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Everything posted by Greggo

  1. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1445084517' post='2888689'] ok - that makes no sense. If you took those two unattached pins to earth and connected your output to that joined middle it would work, but without that I don't even know what it is trying to achieve! [/quote] I have no idea either and probably just as well as the tone pot completely fell to bits when I unfastened it from body to check all wiring, so it has now all come out!I've just left a couple of inches of wire from jack to put on a terminal block on so can just rig it up easy enough to make sure bridge pickup does work OK. I'm going to order new pots for it and definitely rewire it vol - tone - 3w selector. Other than this issue, it is good to have the bass back. It was the first bass I ever played back in 1996 and I was so happy to have it gifted to me 4 years later. It is a bonding exercise to get it working as I remember it but hopefully with added benefits with a new wiring (the ease of three clicks - I never really saw the benefit of blend pot as I always ran it in middle or p)
  2. Don't know if you can see the idea from this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BykALQtqty0aanF3elNlbXkwdG8/view?usp=docslist_api The blue is bride +ve and red is neck +ve
  3. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1445075437' post='2888584'] When you say the middle soldered to each other is a dual gang pot? In which case that would be correct. The way of doing a blend is either you put one pickup on each side and take the output from the middle, or you do it with a dual gang pot with effectively two opposing volumes, where the centers are joined, you take the output from there, and each gang has the pickup one side and earth the other side, with both sides being wired the other way to each other. if it is a dual gang wired like that, it means the J pickup is disconnected, if it is single gang and the blend takes it down to no sound then it is shorted. Hopefully it is the first [/quote] Yes it is a dual gang. The two middle lugs have a wire soldered to each other but this doesn't go anywhere else. The J bass wire was attached, but I have since ended up pulling it off by accident but I'll upload a picture shortly so you can get an idea what I mean on how blend seems to be wired.
  4. I took out the wiring and I think it looks like it has had a bodge wiring since its been out-of my hands! The wiring doesn't seem to match the conventional for vol - blend - tone. On the blend pot itself true middle lugs are soldered to each other and the inputs are on the outside? Doesn't seem right all all so going to get the soldering iron out when I get chance. I am debating changing blend to a 3 way switch instead.
  5. Please can someone give me an idea what this issue is and whether aa full rewire is needed or just one pot. Ive taken back my old Yamaha RBX5 in trade but unfortunately it has come back to me with an electrical issue. It is P/J but it seems only the P pickup is functioning but the blend just seems to behave like a volume pot and in the supposed bridge position it's just a lower level p pickup sound. Any ideas on what might be the issue? Am I best rewiring?
  6. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1427967291' post='2736345'] Might be offloading my CV Tele now. Seen a Fender Jap I've kinda pulled the trigger on one in one out. [/quote] Noooooo no the CV!!!!!!! Only joking.. If I was to see a Fender Jap Tele at the right price it would come home with me as well at the expense of the CV. Would prefer a Jap model over Mexican anyday.
  7. I thoroughly recommend a Rocksmith USB guitar cable as a USB interface, only £20 and very low latency for recording and monitoring.
  8. What are the specs of the PC you are running? I've recently started using a better laptop to record and I'm recording dry and monitoring the wet signal same as you. The interface I'm recording with costs £20 and it gives me ridiculously low latency - it's a Rocksmith USB guitar lead! Using WASAPI drivers set to 64 samples it's next to no latency and even adding on amp sims / cabinet emulators etc does not add much latency. No glitches at all sk far with up to 10 tracks Inc . I think latency is low on the USB because the processing of sound is by the processor not the sound card absit's absolutely perfect for recording! I've tried this on a 2.4ghz dual core and a 2.5ghz i5 and it's a spot on in both!
  9. [quote name='biro' timestamp='1437588193' post='2827366'] Guys, I can only recommend (and quite strongly) the very nice SHB-1 by Ignite Amps: http://www.igniteamps.com/ You can use it in conjunction with Ignite Amps' NadIR to use various kinds of impulse responses. Here is a link to my Dropbox folder with some of the impulse responses I collected during the years. Some are kind of ancient, others should probably be credited to someone on some forum, but I can't remember which are which. All of it is, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t3t0lu0dnqmeb2s/AACyieEePTo41mFn2TWKhleAa?dl=0 [/quote] Thanks for those cabs I haven't got many bass cabs but loads of guitar. Ive users that ignite bass preamp it is very good indeed!
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1436964586' post='2822375'] If you happen to have an iPad you should really check out that side of things too. They are powerful enough these days to run full blown amp sims and plenty of people nowadays use an iPad as their main gigging/recording 'preamp'! I've not delved into that side myself, but can imagine that having all the amp/pedal controls right there in front of you on a touch screen would be much better than having to mouse around on a PC. [/quote] Unfortunately I dont have an iPad, but have an Android device - is there anything of decent equivalent for Android?
