm that it "was shipped from Meridian Mississippi where it was made on 24th July 1987". It's completely unmolested and is totally original throughout. In excellent condition - just had a full set-up done and new Hartke lights. There is hardly any damage - 1 or 2 very minor marks here and there and some slight buckle rash - nothing that breaks the paint surface, and certainly nothing that affects the tone, looks or playability.

    The tone is wonderful: piano-like clarity throughout the tonal range. The tone knob actually does something, and you can get from P-thump (but without the mudiness) right through to bright attack. It matches my G&L Tribute for jazz sounds, but the G&L probably beats it for deep chocolate thump. My bass tutor rated the Fury on par with his Highway 1 Jazz.

    I'm reluctantly selling this beauty because I have big hands, and I'm struggling to play the Fury's j-neck after the broad open spaces of my G&L's neck. Shame, really - I just love the tone on it. *Sigh*

    It comes with a basic gig-bag, spare strings and my best wishes - if you like your Jazzes, you'll love this. You're welcome to come round for a cuppa, a chat and a try-out - not a problem at all.

    It cost me a mere £220 6 months ago, and I'd like to get most of that back if possible. Will post, but would really prefer to hand it over in person.

    Come and have a look, before I change my mind and keep it...


  2. Hi,

    I have a tone-tastic 1987 MIA peavey Fury. It has the most wonderful, bright, clear piano-like tone which I really like. But, it has a skinny J-neck which I struggle with. Yesterday, I tried a new MIA Fender P and secondhand Stingray, but I was a bit disappointed - the P didn't give me the tonal range or clarity I have with my Fury. The Stingray was getting close, but was just too expensive.

    My Fury has a 4-bolt neck, fitted with a microtilt adjustment thingy in the pocket. 21 frets.

    Neck pocket measurements (OMG, I've just taken the neck off - my poor bass is now IN BITS):

    length: 92 mm, front width: 58mm, rear width: 62mm, front depth: 15mm, rear depth: 18mm

    So, I'm left with the option of replacing the J neck on my Fury with a P (or some other wide) neck. Some questions, please:

    Will a replacement neck significantly change the tone? I really don't want to change it much (just need more finger-room/greater string spacing)

    Anybody got something which might fit? Ideally (ha!) something which will drop straight in and I can re-use the existing tuners, bolts, plate, string tree if needs be.

    All ideas welcome.


  3. I have one of these and it's loud, punchy, woody, and top-notch quality all round.

    There's on on ebay;



  4. Just wondered whether this might help you. It's not free - it's about £13, but it looks ridiculously simple to use - and that appeals to me!


  5. Thanks to everyone for the quick and informative replies. Sounds like I might be showing some early signs of Paranoia here!

    I'll tell my friend about the Works Registration Service, and then he'll be able to decide for himself.



  6. Hi,

    The guitarist I jam with likes to write his own songs. When he emails MP3 files out to the rest of us, I'm a little concerned that, via the internet, somebody may discover his original material and "permanently borrow" his songs.

    Is there a really simple and quick way he can protect his songs, please? I was thinking about something like simply adding "Copyright of John Smith", or suchlike.



  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='433291' date='Mar 13 2009, 09:35 AM']hey I just [b]knew[/b] that was a Michael Jackson look-alike selling out 40 dates at the 02 Arena this week ....
    or maybe this one.. It's the psudo military uniform that's fooled them ...

    Genral Sir Michael Jackson.

    [color="#000000"]Oh and by the way, absolutely great idea![/color]

    Please don't play Siberian Khatru by Yes for me

    How do I get some rednose money to you?[/quote]

    Paypal, cheque, banker's draft, cash, postal order - we're not fussy.

  8. Well - what a day it's been! We've been completely mad-busy this morning. We turned up for rehearsal and we were MOBBED by people asking us to not play. At one point we had Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio Five Live[b] and[/b] North-North-East Tonight lined up and begging us to not play. We had no idea we were so famous! That so many people wanted us to not play was quite...touching, really.

    At rehearsal, the bassist didn't turn up. But that's OK because it meant we could get through the songs quicker, so we ended up not playing more songs than we expected. However, unfortunately the keys player did turn up which sort of surprised us - first time we'd ever seen them, and we had got very used to not playing with them.

