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Everything posted by Jobiebass

  1. [quote name='nash' post='264837' date='Aug 18 2008, 06:59 PM']if flea gets a sig jazz it's obvs going to be the oly white shell plate 62 ri alike. he was given hiswhite jazz by someone famous i think. also the RHCP are way past it. the ego's in the band are way too big now. john f has ruined them and flea has gone off the rails. i hope they split soon.[/quote] Didnt flea get given a 62 Jazz that went for £/$50k by a music record company?
  2. [quote name='budget bassist' post='277954' date='Sep 5 2008, 03:57 PM']Just so you know you can get 5 string sterlings (you wont get one for £600-£700 though, nor will you get a bongo for this money), you can also get a sterling with a rosewood board.... As for sound, i find the SR4, SR5 and sterling sound pretty much the same. The bongo is a completely different beast though, i didn't think it had as much growl as the others, but the preamp is stupidly powerful and there's a lot of tonal variation there, i think it's got a 4 band EQ or something?[/quote] I sold my Bongo 5hs for £700. so you can get them for that kinda money.. I have to say it really depends on the sound you like. For me the Stirling is terrible. ive played a fair few and I really cant get on with them, but the 'Ray fits perfect for my sytle/tone playing jazz/funk/punk I had the bongo and I hav eto say its f***ing AWESOME, althou it weighed a TON!! definatly need a good strap for it. very wide one. The tone diff you got out of it compaired to the ray was unreal, you can get anythign from a jazz bass to a ray sound to man, pretty much anything, ive never owned such a versitile bass. But the weight+looks+exta pickup I didnt want ment I sold it. But the 'ray fits what I play perfect so I dont really need anything else (got a flea bass coming friday, so we'll see then)
  3. [quote name='lwtait' post='279861' date='Sep 8 2008, 05:41 PM']yeah, ive only heard good things about cort, and my cort gu*tar is excellent quality.[/quote] I just bought my first guitar this month, a Cort Guitar too, Evl v4, lovely. But I have a flea bass coming this week so the guitar will be put down for good.
  4. Bumpo, changed stuff.
  5. OLP 'ray 5hh?
  6. I know, I want this bass so bad. Wanted one since forever. Yeah the bongo money was spent beer/jackdaniels/wildturkey within about 3 weeks. I dare say I have a drinking problem. I really need to find money for this bass. I really dont wanna dip into my ISA.
  7. why did I have to spend the money I got from my bongo on beer?
  8. Bahh, If I had the spare cash to buy new, Id love a 4H ray White Sparkle, Piezo, Birdseye maple neck/board. My red one is the nicest ray ive yet to play though. havent played one as nice yet.
  9. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='91649' date='Nov 20 2007, 06:46 PM']I would love a VBA400 head & 4 x 12" cab (or two!). People often say they're rubbish, but I reckon not ;-)[/quote] I have the VBA400 and 4x12 cab. Its fooking excelent! nuff louds! GREAT tone, what you would expect from a good full valve head really. I weighed the head in the flight case though.... cant remember now if it was 6.5 or 7.5 STONE. but its fooooooking heavy anyways. If your local, pop down if you wanna bash.
  10. YYZ - Rush. Granted, i only learnt the first 3rd of the song, but still. Impossible. And for some reason I always screw up Sitting on a dock of a bay. How I dont know, but I always do.
  11. Me at the bass Bash Me burning my accoustic bass at Y Not festival Blunt fakie in a bowl Crail Slide "THE PUB IS OVER THERE!!!!!!"
  12. ebay got back to me and said its a fake. I told the guy if he hand delivers it ill buy it if not, see ya. He said hes still waiting for payment lol. Ijiot
  13. Can someone tell me how to report it to ebay?? Edit:: Figured it, forwarded my emails to [email protected]
  14. [quote name='BassManKev' post='261882' date='Aug 13 2008, 08:16 PM']karma for trying to buy a girls instrument get a stingray man! and really, dont go through with that, dodgy as a nun in a brothel[/quote] I have a Stringray!
