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Everything posted by Jobiebass

  1. [quote name='JanSpeeltBas' post='528053' date='Jun 29 2009, 07:57 PM']Haven't played them so can't comment quality. My guess is that they look better than they sound. Second hand value will be low since it's an unknown brand and the market for a sevenstring bass is rather limited... -_-[/quote] Damn. oh well, thanks for the heads up. Ill just steal Finbars 7 string Shuker at his next gig without him noticing (hopefully)
  2. [quote name='Eight' post='528081' date='Jun 29 2009, 08:27 PM']Warranties etc. are nice... but on the other hand, I'm sure you could find a use for that £100. Edit: Thinking about it, I don't like making big purchases on eBay anymore so for such a low % off the new price I wouldn't go for it. If it was a BassChat sale then I'd definitely vote for used.[/quote] Yeah its a Basschat one I was thinking of for £500 delivered, or GAK for the new one at £600 delivered.
  3. Any idea what the 2nd hand value of one of these would be? Id be interested in buying one just to prat about on it for a few months and selling it on hopefully not loosing too much money. Or does someone fancy lending me a 7 string? Finbar?
  4. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='528018' date='Jun 29 2009, 07:17 PM']With such a small difference in price just buy the best one, if one is £100 more but a better bass then that's the one i'd go for. Similarly if the 2nd hand one has a few knocks but is nicer then i'd get that one! Well actually i'd buy that cheap Thumb on here but meh[/quote] well the better one would be the new one. they are identical basses, just one is new. hummm
  5. as a rule most basses are generally half the price 2nd hand. Im thinking as its only a 16% drop, im thinking buying new.
  6. you know you're a bass player when you tell women your chatting up you're in a band rather then saying your a bassist as not to scare them away
  7. Afternoon, ive only ever bought 2 new basses, my first one which was some unnamed thing and an accoustic off ebay which I set on fire as it was that terrible. All the other basses ive owned have been 2nd hand, mainly bought or traded from this very site. Im looking at buying a Fender Areodyne, the black one without the pickguard MIJ with the smoked hardwear. There are a few about 2nd hand for £500ish posted. I was going to take the plunge but then I noticed they are only £600 new. £100 depresiation on a bass seams a little low as basses go. So now im wondering if I should just buy a new one as it'll prob come with warranty too. Suggestions?
  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='527937' date='Jun 29 2009, 05:52 PM']Mount them on a wall hangar in your room; away from direct heat (radiators, fires etc) or draughts (right next to an external door or draughty window) and they'll be fine... 20+ years experience of storing them that way and no mishaps/issues! Helps that I have an understanding wife. [/quote] +1 plus keep them out of direct sunlight if you dont want the colour to fade.
  9. Stingray 4h 3eq in sparkle white, bird eye maple neck Pre eb fretless 'ray natural Stirlin 4h birds eye maple neck Bongo 4h Stelth black Marcus Miller sig Fender Finbars 6string Shuker Geddy Lee (the black one not the new one) that red fender Geddy Lee uses. Black/black/maple Shuker 64 fender p maple neck with ashtrays (even tho I cant play them with them on) Fender Jag Fender Aerodyne with no pickguard (buying one very soon) Ric 4001 (hate paying them but just for the looks) Edit: no clue which bass, but any with fanned frets Saying as I dont really like fenders ive got quite a few on there lol.
  10. [quote name='Waldo' post='525348' date='Jun 26 2009, 09:20 PM']Not a good thing for me, when I have that many options i'm forever twiddling and can never settle on a sound [/quote] I sat for a good month doing nothing but twiddling with my Bongo, I know what you mean. But the tone. OMG
  11. [quote name='Duarte' post='519653' date='Jun 20 2009, 10:13 PM']You can't. That guy has just raised the hum cancelling dummy coil, which is not designed to work as a real pickup. However, check out the new 25th anniversary bass - in HSS. [url="http://www.drumcityguitarland.com/drumcitygl/stores/1/images/Ernie%20BallMusic%20Man/Ernie%20BallMusic%20Man%2025th%20Anniversay%205-String%20Bass%20HSS%20Flame%20Top%20F22743%205-String%20Electric%20Bass.JPG"]http://www.drumcityguitarland.com/drumcity...tric%20Bass.JPG[/url][/quote] oops, ment to quote this one in my prev post.
  12. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='518279' date='Jun 19 2009, 12:22 PM']I sort of like, i like the way it is damn easy to switch pickups, but how comfortable is the body while playing. this video did catch my eye though. i didnt know you could buy HSS [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqHBhvI1Kb0&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqHBhvI1Kb0...feature=related[/url][/quote] WOW!!!!!!! I NEEEEED ONE OF THOSE! well... a 4 string version would be nice. I love the 25th ann basses.
  13. [quote name='nash' post='517660' date='Jun 18 2009, 06:17 PM']i like it just wish they did a simple 2 band eq[/quote] ts the same EQ as the Bongo. takes a while to get used to it but after you do... the tone options are unlimited.
  14. [quote name='Bassmurf' post='523424' date='Jun 25 2009, 11:11 AM']Red-good Sunburst-bad[/quote] +1 I was well stoked when I read the thread name, Id love that red one. I hate sunburst.
  15. Cant find it anywheres, im usually good at searching for these things online and I even had a bash at playing it by ear but im terrible at it. Anyone know where to find it or wants to spend a few mins tabbing it for me? Much love
  16. +1 OBBM dont show your mates tho, aint seen my 20 meter one or him for a good year now.
  17. [quote name='Eight' post='520023' date='Jun 21 2009, 04:15 PM']I'm just not sure how useful those statistics are in examining this issue. Taking up an instrument in school is rarely a free choice from what I've seen or heard about. E.g. I remember once asking about playing the oboe (no idea why, I was young) and was told they didn't have any more oboes but could play violin if I wanted. So if this study was done back then, I would have been in the wrong stat for a reason completely irrelevant to my gender.[/quote] back then I wass at school they asked people in assembely who wanted to play what instruments as an after school/break extra activity, I SO wanted to play the drums but they wouldnt let me cause they didnt think id stick it out. was well guttered, im 25 now and finally bought some drums.. Rolland electric things, cost me just under a grand... used them half a dousen times. I now see what they were on about. lol.
  18. I dont know fenders that well, but they did that paint in 64? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1964-64-Fender-Jazz-Bass-Large-Sparkle-Gold-RARE_W0QQitemZ270410753652QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item3ef5bca674&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A3|66%3A2|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50"]Fender[/url]
  19. I love that sparkle. really wish mine was that colour. Good luck with the sale.
  20. When I did mine I just rubbed it down with some wet and dry paper to take the lacker off, then sprayed straight over it.
  21. [quote name='Rayman' post='518666' date='Jun 19 2009, 05:32 PM']That Flea's a cracker. It's not the one greeneking used to have with a clear plate on it is it?[/quote] Nahh, Marcus bought it new and I got it off him. I wanted a clear plate on it too when I first got it. Happy with the JD though
  22. [quote name='beerdragon' post='518661' date='Jun 19 2009, 05:26 PM']Have you a link for that JD sticker? that looks a good idea.[/quote] Had a look on ebay, cant find the seller or the stickers on there anymore, sorry
  23. Anyone played one of these yet?
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