    Some good news - we were approached by a promoter who certainly wanted us to not play at the MEN Arena tomorrow night. Well, we tried our best, but we have already agreed to not play at the Budokan, and we didn't want to let anybody down. Can't not be in two places at once, after all!

    Some not so good news - we have been approached by the Spice Girls' management company who threatened us with an injunction. Apparently, the Spice Girls have the sole, exclusive rights to not performing for money, and so we either have to stop not performing, or perform for money. I think.

    So, I'm afraid I won't be able to contribute to this thread any more for legal reasons. However, there's just time to let you know which were the songs that most people asked us not to play today. It looked like it was going to be between Lady in Red, and "anything by U2", but the overall winner was Money for Nothing, which absolutely nobody had seen coming at all.


  9. Don't know whether this is the right Forum, but it's sort of appropriate to put it here anyway. So, here goes...

    My band has come up with a way to make money for Red Nose Day, and we'd like everybody's help please. It's a marveloous idea - we're so rubbish that people pay us [b]NOT[/b] to play their favourite songs! How brilliant is that! We expect to be overwhelmed with requests along these lines:

    Hi! I hear you're not going to play songs for charity today - is that right?

    Yeah! We've been practising very hard by going to work and we now have an extensive back-catalogue of numbers which we're happy not to play for a fee.

    Do you do Status Quo?

    Ooooh, tricky. You see, the thing is that Quo numbers sound good, but are deceptively easy to play. So, we have to work hard at not playing them. For that reason, we charge more not to play them.

    Oh. How about Take That?

    Similar argument really. Take That songs are really popular and we get asked all the time to play them. In fact, it takes a lot of time and effort to avoid playing them, so we have to charge more to not play them.


    No problem! Their songs sound straightforward but are in fact technically difficult to play, and we really struggle with them. For us, it's very easy not to play them, so we can certainly do that for you. In fact, I tell you what, we have a 3-for-2 offer on just now with Abba songs - makes things easier for us. Same thing applies to any Motown number (not including Mony Mony). So, what's your request then?

    I'm going for Summer of 69, please.

    What!? We're are professionals you know! We wouldn't be seen dead not playing that! We do have our standards. We sort of sepcialise in not playing an Oi!/Swing type vibe - It's not everybody who can't play that you know...

    Look, I think you're pulling a fast one here. I've heard that you charge people for songs that you haven't played before - sounds like a scam to me.

    Rubbish! We approach each song in the same professional way and aim to do the very best we can to not play it. Failing that we play it as badly as possible - although, obviously, you'd be expected to donate a bit less in that case.

    And so on. We've actually had a lot of interest in bands who are keen to not play for money - in fact we're seriously thinking about franchising the whole idea. We've had interest from; The Stones (who want to not play because the're a bit old now), Spandau Ballet (bit, well, 80's...) and Michael Jackson (not playing because he died years ago).

    If you'd like us to not play for you today, then post your request here and we'll see what we can do!

    Please be patient - we expect to be very busy and it may take quite a bit of time before we don't play your song. However, we'll let you know just before we don't play it, so you can be sure it's your song we're not playing next. Wouldn't want anybody to think we're taking their money for nothing.



  10. [quote name='Eight' post='432242' date='Mar 12 2009, 10:59 AM']Yes, I use it a lot both on Linux and Windows.

    Its quality. But like Audition, its really a sound editor with some multitrack features; not a music production centre. However, if all you're after is to record rehearsals and don't need to do fancy mixing or effects etc. (it has some though) then it'll be great.[/quote]

    Just tried to download the Audacity software onto my (fortunately) spare laptop. McAfee threw an utter wobbler. Result was a disabled laptop with what looks like a virus. McAfee now working hard to sort it out.

    I give up. I'll just use the Sound Recorder that comes with windows. Flaming computers.

  11. [quote name='crez5150' post='432184' date='Mar 12 2009, 09:53 AM']I think that if he's just learnt to turn the laptop on, trying to install Linux may fry his brain[/quote]

    Quite right! I'm being pointed in the direction of Audacity freeware. Anybody used this, please?

  12. Hi,

    Is there any free software for a laptop running Vista Home Premium we could use to record ourselves at rehearsal, please? Don't need anything pro-quality - just need to be able to review our practice sessions. What about a mic? Could we use one of the mic's at the rehearsal room plugged into the input jack of the laptop?

    Please don't get technical with your answers! I've only just managed to work out how to switch on my new laptop....


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