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Everything posted by Jobiebass

  1. ooopsy, bought a MASSIVE JD sticker and covered over the scratchplate. good luck trying to sell that!
  2. good bits: I have some nice basses Bad bits: technique timing improv tuning playing im always drunk i cant lift my own gear you get the idea
  3. [quote name='Waldo' post='297729' date='Oct 2 2008, 04:47 PM']My Copperhead might like a graphite neck. Hmmm..... PM me your best price [/quote] WOAH WOAH WOAH sweet child of mine. you cant chop your copperhead!!
  4. IDIOT! I love my ray, and ive just got a flea so I LOVE graphite. and I REALLY want the ray with a graphite neck now. AND I LOVE BLUE DAWN! the hell are you doing getting rid?? drop me a message please and tell me how the graphite changes the tone on the ray if any. really thinking about putting the flea neck on my ray if it fits. or getting a grahite for my ray. cheers
  5. decided I love the neck on my flea bass. might have to go carbon fiber on my ray now
  6. could do with this gone. its sat in my modulus case in my cupboard at the mo.
  7. I bought a Bongo on here. swapped a MIM jazz for a 5hh olp bought my ray on here bought my cables on here bought my flea bass on here bougth the magority of bits i made my fretless P bass on here pedals, more amps, etc etc. Its the only place I truely trust online. The only place ive gave 700 + 800 by internet banking and expected something thru the post. I wouldnt do that on any other site.
  8. [quote name='Waldo' post='284880' date='Sep 16 2008, 11:40 AM']I have no choice but to keep it now, especially since Reverb have come along and just wiped out half of the value of it. To think I'd have sold this in a heartbeat not so long ago, especially with the model I have [/quote] Only prob is, that even if its a sparkle (+100 usually on the price) they arnt selling. Mate if your not in a rush keep it!!! if you wanna sell it for stupid money, I have supid money in my account.
  9. was thinking black TBH.
  10. [quote name='Waldo' post='284863' date='Sep 16 2008, 11:24 AM']Looks like I'll be keeping my Copperhead for a while now...[/quote] If only I had the money.
  11. Yeah its tranny red just like mine, althou this has birdeye maple neck. hummm..... Do I need 2 of the same bass? for under £500, HELLS YEAH
  12. £488!!! BARGIN! I remember about 2 years ago wanting a ray. And prices being 850-950 2nd hand. Bagged one as cheep as I could possibly get one and I think it was £650, which at the time was a massive bargin. (cheers chrisdabass) but a 'ray going for under 500??? thats stupid. I blame most of the current bands, looks like they are all playing P basses at the mo, and there is a massive want/need for them. Also blame the ressession too. Definatly a buyers market. I might have to buy a few and wait a few years 'rays are my favorite bass. better then anything fender has on the shelf, plus the build quality is 2nd to none. The amount of fenders ive picked up in shops which have had problems with stright out of the box. its untrue.
  13. wowza. That does look stunning. How are you finding the neck then? I adore the neck on my ray, I havent played a nicer neck, BUT, I just went carbon fibre too with a flea bass. cant firgure out if I like it or LOVE it. its got the same spacing as the status if im not mistaken, 17mm?
  14. spot on!! nice one, cheers mate. ill give them a shout. Now just deciding what colour
  15. While some people love them, I really dont like Tort scratchplates. Just got this beauty from Marcus (top bloke) I took the guard off cause I was just gonna leave it like that, but unfortunatly Modulus dont look all that great at fitting scratchplates as its left indents in the paint where they have screwed the plate on too hard. I was thinking about getting a clear guard, althou i really fooking hate them. but still, the marks might show thru the guard. So, what colour do you think and where can I get hold of one? ive googled it and cant find them anywhere. I really dont fancy importing one from modulus, that is if they actually sell them seperate (guessing they might not as the serial number is on the back of the guard too. any Ideas?
  16. I lent my bass lead to my mate who was the warm up act for Duff McCegan on saturday. Does that count??
  17. Thanks for all the nice words. Yeah I am a whore for new things. all I need to do now is learn how to play Thanks Guys
  18. Chrisdabass, Do you ever stop buying Basses? Still loving your 'ray btw Anyways, Mark.... Top bloke, Just bought his Flea Bass. Absolutly spot on. pleasure to deal with and he even drove about 2.5 hours to drop it off. Thank you very much Mark.
  19. Nice one. Cheers Mark. Its lovely.
  20. +1 B2.1u great pedal! I keep buying more pedals then realising I really dont need anything other then the zoom. its fantastic. Wish I would have listened to Cheddatom ages ago instead of buying more pedals.
  21. [quote name='noelk27' post='282201' date='Sep 11 2008, 10:15 PM']G&L Tribute L2000[/quote] OLP stingray.
  22. mighty might necks are pretty damn good, I bought one for my fretless build.
  23. Could someone messeage me with what bass he uses for Soul to Squeeze, its my fav song to play and altho sounds great on my ray, im not sure its that bass.
  24. "Guess he didn't want to take his mega buck Fender and took his freebie Modulus" well it looks pretty damn close to your modulus, and ill see your friday to pick it up
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