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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. These pickups came with a brand new MIJ Tokai Hardpuncher P-bass I bought 6 months ago. I had the chance to replace them with some fender pups, which I did. I've since sold the bass. So, the original pups are for sale. hardly used, never been outside the bedroom. Unmarked and working perfectly when they were replaced. £25 ex p&p. Please PM me if you're interested. Steve
  2. Just spotted this. Words cannot do it justice. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-PRO-6-NECK-GUITAR-AND-BASS-TRIPLE-NECK-DOUBLE-NECK_W0QQitemZ200314773389QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item200314773389&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1688%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A2%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-PRO-6-NECK-GUITA...A2%7C240%3A1318[/url]
  3. Hi, Here's my problem. My No.1 bass is a G&L Tribute 2000. Marvellous thing - big, full tone with lots of adaptability. I love it. It also has a wide P-neck, which I'm comfortable with. My No. 2 bass is a 1987 MIA Peavey Fury. This is not far behind the G&L in terms of richness of tone and I don't want to sell it because of that. But, it has a skinny J-neck. If ever I had to switch to it in an emergency, I'd struggle. Consequently, it's not being played, and is unlikley to be while I have the wide-necked G&L. So, I'm considering a replacement P-neck for the Fury. What would be a good one? Ideally, I'd like a Peavey-licensed neck to retain the logo, but I realise that's a long shot. Despite being a cracking bass, it's probably only worth about £250, so I don't want to spend a fortune. Finally, how much would a luthier charge to swop the necks, assuming we re-use the tuners? All suggestions welcomed. Thanks, Steve
  4. If you divide a combo's power output (Watts) by its weight (Kgs) you get an index of Watts per Kilo which may enable some sort of comparisons: Watts/Kilo for the combos mentioned here: Roland D115 = 12 Markbass 151p = 22 Markbass 121p = 30 Eden Nemesis NC115 = 13 Eden Nemesis Rs 210 = 15 Mesa Walkabout Scout = 14 So, Markbass 121p gives best "bang per Kilo" at 30 Watts/Kilo Could do something similar with Watts/price to get "Bang for buck"... Or maybe even Watts/(Weight X Price)? Yes, I know, there's an awful lot more to choosing a combo than Watts/Kilo etc, but it may give some sort of start-point for comparisons. Just a thought. I'm bored today. Steve
  5. [quote name='Dropzone' post='418221' date='Feb 24 2009, 11:27 AM']Like the look of the roaland but at 55 lbs is coming in at 13 more than the markbass 115?[/quote] Wow - that's a substantial weight saving! My friends moan when I ask them to help me with the Roland. "Good job it's not a heavy one", I generally say.
  6. 3 months ago, I too was on the hunt for a lightweight, good quality, cheap combo. I bought a new Roland D-bass 115 from Rockin Rooster for £420. I was shocked to see they are now £760 See: [url="http://www.rockingrooster.co.uk/product_info.php?PID=1803"]http://www.rockingrooster.co.uk/product_info.php?PID=1803[/url] 300 watts, weighs 25Kg Cracking combo. I've played through 4 different rigs since buying it and nothing has come close to it yet.
  7. The standard reply would be something like; "How many pairs of shoes do you have?"
  8. [quote name='barrymk' post='406277' date='Feb 11 2009, 01:47 PM']I like it. I've just traded up to a G&L Tribute L2000 with the heavy Swamp Ash body and I bought the Dare strap as I have neck and now shoulder problems, wait awhile you youngsters - it's coming your way.....easy to be smug with young joints and muscles! I found the strap took a bit of setting up and it still doesn't quite sling the bass in the same place as a conventional one so a little accommodation is needed but it was comfortable and it works. I'm not sure it's cool looking but f**k 'em the audience ain't standing up for two hours bopping around with a plank of wood hanging round their necks.[/quote] I too have just acquired a G&L Tribute with Swamp Ash body and yes, you're right, it's pretty hefty. I also considered the Dare strap, and somebody pointed out to me that if you wear it over a black shirt, bobody will be able to see it. Just a thought...
  9. I was looking for something like this too. Ended up with this: [url="http://www.hartnollguitars.co.uk/products.asp?id=3359"]http://www.hartnollguitars.co.uk/products.asp?id=3359[/url] The body is smaller than my Tokai P-bass and the neck is P-width (although not too fat/chunky). fantastic range of tones available. I'm now a full-on G&L convert. Steve
  10. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='390355' date='Jan 24 2009, 01:20 PM']I got one to check it out, didn't work for me and didn't work as well as I thought it would. PM me to send me a large size SAE if you want it. You can give some money to charity or light a couple of candles in a temple of your choice. If it is back issues, the 'slider' design works better, and if you can ever find the bass brace, which were marketed for a short time, they were the best but they needed a third strap pin.[/quote] PM'd
  11. Responding to my own posting... Found it now: [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/2494-planet_waves_dare_strap"]http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/24...aves_dare_strap[/url] Anybody have any experience of these?
  12. I've been looking for one of those straps that goes over both shoulders to spread the weight of the bass. But, I'm struggling to find one anywhere. Anybody know where I can get one, please? Steve
  13. [quote name='Rayman' post='389431' date='Jan 23 2009, 11:22 AM']Bakers Vaults or the Thatched House spring to mind. We've never played either for some reason. Also the Nags Head or the Millstone in Macclesfield are keen on tribute bands etc.[/quote] The Little Mill at Rowarth? George Hotel, between Compstall and Marple Bridge? Steve
  14. See here: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fast-FREE-USA-Shipping-Strap-Locks-GUITAR-Straplocks_W0QQitemZ160309707617QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar_Accessories?hash=item160309707617&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1298%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fast-FREE-USA-Shippi...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url] Steve
  15. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='387700' date='Jan 21 2009, 04:39 PM']Thanks solo4652 I'll have a look - not sure if scousers are allowed in Manchester...are they?[/quote] Well, you could always select "Liverpool" or "Lancashire" on Gumtree and re-do the search! I widh I was in the position of having to turn down 35 bookings. Maybe some day...
