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Huge Hands

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Everything posted by Huge Hands

  1. That was my first thought. My boy is 8 and only on his 5th drum lesson. I predict a very long and painful road to get anywhere near any grade standard, bless him
  2. I was looking into the very same a couple of years ago. On the Bach website, you could zoom in on the example photos and the fit and finish didn't look good so I didn't bother. You'd have thought they would have put their very best one up there, so if that was their best, I wasn't interested in getting a lesser version....
  3. There is a really good Tiny Desk concert with him on Youtube that has been posted on BC before - same bass player. Note that it has some choice "urban" language at the start, so be careful of who is around you if you play it out loud.
  4. Huge Hands

    Big hands

    Did someone mention me? I've always had a similar issue when trying to learn guitar in the past. I also think there is a big difference between those with long, slender fingers, and those like me with massive ham fists, I find that my paws get in the way of stretching acros frets etc.etc.
  5. I played in a band for years where the guitarist would insist on counting all the songs in (because they usually always started with some sort of bluesy widdle halfway through a bar) but his count would usually be at a totally different speed (and at worst time signature) to what he would then start playing. His favourite was to stamp his foot instead of counting at gigs because he thought it was more subtle, but would end up sounding like some sort of angry hobnailed Long John Silver, and would stamp so hard it would get slower and slower as he got to "...four" but would then blast off at a totally different playing speed. Luckily me and the drummer were wise to him, and usually came in at the right spot...
  6. Fixed
  7. I have the B1-Xon. I bought an adaptor from Ebay for mine which worked fine, then I put it on a pedalboard and ran it from a standard multi power supply, equally with no problems. However, I had it for a few months first on only batteries, and I used it a fair bit without having to change them. I wish I used mine more, but I don't currently play much music that requires FX, and because I've mounted it on a board setup, it makes messing about with it at home less practical without pulling it all apart. I do like the drum machine/loop functions when I have played with it though.
  8. Anything with Isaac Hayes (RIP), but specifically his version of "By The Time I Get To Phoenix" from the Hot Buttered Soul album, with the whole strings and brass going on.... I love that track. Lovely slow groove with loads of dynamic shifts.
  9. I didn't get that far, they were on their way back and talking to my little lad who would have been non-the-wiser. I wouldn't want to steal WoT's thunder, anyway
  10. My mam and dad were at the afternoon show- they loved it.
  11. Hi Paul, as long as the voltage (12V) is the same, and the output is the same i.e. AC current or DC current, and the current rating of the replacement PSU is the same or greater than 300mA, you should be fine. The other thing to check would be the connector - obviously that it is the same type/size as your unit, but also that the polarity is the same, - for example - positive goes to tip, negative to ring (I haven't looked up your unit, this is just an example).
  12. I tried a set of Roto 88s on my 5 string Harley Benton acoustic after the original brass ones were way too zingy, and loved them. I then bought another set and put them on a modded Squier P5 I have. I noticed when gigging with it that there was one song we did with a lot of repeated fast notes in it where it felt like the strings were struggling to keep up with my fingers due to the low tension. I normally play fairly high tension flats, so may just be what I'm used to.
  13. I like it, but I get what you're saying. The drummer (Pete Ray Biggin) currently plays with Level 42 and is a top UK session drummer. I got to do front of house sound with him on quite a few gigs when he was 19 and playing with Jimmy James around 1999. He had an amazing feel, and as a drummer myself, I never wanted to play again after seeing/hearing him - so I'll forgive him a lot, even though on this occasion, I don't feel the need. I like this and the original. He was a good laugh too.
  14. I guessed they did that because he's not one of Lola's Day Off. Perhaps its a famous mate of Pete's (drummer) disguised?
  15. This has been up there for over a year now IIRC, but there doesn't seem to be anything else posted. Wonder if it was a short lived project?
  16. I read the full interview, it all sounded like QJ was on a bit of a wind up to me. I think he has the stereotypical Jazz attitude that those that haven't studied to a Jazz level aren't great musicians, but that's up to him. It obviously has done his internet recognition no harm, I've seen several "Have you read the Quincy interview?" comments from muso mates on social media. As regards to the Beatles, I'm sure Sir Paul isn't bothered. Regardless of his ex-wife legal troubles, I'm sure he's still got just as much if not more cash than QJ. I don't think he needs us to fight his battles for him...
  17. To repeat Ceebass' comment, I cannot add anything to the licencing debate, but I really enjoyed the track (or should that be tracks?). Two of my favourite songs mixed together. Good stuff!
  18. Good luck WoT! My mam and dad try to go to that every time it is on, I think they got tickets for it for Christmas or something, I really must listen more when I call home.... I've not lived up there for 22 years now, would love to see one myself. Mega jealous bonny lad
  19. As a teenager with absolutely no dress sense whatsoever, I had loads of them in various garish colours and patterns, I never had just plain black ones . I also seem to remember that after a few wash cycles to get the mud and sweat out, they would lose their elasticity a bit, so you may need a few, depending on how hard and often you use them. Then again, fabric technology (and my mother's washing machine) have probably moved on a fair bit since then!
  20. Just to add, I started wearing glasses at 8, and as the school goalkeeper, the other team would gradually get closer and closer before I could start to see them, to a point in my early teens I had to start wearing glasses on the pitch. I used to use something similar to Frank Black's suggestion, and this was about 28 years ago, they're nothing new. They used to keep my glegs on whilst jumping all over. I do remember not being happy unless they felt really secure, so used to end up digging the nose pieces into my face because I'd pull them so tight!
  21. I believe it does. I recently bought the Nux GP-1 from Amazon for about £10 because I was concerned about wasting more on the Vox if I didn't like it and reviews had said they'd used the Nux for bass. If you're into premium tone, then don't buy this, but if you mess around with the gain and tone controls, you can usually get a fairly distortion free sound. I have only tried it with an active bass so far, a passive may be better and less likely to over drive it. In summary, you get what you pay for. I would love a PJ Big Head, but I can't justify £200+ at the moment. For a tenner, this is more than fine for a quick practice without messing about.
  22. I too respect Ashdown for taking the time to respond to customers on here, it just seems to me that the person doing it is taking the comments a bit to heart and replying in the heat of the moment as themselves, rather than Ashdown as a brand. I'm saying this after seeing a few recent replies - especially the B-Social thread, it wasn't just this one occasion. I would take the c word from a mate too, but not a company I expect customer service from (I realise Ashdown didn't call anyone a c word before you say anything!) However, I totally wouldn't want to see or be the cause of them stop posting to help their users. I can see I'm in the minority in thinking the tone of the replies was a bit off. I'll get off my soapbox.
  23. Lets hope he washed his first
  24. I think starting any reply to any concern, especially one that is as serious as suggesting you may have been liberal with your marketing facts by implying the customer is having "a bad day" smacks of not taking them seriously or treating them like they're stupid. Maybe I'm having a "bad day" when reading it, but to me it comes across as massively unprofessional and conjures up the image of a one man band operation, smoking waccy baccy and telling me to "chill out". Again, all IMHO of course. I'm sure 99% of bass players would find it cool.
  25. Bigwan, you're a better man than me. As a service delivery manager in a related technology discipline, I'd have been extremely unhappy if one of my team took the mickey out of and patronised a customer with a genuine concern. But hey, it's banter, right? With this and the response I saw in the B-Social thread, I think that's the last I'll be buying from Ashdown (and I've owned my fair share/defended it enough in the past). All my opinion of course, if you like your companies to treat you like an idiot, then ignore me. *Cue some handbag memes, stinging patronisation and an attempt to cover it off as humour by talking about beer or coffee from Ashdown....
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