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Everything posted by Greggo

  1. What are peoples thoughts on these? Ive ordered a set, seeing as they are inexpensive, to replace a set of Fender 9050CL flats. Reason is that my g-string snapped and I've been intrigued by these Half Wounds for a while. I've read that this particular brand feels very similiar to flats, but are they as brighter as a Fender flat but without the tension? Any love for them?
  2. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1398697931' post='2436675'] I just don't get jamming, doing some turnaround bass line over and over while some guitarist thinks he's Eric Clapton, it must be even worse for anybody that actually has to listen to it. Mind you I come from the school of thought that says "if you can't say what you want to say in 3 minutes, you're saying too much" [/quote] Yip you are right jamming is generally w**k. Playing along to a riffs that a guitarist is playing up and getting some kind of structure that resembles a song is much better.
  3. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1398960320' post='2439481'] This is a great idea for the marketplace! - £1000 and up - £500 to £1000 - £350 to £500 - £200 to £350 - The grotty bargain bin. Saves trawling through all that posh crap....!!! [/quote] Haha that's exactly it! It makes getting to the 90s Encore P bass copy advert take ages at the moment because of all the adverts for rare pino pallawalladingo precision or the 47 string custom made basses from 10,000 year old balsawood!
  4. I dont know if this is because I am a poor man, but I always think basschat should have different areas for basses of different price points/leagues E.g an area for sub £400 basses, area for generic Fender basses and an area for basses that cost as much as a small hatchback that look silly and have too many strings. That way I can choose which zone I want to hang around in
  5. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1398421989' post='2433899'] I've put a shot up of mine on the guitar porn page and reproduced below. It was stupid cheap at the time - from memory, including a hard case it was under £250.00. Word(s) of warning though, while for the money you get a fairly solid guitar/piece of wood, the stock machines are awful and the pickups lack a bit of clarity. I installed Sperzel locking machines (these just dropped in with minimum fuss) and it also needed a long throw bridge as the original had been set a few mm off, so it never properly intonated. By way of experimentation, I tried a Wilkinson humbucker in the bridge position, which was a definite improvement. I rarely use the neck pickup, so that's still stock (at some stage I may well just remove it completely, which will effectively transform the pickup selector switch into a kill switch). P [/quote] Thanks! that's useful information. I intend on having a good test drive at my local store before deciding whether or not to begin putting a deposit down etc
  6. What's the fretwork like on them? My experience of vintages including my own is that although well built and good sounding the fret ends can be a bit sharp.
  7. As above, seen one of these in a local music shop (well two in fact - one is satin ones gloss). Didn't have chance to play but will as soon as I can. Anyone got any thoughts or experience on these? I want something with humbuckers on to compliment my other guitar (a squier cv telecaster). I like the fact they are a cleaner looking dot with simpler controls.
  8. bump with pics in original post
  9. I was playing my fiver before wishing the low B had a bit more tension without having to go to a higher gauge, then I remembered that the Yamaha BB415 series has a weird shaped bridge where the anchor point is further back than other strings to give a bit more length to it. I was thinking I could achieve similar affect by getting a metal nut / washer that is big enough to feed length of string through, but small enough so that the ball end doesn't slip through it. By feeding the nut all the way down so that is snug to the ball end I would then string up bass and the idea is that this nut extends the anchor point of the string so that it hopefully increases tension. If I can get the size of the nut right does anyone think this should have a positive effect? Anyone done this before? I personally think it's potentially a good idea as a work around on an inexpensive bass to get the B that little bit better. I appreciate intonation might be a issue to get dead on though.
  10. I randomly remembered today an advert for a bassist that was on a noticeboard in uni back in 2000. It made me laugh thinking about it today. It said something along the lines of "bassist required to complete four piece. Essential that is not too flash as this could take away from the guitars. Root notes only please." I can appreciate that as a band leader you may have an artistic "vision" but I remember thinking how do they know what will take away from guitars and why stifle creativity unnecessarily. Anyone else seen anything like this?!
  11. For sale is a Zoom B2 multi-fx pedal boxed and with power supply. Loads of info online about these, but what you need to know is: built in tuner and drum machine lots of effects like chorus/wah/delay amp/pedal simulators like sansamp, ampeg and fuzzface Bought from a fellow Basschatter, had my fun with it but no real use for it now as I'm not playing live any more! £35 posted to a good home, or £30 collected from near WN5. Cheers EDIT - Pics added.
  12. Just sell everything youve got and buy an Encore from a charity shop, clear a bit of debt and still a NBD ?
  13. Nice! I like the look of that model I must admit - the black /maple look is pretty. That would be the one I would get. Am I right in thinking on that model the tone control is disconnected? Edit - just read that although Tony Butler disconnects tone this v4 has a working tone control
  14. For what it's worth I had 45 - 105 rounds on a bass that were swapped for fender 9050 flats of same guage and no adjustment of truss rod or saddles were needed for me, just intonation. Everything felt fine
  15. Bet you're loving life right now. Such a lovely colour.
  16. I do fancy the idea of the v4 series, and I didn't realise they had a slimmer neck, which is good. I've got a jhs vintage stingray copy but it's a string to many for me these days so considering offloading, but would probably try swapping for one of these. I saw a good video on YouTube of a guy playing a v4 in comparison to a standard fender p and sound wise it wasn't that far off.
  17. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1397151775' post='2421252'] If you measure the current BB line-up. THe pickup is a little closer to the neck than for a Fender P. My ears hear the difference. [/quote] I think it might have been yourself that mentioned that it is a bit rounder and darker than a normal P.
  18. Just a mild curiosity really, but on a Yamaha BB (well the current line up , but possibly on older models too) is the P pickup in the same relative position as it would be on a fender P? THe P- pickup is around the middle of the body on both basses between the bridge and the last fret/end of the neck. However on the Fender P it appears that there is a much larger distance between each points compared to the Yamaha? Is this just an opitcal illisio because the Fender P has a bigger body? And does this mean that the pickup in yamaha will never be the 'correct' P position? Like I said, just curious, or it could be an optical illusion when Im seeing both basses (in person not just the pics!)
  19. I recently lightly sanded down a high gloss neck to get it more satin feel, but haven't really reaped that many benefits in terms of it being easier to play and now just looks a bit odd where the finish is different and it's annoying me! Is there a way, if I decide to, to get the sanded part buffed back to the same glossiness of the original? What would I need? Thanks
  20. So are there a light gauge roundwound string coated in nylon? Are they brighter than flats but duller than rounds? Sounds interesting, may have to investigate as I'm a convert to flats.
  21. Thanks for replies seems it was the rod needed a bit of tightening.
  22. I don't know about anyone else but do you find some basses suit a lower action more than others? My 5 string is a bit of a munter unless it's got super low action but my 4 string plays and feels better with a medium action.
  23. [quote name='Mark_88MPH' timestamp='1396369179' post='2412785'] Ok so an update, I rang CitiPost again and they are contacting their operations people to see if they can pull it out of the returns. I tried Hermes and they said that they didn't have any package in the system for me. I said this to CitiPost who said that Hermes will, quote, 'say anything to get you off the phone as you are the buyer'. Had a message from the seller who has contacted ebays global postage people who are also going to contact the courier to make sure it isn't returned. So fingers crossed I'll have it soon! [/quote] That sounds like a massive ballache! Ordered from the states as well? Hope it comes to you soon!
  24. It does seem that truss is the only thing it could be after process of elimination. Anything that can be done or just live with it?
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