  16. Have a look on Gumtree, here: [url="http://manchester.gumtree.com/cgi-bin/list_postings.pl?search_terms=Bassist&posting_cat=2128"]http://manchester.gumtree.com/cgi-bin/list...osting_cat=2128[/url] 4 or 5 "Bassist wanted" ads here in and around Manchester. Good luck! Steve
  17. Now sold. Thanks to everybody for your replies. Billy Bling is off to a new home.
  18. Here are the pictures I took of the Aria ZZB: [attachment=18949:001.JPG] [attachment=18950:002.JPG] [attachment=18951:003.JPG] [attachment=18952:004.JPG] [attachment=18953:005.JPG] [attachment=18954:006.JPG] The owner told me he bought the bass secondhand 10 years ago, so he doesn't know how old it is. The bass seemed to be in sound overall condition. Some buckle rash on the back of the body. Some dings and scrapes on the lower horn - see photo, but nothing serious - cosmetic, really, as far as I could see. The neck looked pretty straight and true to me. When plugged into the owner's amp, the volume and tone pots seemed to work OK. Bass could do with a wash and brush up, and certainly a new set of strings. Hard case looked perfectly serviceable, if a little travel-weary. The owner's name is Brian Martin. He wasn't aware of Basschat. So, over to you lot to contact Brian direct via the original Gumtree ad, if you're interested in this bass. I'm out of the loop now. Steve
  19. [quote name='BassBunny' post='385820' date='Jan 20 2009, 11:12 AM']Can't remember if the pots are sealed but even spending a couple of mins winding them to and fro could do the trick. If there is an opening neephoid is right, get some servisol. DON't use WD40. The great thing is it is actually a Passive set-up with the active pre-amp stuck after the Vol/Tone arrangement so if worst comes to worst the pots can easily be changed. Not sure what you mean about the Tuner issue. I have a pretty compehensive "spares" box and may be able to help. Here is the description of what the switches do. [attachment=18914:ASATbass..._diagram.pdf] It is actually pretty simple. Volume, Treble (Boost Only), Bass (Boost Only), 3 Way Switch for pick-up selection. 2 Way Switch for Series/Humbucking mode on pick-ups. 3 Way Switch for Passive/Active/Active with Treble Boost.[/quote] Thanks for sending the switch information. Already, the switches are sounding less crackly from some use. Could I get the servisol from my local hardware shop? I've tracked down a place in Cheadle that should be able to sort out a replacement tuner-nut.
  20. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='385159' date='Jan 19 2009, 05:16 PM']Cheers Steve. Pm'ed. You're a credit to the BC community. I'm with BassBunny I think we need some pics of your bargain G&L.[/quote] Here you go: [attachment=18906:008.JPG] [attachment=18907:009.JPG] [attachment=18908:010.JPG] [attachment=18909:011.JPG] Only 2 minor issues so far: Slightly scratchy pots - might be a bit dirty, since everything else was. Is there a simple way I can spray/clean them without unscrewing or undoing anything!? The plastic nut/bead thingy on the end of one of the tuners fell off yesterday. I managed to save the plastic washer and the metal locking washer, but not the nut itself. So I'll have to raid the toolbox to see if I have anything that will fit over the turned end of the tuner. Other than that, the bass is in excellent condition with no visible marks or dings at all. Got a bargain, I think. Initial play last night nearly shook the windows loose. Brilliant, rich, complex tones available. It'll take me years to work out how to use all the settings. Steve
  21. [quote name='BassBunny' post='385150' date='Jan 19 2009, 05:01 PM']Good Move and welcome to the wonderful world of G&L. I have a schematic of what the controls do if you want it or you should be able to get one from the G&L Web-Site. What colour is it? Maple or Rosewood neck?[/quote] It's natural finish with what looks like rosewood neck. I'll post some pictures tomorrow. Yes - please do send me a schematic of what all these knobs and switches do! The pots are a little scratchy, and I'm hoping they simply need a bit of a clean up. Would a quick squirt of WD40 help? Steve
  22. [quote name='BassBunny' post='384922' date='Jan 19 2009, 01:20 PM']Let us know how you got on Steve. Neck is certainly not Jazz Like but they are awesome Basses. I wouldn't part with my GL2500[/quote] Hello mate, I knew the neck wouldn't be jazz-type, but went to see it anyway. Glad I did - it's dirty, with old strings, but has no major issues, with a dead straight neck. Yes, the neck's wide, but it's relatively thin and comfy enough. Lots of knobs and switches to try to understand. I thought it was a real bargain, so I bought it. While I was there, I saw, played and took photos of the Aria. So, if out7shined could pm me with your email address, I'll be able to send some pictures. Steve
  23. Just spoke to the guy. I'm going round this afternoon. If anybody wants me to have a look at the Aria, you'll have to ring me on 0790 000 6789 before 1-30.
  24. [quote name='neepheid' post='384746' date='Jan 19 2009, 10:26 AM']Fair dos to be honest. Trading at a distance you're always at the risk of someone local doing the deal. No-one here's made a strong declaration of intent regarding the G&L anyway. Go for it. Ultimately it's the seller's prerogative to sell to whoever.[/quote] OK then - just didn't want to tread on anybody's toes. I'm waiting for him to contact me about a viewing of the G&L. If I go and see it, can I help somebody with a try-out of the Aria?
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