  11. Thanks for the recommendations for other amp sims to try, I will give them a go as I dont think you can have too many virtual amp vsts! Im finding at the moment that my favourite Cabinet emulation software is Torpedo Wall of SOund III - its a paid software , but the actual cost of the extra cabs ( you get two included to start but have to buy at least one to continue after 30 days) is only £6 and they sound really professional - it has saved me the hassle of trauling through millions of free IR's just to find a decent one. I thought I'd get a bass cabinet so I went for the Ampeg 8 x 10 cabinet (called "Fridge"!) and some of the presets are incredible for it!
  12. I've always known you can record guitar direct into a computer using vst plugins but never had a good enough laptop to do it. Using my works laptop which is far more power I've dabbled with recording guitar in reaper using Lepou amp sims and various cabinet IRs and I'm actually blown away with the quality for free of these plugins. They basically sound like mac'd amps and far better than the amp simulation in any PODs I've heard. It's something that has motivated me even more to play and record lots more especially now I can ditch my hardware multi track in favour of all recording direct!
  13. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1436015725' post='2814350'] There's a purple one on eBay at the moment if it helps? [/quote] Thanks was hoping just for a straight swap rather than buy another. I'm tempted to just rewire it with a series / parallel switch so it gives that approximation of a P in series mode which is basically the sound of want.
  14. Last bump - anyone have a Westfield P to swap for Westfield J?
  15. Bump to see if anyone fancies a Westfield J for a Westfield P swap
  16. As above I would like to do a straight swap of my Westfield Jazz style bass for the Precision style bass they do if anyone locally has one they wish to swap? I got this bass last week when I traded in one of my unused 6 strings. Having had a week with bass realised that I don't get along with the J configuration as much as I thought and would prefer the simplicity of a P (to be honest it was my first choice but only interest I got when I put my guitar for swap was this J bass). The bass is in generally good nick and the action is fairly low and it does play really well. I'm based in Wigan so anyone that fancies swapping let me know! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BykALQtqty0aTy1LZmRIMndDZHFlZ05maHB6RWhIWHo2WVhN/edit?usp=docslist_api https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BykALQtqty0aTGxRYkJuQ2NZMmFwV0pNSlEtZU5kekIya3Y4/edit?usp=docslist_api
  17. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1434324152' post='2798691'] Thanks, that's perfect - no need to check - "a bit thinner than a BB414" is exactly what I wanted to know [/quote] Haha glad to help. It ain't half a bad bass for the equivalent of £60 (the value of the guitar I swapped it with). In some ways I would have preferred a precision style copy but as was the only swap offer I got (using Gumtree) I thought I would give it a go anyway. Having been so used to p/j it's weird having the j/j now but it seems versatile enough to be a good bass to mess around recording with!
  18. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1434232972' post='2797897'] Is it 38mm at the nut? I occasionally see these on eBay but I never have any money when I do... [/quote] I'll dig out a ruler and check. It is a bit thinner than the Yamaha BB414 I used to have. Not sure what year this one is from. Some I've seen have an almost carbon copy of a fender headstock whereas the one I've got is bit different as you'll see. Has a gloss neck which I think I'll be taking the sandpaper to!
  19. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BykALQtqty0aTGxRYkJuQ2NZMmFwV0pNSlEtZU5kekIya3Y4/edit?usp=docslist_api There you go
  20. Picked this up today, lovely bass very surprised! Plays as well as the BB414 that I owned until recently!Had a quick play plugged in as it sounds pretty much as I hoped so hoping it will make a great recording/jamming bass!
  21. Great sounds like it'll be a really decent bass! I've never had a jazz style bass before so will be interesting! So used to p/j combinations!
  22. That is a fantastic find! That is almost the perfect scenario!
  23. All goes well I'm swapping a guitar that's surplus to requirements for a Westfield jazz bass copy this week. Ive not had a bass since January now due to selling off some kit so thinking this will be ideal as a bass for recording / occasional jamming etc. Anyone owned one of these and what did you think? I've got a Westfield less Paul copy that is brilliant so if that is anything to go by hoping this bass will be great too!
  24. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1422830524' post='2677393'] You might be right..... [/quote] Must admit I've had my Squier CV tele for a year and still amazed at how versatile two sc can be. I did miss humbuckers, hence getting an LP style, but the clear tele tone takes some beating.
  25. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1422820001' post='2677187'] The tone passive tone control on a guitar or bass shouldn't really have any effect on the sound when they are up at full. Some folks reckon that bypassing them altogether gives a little bit more top end (actually it's not cutting as much top,as it's actually a low pass filter, but that's splitting hairs). 500kΩ volume pots are the way forward for humbuckers though - they'll let more top end through to the tone circuit, so check whether you've already got them. My 6 stringer is an SG copy, and I'm toying with making a Treble-Booster for this very reason - 500kΩ pots across the board and it's still quite a 'thick' tone. If I could only put a coil tap switch on it to turn them into single coil pickups then that would really SING through 500kΩ pots…. [/quote] Sounds like you need a tele mate
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