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Huge Hands

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Everything posted by Huge Hands

  1. As a teenager in the early 90s, my Dad had just bought a CD player for the first time and his cousin, who was doing some building work at our house, decided to buy all the Beatles albums on CD. As he didn't have a CD player himself, he left the discs with us until he got one. This left me with all the albums (including singles compilations) to play to death whilst I was at home on my own. This left me with a great appreciation and love of their music, even though I wouldn't say theirs is my main taste. I found the recent Get Back releases fascinating to watch and devoured all 6 hours with glee! As I have said before, after starting as a drummer, watching Paul play the beginning of "I am the Walrus" in the Magical Mystery Tour film made me realise the bass player was much cooler than the drummer and got me to switch!
  2. I have seen a few people say this over the years but I always found the stand on my NXT to be quite sturdy and often used to pivot it on one tripod leg while playing. Not as free as a endpin on a DB, but enough to have fun with - then much easier and quicker when you want to put it down and pick up your bass guitar!
  3. I have had a NXT5 for about 7 years. I am not sure the difference between this and a WAV but mine looks a fairly similar setup (albeit mine is all black) to the one in the sponge guy's video. I have said this a few times, but with mine, it doesn't always sound that double bassy to me when standing next to it and playing, but when I have heard recordings of me playing it as heard from the audience, it does. I love mine but get @Happy Jack's point about the look. I used to play in a 50's blues band with mine and would get purists scoffing...but also a lot of punters being all "what the hell is that" in a nice curious way, and would be good to see the looks on their faces when it sounded good..
  4. I think my taste in music is quite inclusive and popular. I think it may be me who is a bit isolating in the way that I tend to obsess over favourite tracks and play them repeatedly. Mrs HH refuses to listen to my playlist for this reason (that and the fact that I sing way too loudly and badly along to them!)
  5. 20 years ago I worked at one of the big Butlins as a sound engineer. On 60s, 70s, 80s rtc weekends we used to get a lot of examples of this. For me, I don't mind them doing reworkings of songs or clever medleys but I think the essence of the original feel and sound of the act/band should still be there. In my experience, a lot of these bands (especially the 60s ones) would have one "original" member who would be someone like a keyboard player who had joined just after the last hit (when the main songwriter had left and was sunning it up on a beach somewhere). The keyboard player would have then recruited a band of mates who weren't good enough to be in the band the first time round and were all deaf from poor sound over the year so would be painfully loud on stage. Either that or the fading star would introduce their son on bass who would slap through most of the gig or their daughter on vocals who just couldn't sing.....I could go on. However, I feel a bit of a contradiction too as I start to get older and still want to be able to get/play gigs as long as I can play (not that I am legendary or famous in any way, but I assume they feel the same). I know it isn't really relevant, but reading the Rod Stewart stuff reminded me that we used to get two Rod impersonators regularly when I was there. Both looked and sounded nothing like each other, but weirdly they both looked and sounded like Rod! Always made me laugh!
  6. Reminded me of my old ZX Spectrum loading a game......
  7. Thanks, What I was looking for was something that would give me good back support and be very sturdy as I am ashamed to say I am a hefty chap. I am 6'3 and around 145kg so wanted something strong and durable, that I could lean back in if my back was giving me problems because I am sitting at weird angles to help my wounds. I did consider a director's chair., but I dont have the best of experience with folding mechanism chairs as I tend to break them! On top of this, the problem is many folding chairs also have armrests and I don't want those as they will get in the way of the bass. I did have a good look over the weekend and nearly went for a shower chair type thing with removable armrests but have decided to give it a go tonight with what is in the rehearsal hall (plastic school chairs) as I wouldn't have been able to get anything this quick anyway. If I can find a good, not too worn/broken one I might be ok, but I think it might be too low for me. We'll see. Wish me luck!
  8. Hi Lemmy, Thanks for this - it is he sort of leftfield stuff I wouldn't have thought of (I don't do fishing) that I was hoping someone would know about! However, this one is quite expensive for something I should only need for about a year and I'd be worried about accidentally catching my wounds on those poles sticking up, but it is definitely on my shortlist (of this 1 so far)... I will definitely look deeper into the fishing world though. I thought they would be a lot more "sit back" camping chairs type thing where I wouldn't be able to get comfy with the bass, but this one is definitely a possibility.
  9. Thanks for that. I have a specialist hospital supplied cushion called a Valley cushion which works well. It is a supportive sturdy portable chair that I need to put it on that is what I'm looking for. Something that is more adjustable than just a basic classroom chair, but that can be folded/broken down and taken away after each rehearsal. Google seems to suggest there is no such thing but thought someone on here might know of something.
  10. Hello fellow Basschatters, This might be a very odd and specific request, but here goes. I have recently returned from hospital after extensive surgery on....ahem.....my posterior. I usually play in a concert band where everyone sits down and plays. I have a long way to go in my healing process, but I would like to return to rehearsals soon. I certainly won't be able to stand and play for any length of time. We usually sit on plastic classroom style chairs. My issue is that even with my support cushions (which I would take), they are quite low and there is no back support. I do have a Transit van, but don't have the strength to hump big chairs around. I'm basically after a drum stool style folding detachable tripod leg base, but with an office chair type top on to give me a wide base for my support cushions and comfortable sitting position. All of the office chairs I have seen seem to have fixed heavy tripod wheely bases. Due to the support cushions working in a kind f square cushion type way, I don't think a round or moulded drum stool top would work. I am also dismissing most folding audience style chairs as I am quite a heavy chap and again I thik height will be an issue. I'd love a sturdy gas strut like the better drum stools. I just wondered if any of you knew of anything or had used something like I'm looking for? As I realise I have opened myself up for this kind of thing, please feel free to let loose with the piles jokes too. It is not piles, but I'm sure some of them will be funny.
