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Mick Kahn't

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Everything posted by Mick Kahn't

  1. What BigRed said: looks like an 8mm or 10mm dowel may do it. Drill and dowel the same size obviously! Hammer in gently (and straight) having lightly glued it and put some in the hole. Wipe off excess glue. Allow to set, then screw the peg in. Either that or drill another hole for the strap peg a few mm aeay from that one!
  2. [quote name='cf5' timestamp='1343752593' post='1754657'] Just bit the bullet and gone for the TC BG250 combo delivered for just over £300 Just seems too good to be true but was offered a no quibble 7 day money back deal As soon as it arrives ill get back with a review [/quote] What do you think to it a few months on?
  3. Malc ... Exellent - really well played. For those of us not up to that standard who love to see the bass being played well any chance of next time showing the fretboard more front on as opposed to us seeing the headstock.? Don't take that the wrong way - I liked watching it. What bass/camera etc? Good bassist you are - Hitchcock you're not! Great stuff though ... I love this song ...
  4. And here's the great MarloweDK playing Rhythm Stick ... as said, simply effortless ... ! Oh, to have a small percentage of his talent ... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opDEoTZnrwg&feature=plcp"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opDEoTZnrwg&feature=plcp[/media]
  5. Safe to say this guy has it nailed ... anyone quick enough to tab the verse ... (intro is easy enough for those that know) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llfsw4GFgSU&feature=relmfu[/media]
  6. Beautiful, just beautiful ... just need those six little numbers and I'd buy it just to look at ...
  7. I'd take the bass into the shop and get the strings out there and then in there and ask the guy behind the counter the problem ... never heard of this before - unless some shorter scale strings have got mixed up - can't see it happening twice though surely. Just bought some Ernie Ball hybrids with no problem.
  8. Man, that is lovely
  9. Just bought some hybrid Ernie Balls strings in the same gauge as the originals so will replace later one by one ... then see where the neck is. The call has gone out to a couple of local guys (from the repairs/luthiers thread) and I'll gladly pay someone money to set it up right in the first place. If I'm re-learning all again how to play, then I'm going to learn on a properly set up bass! Whereas if I had a crap Spector I'd get the allen keys out and take my chances!
  10. God, 14 pages later ... That's an hour and a half I'll never get back but adds to my experience (whch isn't a lot) ... just had a look at my gap (albeit it the A string as I have no E of course) when the 1st and last frets are touched and the string is ON the frets all the way down - there is NO relief from what I can see .... just a quick check, it is 1.30am and no that bright in this room. I'll have another check tomorrow - off to the repair section to try and find a man who can ... if I can't, then well ...
  11. Thanks guys - I guess the desired result is to get the action as LOW as possible and not get any fret buzz - so getting the relief JUST RIGHT ...
  12. Well, the thing was only home for two hours with me before I'd busted a string. From: To: I know, what a dope. The missus was chatting about something and I couldn't quite hear her (upstairs etc) and so I wasn't paying attention (bad I know) and i overwound the tuner ... New set of Ernie Balls for me in the morning then - can't get the Elixirs locally I don't think. Anyway - now it's here and out of the box - should I be leaving it to kinda *acclimatise* a bit in the room where it'll be kept/played - I have to check the neck relief/action etc - action looks mighty high at the moment - bridge is all over the place (see pics) Reading through www.tunemybass etc as I type ... Thanks all - this is a big relearning curve - and I'm talking BIG
  13. I just bought an SR500 new from Germany for £408... No idea why the price gap from 500-600 though. There must be summat lurkin' in the spec surely ...
  14. [size=5][sup]If someone VAT registered sells something new then they charge VAT at 20% - and the customer pays it. If a shops buys something in, then sells it on (at a profit) there is a VAT element - but the VAT element they have to pay to HMRC is only the percentage (20%) on the profit they make - not the final selling price. Just as they only pay that on the mark up on the NEW item as well ... If some gear is s/hand, there is still an element of VTA in the sale - it is NOT a VAT-free sale (if the shop is registered). There would be little point a music shop with a fairly healthy turnover (under the threshold) not being registered for VAT as they would be unable to claim back the VAT they are charged whgen they buy the equipment in. [/sup][/size]
  15. Reading all the reviews I could hardly find a bad word said about the SR5xxx series. Ease of playing (so for me, re-learning) and straight-forward playability out of the box mean a lot. Presume I might have to reset a few things, action etc ... but we'll see. Don't think I've made a bad choice and I've yet to play it - is that confidence or stupidity!?
  16. SR500 arriving tomorrow ... can't wait to unwrap it - like a big kid at Christmas ...
  17. [size=4][sub]Really clean and nice looking.[/sub][/size]
  18. I'd defo have had this as just ordered a new SR500... But not a fan of this model with the maple neck ... I like the rosewood!
  19. Thanks Daz. I've a feeling I'm gonna need one of them ... nice bass you have there. The Laney is here now thanks to a nice chap on ebay so that's a start ... and the Ibanez 500 is on the way - couldn't resist. [attachment=118711:Laney.jpg]
  20. Ibanez SR500 - £408 online from Germany ... £446 is the best I can see in the UK ...
  21. Bought a small s/hand Laney HardCore Max 30 watt Bass Amplifier on Ebay so that is sorted anyway ... that'll do me for home ... Undecided on the SR300 or SR500 still ...
  22. Haha - that must sound like real old school then! The old Precision had a thumb rest. It's going to take me time to get used to it on the E string that's for sure and moving down from there. On the pick up I could cope with - but remains to be seen if I'll put a thumb rest on whatever bass I get! It [b]IS[/b] the Yam374 and the Ibanez S[b]R[/b] - not B - fat fingers when typing (not good for an intended bassist). Although looking at the SR500 now as you seem to get a bit more for not too much more money ... and someone above suggested the extra was worth it. Could be the one .. but open to other possibilities ... got an eye on a small Fender Mustang II amp as well ... also decent for the money. I have a small Squier 10w practice one already but does no harm to have another. You can NEVER have enough equipment (or basses) I'm learning from being on here. One of the things that has changed from years ago is that you get so much more now on and from even the most basic equipment.
  23. Whereabouts in Essex are you? Would a five string be a hindrance to a learner? Maybe I should start with a decent 4 and progress ...
  24. [size=5][sub]Not really local - I'm out in the sticks somewhat ... Reading reviews, it's maybe coming down to something like the Yamaha RBX375 v the Ibanez SB300 which has a thinner neck - and my smallish hands may be better with that. String distance I have no experiece of - no idea what my old Fender was ... My Precision had a thumb rest on I know that - seems you rest it on the pick up nowadays. Styles? Well, anything really - I'm not looking to play one style but a variety as I learn. 25+ years is a long time to catch up on as I'm finding out.[/sub] [sub]Thanks for the replies[/sub][/size]
  25. Thanks guys ... been on the classis here and elsewhere - so any around. Some lovely almost *works of art* - that's how I see some of them. Better off with four strings to start? I think so - that RBX270J Yamaha looks decent for the money - yet the Trojan in the classis is about the same price ... Decisions, decisions ... (and don't know enough/remember enough to make 'em)
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