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Everything posted by BassBalls

  1. Another bump. I am accepting offers on this great little unit.
  2. No worries at all. It can run 32 channels at a sample rate of 44.1kHz/48kHz.
  3. Hi, Yeah im pretty sure it does work with Cubase but I have not tried it myself. I found a well cheesy video on youtube saying that it does work with all major DAWs. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5STzbxIIvU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5STzbxIIvU[/url] Also, the latest set of emulations and install files can be found for free here on the Focusrite website. [url="http://www.focusrite.com/support/liquid/liquid_mix"]http://www.focusrite.com/support/liquid/liquid_mix[/url] Hope this helps!
  4. Bump. Now taking offers for the Liquid mix
  5. Hello I am selling my now underused Focusrite Liquid mix. This little unit has served me well during my time at Uni but since leaving in September and going to work in a recording studio I have not used it. The Liquid mix is basically and external box/plugin controller which contains compressor and EQ emulations of the most popular studio hardware units. The emulations sound great and the best thing is that all of the processing is done in the controller box so it frees up processor space in your host computer. More info about the Liquid mix can be found here.... [url="http://www.focusrite.com/products/liquid/liquid_mix/"]http://www.focusrite.com/products/liquid/liquid_mix/[/url] I paid £330 for it a few years ago now so i would like £130 or any near offer. This will include first class recorded postage. I also travel into London regularly so if anyone would rather do a face to face deal then i can knock a bit off the price. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding the item. [attachment=69848:DSCF0651.JPG]
  6. I would start off by trying to get some huge thick rugs and place them on the floor, being that the floor is the closest surface you encounter it might make a difference. I would also experiment with gear placement, depending on the size of the room i would try and move cabs away from the walls and corners. This will reduce coupling with the walls.
  7. Hi, Here is my home studio setup. I have a 3.2gHz 8-core Intel mac with 4gb of ram running snow leopard. Software includes Protools 8, Logic Pro 8, Max 5, Guitar rig 3, Arturia vintage collection, Melodyne studio 3. Hardware; KRK RP8 G2 active monitors, M-Audio pro fire 2626, Focusrite liquid Mix, and CME UF5 midi controller. SE electronics Reflexion filter. My room i work in is quite good and i have been able to achieve some good transferable mixes. [attachment=40732:DSCF1043.JPG]
  8. [quote name='mistahbenn' post='709008' date='Jan 11 2010, 04:18 PM']what about some soundbytes???[/quote] Unfortunately the bass is not finished yet. Hopefully it will be ready for the end of the month.
  9. Hello i have a couple more pics for you. [attachment=39314:RobandhisJAzz001.jpg] [attachment=39315:RobandhisJAzz002.jpg] As you can see by the pics im very pleased with the bass. Adding the miniature plastic bags over the tuning pegs are adding more sustain than i could ever imagine so i decided to go against the string through body. Bass is now being 'finished' with nitro on the body and board and an oil on the back of the neck.
  10. What i don't get is people spending loads of money on expensive earphones then listening to inferior audio quality like mp3. Fail.
  11. Quick upload of the bass before finishing. [attachment=38555:DSC00718.jpg] [attachment=38556:DSC00723.jpg] [attachment=38557:DSC00715_1.jpg] I didn't make it up to see Robbie today due to problems on public transport. Will hopefully have this bass in my hands early next week.
  12. Hey, loads more progress on the bass which is cool. Body shaping and routing is pretty much done. [attachment=38086:DSC00682.jpg] The headstock has also been shaped and the 'R' insert is in. [attachment=38087:DSC00683.jpg] The neck has been sculpted into its final shape and the bolts have been mounted. [attachment=38088:DSC00693.jpg] [attachment=38089:DSC00701.jpg] Last but not least, the frets have been pressed in. The extra length on the frets are a custom feature so i can do some killer bends! (only kidding) [attachment=38090:DSC00704.jpg] The bass will be ready for a test drive before "finishing" on Friday next week. Pictures will follow!
  13. Hi, Would you be interested in an Ampeg SVT4 pro with a rack case and Korg Rack Tuner?
  14. Hey guys, some more very exciting progress on bass has been done! [attachment=36097:DSC00653_1.jpg] [attachment=36098:DSC00656_1.jpg] [attachment=36099:DSC00660.jpg] Enjoy.
  15. Hi guys sorry for the long silence! Lots of progress is being made. The neck is almost done. [attachment=35577:DSC00646.jpg] I suggested the metal insert to make the headstock a bottle opener and Robbie thought it was a great idea. He might make it an optional extra! [attachment=35579:DSC00649.jpg] Robbie has also done a great job smoothing off the edges. [attachment=35580:DSC00657.jpg] Im loving all the grain figuring. Cant wait to get some strings on it!
  16. [quote name='NJE' post='554442' date='Jul 28 2009, 09:13 PM']AMAZING! I have admired RIM basses for a while now but I am a big chap and a Jazz or P are about the only thing that looks in proportion. I cannot wait to see this develop and might even be tempted to take the plunge (if he will make another one). Can you let the headstock design out the bag????? keep us updated.[/quote] The headstock design has now been finalised and im very very pleased with how it has come out. [attachment=33728:DSC00601.jpg] [attachment=33729:DSC00600.jpg] What do you guys think of the design?
  17. Some exciting progress. The finger board is back from Haydn and as you can see, he's done a great job. [attachment=33091:Raysbass...board021.jpg] [attachment=33092:Raysbass...board022.jpg] The birdseye has come out beautifully and the subtle grain lines going through the inlays look fantastic. Robbie has also had the neck glued up for a while now and is ready to start shaping it. [attachment=33094:DSC00517.jpg] I also have a nice picture of the body with a scratch-plate on it just to give an idea of how the bass will look. [attachment=33093:DSC00580.jpg] Cheers
  18. BUMP
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