  11. If I remember correctly it was used in a TV advert and then on the back of that got re-released and did really well as a single.
  12. On the Dua Lipa NPR Tiny Desk (Home) concert, IIRC the MD is the bass player and the drums are on track.
  13. I think the thread reflects this as a lot of the suggestions on here are dead or retired! I agree with a lot of names on here and many are my heroes too, but some recent ones (over the last 20 years) I would have are: Thaddeus "Terry" Tribbett Joe Cleveland Robin Mullarkey Michael League
  14. When I was a kid, my dad (who is massively into blues) recorded a BB King concert from the early Days of Channel 4 at the end of a VHS tape. The programme was called BB King at The Forum. I believe it was filmed at the Forum in Ontario, Canada around 1978. When I found it, most of it had been recorded over as my dad wasn't a BB fan, but I certainly became one. His bass player at the time (Russell B Jackson) became a huge influence on me wanting to play bass and I wore the tape out constantly playing this. I have tried to find a copy of it over the years but have just found this on Youtube: I have never seen the first 4 and a half minutes before as that had been recorded over! . EDIT - Just watching it through fully now and this version has loads of chunks missing in the middle which is a shame. Would love to get a full copy some time...
  15. As long as they are vegan chips with ethically sourced salt and vinegar on them....... Oh and my partner has a fish allergy and will only eat the red peppers, not any other colour..... etc etc etc.
  16. Regardless of my opinions of Joe Dart or the bass, I will never have that kind of spare cash, so I won't be getting one. However, I just wanted to give props to Nate Smith in that video - amazing drummer!
  17. I have a V7 and only use it in passive mode as I'm too lazy to keep swapping the batteries. That's only the first two knobs (stacked Vol/tone and blend). As per my user name, I have huge hands and I don't get too mixed up. I find the tiny volume know quite easy to turn under the edge of my hand. In all seriousness though,, I do put batteries in it and it is nice to occasionally switch in the active so I can add some mega bass boost from time to time!
  18. I have used superglue before to cover tender fingers after blisters have popped (double bass). It was the difference between me playing and cancelling the gig, so a recommendation from me. I noted it did crack and flake off after every song or two, so would constantly have to apply it between songs whilst blowing on it like mad so it would dry before the start of the next one and not glue me to the strings. I have no idea how many toxins I introduced into my bloodstream that night but it got me through and I haven't had any issues in the 15 years since.....apart from my second head that grew out of my back...
  19. I have a Tonebone Bassbone V2 to allow me to quickly switch between EUB and bass guitar on big gigs, which feeds into a Zoom B1Xon. I bought it as an option for some effects but mainly use this as a volume pedal for the EUB to try and emulate some sfz kind of stabbing dynamic effects in our concert band. My problem is, even when just running it all fully open and clean (no FX), I feel like I can hear the electronics saturating somewhere when I'm digging in. I hear a kind of compression, that I don't hear when going direct into my amp. I have never had time with my full rig somewhere to really go through it all and try and work out where it is happening in the chain. As a result I don't use it that often.
  20. I agree. I saw it a few months ago on Amazon Prime. Some nice playing by Chuck Rainey, Bernard Purdie and my favourite guitarist Cornell Dupree.
  21. Just watching it now on IPlayer - my God.....totally! Thing I don't understand is - apart from Carol, did no actual bass players audition? Why were both male bassists guitar players that were "consoled" with a bass player spot? I was talking to someone at the weekend who knows the guitarist in the hat in Lady Leshur's band and has played with him a few times - he said that all of his promo stuff now mentions the IoW....
  22. I am not normally one to have a go at anyone individually or question people's talents, but I think to have made it work they should have gone for a certain basic level of proficiency and for me, the drummer in the wheelchair is not anywhere near where he needs to be. As said before, the way he came in way too fast in Angels and that comment about "I can't see her because I have my eyes closed to listen" shows he is way off the standard he should be. I guess he was kept in to impress the disability campaigners? I myself thought it was great to see until I heard him play..... I think they should have realised his standard and swapped him out, like the 95 year old was gracious enough to admit himself. I think the guy they have used to replace the 95 year old is much more solid and that band (including the guitbassist) is sounding much better. I think the lady bass player is a bit patronising but I don't blame her for getting mightily frustrated. I have played with many drummer with basinc timing problems and it reflects bad on the whole band, not just them. For this reason, I struggle to listen to them without cringing every time.
  23. I quite like a lot of 10cc stuff, although I know Dreadlock Holiday wouldn't get played now. Was enjoying "Good Morning Judge" yesterday.
  24. I am not convinced his lack of hi-hat foot control was the issue - it looked to me like someone who was incredibly frustrated at not being able to "get" the rhythm and looking to blame out for it. I have to be honest, when I was young and a drummer I would play along to reggae tracks with standard rock beats and could not realise what was not right about it. It wasn't until I heard and saw a pro drummer play proper reggae close up (a very young Pete-Ray Biggin) that it unlocked something in my brain and I finally got it and was able to play along quite well the next time I tried. It looks to me like that guy has never played or listened to anything other than what he likes.
  25. Yeah, yeah @Dood 😁 - reminds me of the time I visited a guy at his desk at work to help with some tech stuff. His dept were being moved, so there were lots of packing crates everywhere. This guy had packed everything away neatly, except one crate he had "accidentally" left open - full of boxes of Durex. "Oh my, that wasn't supposed to be left open" he gasped theatrically, with a huge cheese eating grin on his face as he closed the lid..... A colleague did later point out that it would have been much more impressive if the boxes were empty....
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