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Everything posted by linear

  1. If you have your heart set on the black CV Jazz, then, in my opinion, that is the one you should get. The basses you have shortlisted are all fine choices, so go with the one that calls to you. The comments about playing one first are 100% correct, under normal circumstances, but as things are at the moment I wouldn't feel bad about ordering one online. People on here are forever buying basses from other board members without playing them first btw, so there's a fair element of 'do as I say, not as I do' in the try it first advice If there are any issues with it you can always send it back.
  2. Another note to say you can deal with Tim with complete confidence. Excellent comms, rapid delivery and top gent all round.
  3. It's nice, but I prefer a rosewood lollipop stick.
  4. I enjoyed hearing something that wasn't a line-up of the usual suspects. And yea, the Pino wins by a long way, but I liked the sound of the Moolons. That poor Stingray though
  5. But could we, perhaps, build a bass that was universally hated? We could start with stick on f-holes and work from there.
  6. These threads: "Good sir, the conditions of this sale are unacceptable to me. I refuse to deal with someone who sets such unreasonable terms." "Sir, the conditions of the sale are the conditions of the sale. If you do not accept them, then I will not deal with you." "I shall take my custom elsewhere. You have lost a sale, sir." "It is of no loss to me, as I cannot deal with you, sir." "I do not think you understand. I shall not purchase the item." "It is you who has misapprehended. For it is I who will not sell it to you." - Reminds me of the time I stood drunkenly outside of Sneaky Pete's in Edinburgh, and declared loudly to any who would listen that I would in no case be entering, because it was, and I'm paraphrasing for the swear filter here: a hole such as might be found under a latrine. To which the bouncer promptly announced that I was not to be allowed onto the premises. Never have I been so miffed about a situation where the end result was exactly what I wanted.
  7. There's a lot of choice, but in my experience you get what you pay for in this world. You might think your bargain Aldi sponge is the bee's knees, but that's only because you've never had the sublime pleasure of muting your strings with a genuine Marks and Spencer dish sponge. The difference is night and day. The feel, the build quality, it's on a whole other level. Once you've experienced the real deal you'll never go back. On top of that, the resale value will be much better if you ever decide to move it on.
  8. Did somebody leave it leaning up against an oven?
  9. Do any production basses out there actually have active pickups? (i.e. ones with a little built-in preamp circuit, as BRX describes above) It's something you read about, but Ive never encountered one. Is it more of a guitar thing?
  10. At this stage, I would suggest nuking that thing from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
  11. I would use a software mixer like VoiceMeeter to solve this problem. https://www.vb-audio.com/Voicemeeter/ - Send both the inputs from your interface into a single virtual audio bus, and then set Skype to use the output of that bus as its microphone input. - Send the output from Skype to your interface and have Direct Monitoring turned on so you can hear your bass. (A word of caution if you do choose VoiceMeeter in particular: take a note of your computer's default audio input and output sources before installing. VoiceMeeter likes to insert itself as the default, and you'll want to undo that after installing, unless you plan to have VoiceMeeter running all the time.) Edit: Just noticed you're using a Mac. VoiceMeeter is PC only, I think, but the principle is the same for any software solution https://www.rogueamoeba.com/loopback/ perhaps?
  12. iKaosillator on IOS and Kaossilator for Android are also free right now.
  13. Here's what I'm going to do: Set up a savings account separate from my current account. Install a time logging app on my phone and use it to log my bass practice time. At the end of the week, for every hour I've spent practising I transfer £1 into the savings account. This will be the only money I am allowed to spend on gear. Money earned from gigging or busking could also go into this fund, if you wished.
  14. I like the special cutaway on the lower bout so that the instrument sits comfortably when you want to play bass sitting cross-legged on a tree stump in the park.
  15. The negativity is an observation on the perceived conservative nature of the customer base, not on the company or the new bass itself. There's a reason bass manufacturers continue to offer sunburst, black and white finishes. You have to tread carefully when it comes to innovation, because people will constantly tell you they want change, but what they actually want are a few small changes that benefit them specifically, and for everything else to remain exactly as it was, for eternity, never having to change or compromise their own behaviour in any way whatsoever.
  16. Thanks for confirming this. I have a USB hub, but I was vainly hoping this new version of the adapter might pass through power from a power supply connected to the lightning connector. The blurb from Apple softly implies that it does, but reviews suggested it does not. Thinking about it now, I guess it couldn't do that and supply sufficient current to charge the iPad at the same time. So, I think I'll go with a cheapie version off Amazon, and just return it if it doesn't work with my devices.
  17. Is this the case even with a power supply connected to the lightning connector on the adapter?
  18. I much preferred fretless, it just made more sense to me. The only downside is that I can't venture much beyond the 7th, as the short scale and rubbery strings make intonation too tough up there for me, but the intonation on the fretted ones I tried wasn't that hot either, so it's a bit of a moot point.
  19. I can't even decide which one I prefer. The first one has a cool scooped tone. The second one has more of the 'polite passive bass straight into the desk' sound, but I prefer the mellower highs. I'm guessing the first is the stingray. On reflection, I think I prefer the first in the mix with the track, but in general I love them both.
  20. This is one of the best things I've ever seen.
  21. Based on the evidence of my downstairs neighbours' parties, people don't even listen to entire songs any more.
  22. Red knob notwithstanding, it helps that that guitar player has done so many other things smarter than the two bass players. Obviously, playing one of the most recognisable and well loved guitar songs of all time helps a great deal but he's also a stronger entertainer all round, despite looking like a shy guitar nerd. He sounds better, he's louder and he looks significantly more at ease.
  23. Sorry, this is a bit of an annoying question, but do you know how close the MM pickup is to the position it would be on a Stingray?
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