  15. Just had this reply to my "Im not happy with the transaction" Sir, I have a paypal account, but it is limited. I can not use paypal, sorry. If you still want it, please make the payment through western union, like ebay said. Remember that I am a verified seal member and you will get you money back if I don`t send the item. If you do not send the money, both of us will lose(I am in london trying to make a little business here and I really need those money .. and you will lose this huge oportunity to buy it at this price). You have all guarantee with this transaction because Ebay contact you via e-mail with invoice . I had paid all shipping tax and I don't want to lose the money if I will restore my item back . And remember that I am a verified seal member and a trusted member of eBay and all my transactions are insured and monitored my eBay and it's affiliates.
  16. Hi all, Well I bid on [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120291312706&ssPageName=STRK:MEDW:IT&ih=002"]This Musicman Sterling[/url] and it came up with a 2nd chance offer for £550 with "free postage" the free postage was my first thing I flagged up as strange after the winning bid would have paid £650 + 25. This is the message I recieved. Musicman sterling bass. Natural body, maple neck 4 str Musicman sterling bass. Natural body, maple neck 4 str Current price: £550.00 Buy It Now price: £550.00Buy It Now Shipping: £25.00 Expiration Time: 17-Aug-08 16:35:21 BST Message from seller: Hello sir, Please do not reply here . I am at work and I can't sign in into my eBay account . Please contact me via e-mail because there I can respond to all your questions. Here is my e-mail ( ward.brian@gmx de ). Seller: glynnejones (196) 96.7% Positive Feedback Member since 01-Jan-00 in United Kingdom The email doesnt match his name either. and its a Dutch or german email address from what I can guess. Been emailing him anyways, but he wanted my address etc before I pay him, asking me what my state and zipcode is, stupidly i did, then he sent me an email saying this... [email protected] on behalf of [email protected] ([email protected]) You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe Sent: 13 August 2008 18:45:15 To: [email protected] Congratulations 666jobie666( 49)! Never respond to an unsolicited email that includes incentives to buy or sell an item off the eBay Marketplace. If you get such an email, please report it to eBay. For more safe trading tips, please visit the eBay Security Center. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that this is a system generated email. Please do not reply to this email. If you have questions, please contact the seller directly to his registered e-mail address: [email protected] ! From: eBay Member: glynnejones( 197) ( [email protected] ) To: [email protected] Reply-To: [email protected] CC: Subject: Your invoice for eBay purchases - item # 120291312706, Musicman sterling bass. Natural body, maple neck 4 str -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eBay sent this message to Chris Job. Your registered username is included to help confirm this message originated from eBay. Learn more. Here is the invoice for your item, 666jobie666( 49) Dear 666jobie666( 49), Thank you for your purchase. The total for your item below is £550.00. Since the seller's [u][b]PayPal account is temporarily updating and unavailable[/b][/u], the payment will be sent using Money Order Transfer Services WESTERN UNION (money transfer). The seller agreed to pay the Western Union fees for sending the money to his registered address: Seller Full Name: Ward Brian Street: 138 green street City/State: London , London Zip/Postcode: E7 9ST Country : United Kingdom Once payment is verified, the seller will deliver the package at the buyer's verified e-mail address: Buyer Full Name: Chris Job Address: (edit: my address) City/State: Doncaster, South Yorkshire Zip/Postcode: (edit: my postcode) Country: England To find your nearest Western Union office, just go to our website ( www.westernunion.com ) and click on the Find Agent button. Payment Instructions: To submit the payment with Western Union Money Transfer you will have to Pay for the transfer with cash at a local Western Union agent/office. Once the payment was sent, email the seller the following information to the sellers verified email address [email protected] : - 10 digit MTCN (Western Union Money Transfer Control Number): - Exact sender's name on file with Western Union: - Your street address on file with Western Union: - City and Country where you sent the money from: - Amount sent: Item # Item Title Qty. Price 120291312706 Musicman sterling bass. Natural body, maple neck 4 str 1 £550.00 Subtotal: £550.00 Total: £550.00 Please email the seller at [email protected] with the necesary payment information mentioned, this way he will be able to verify the transfer status on-line and start the delivery process Thank you again for your purchase. glynnejones( 197) Is this just Dodgy as fook or what? i replyed im not happy with the transaction and left it as that. But the address isnt Wales like the original ebay account, he dropped the postage costs, he wants me to pay by other means then paypal (which is protected) Any ideas what I should do about this? Im not buying it now as I dont feel safe. But im guessing his account has been hacked? althou he has good feedback so far.
  17. Bongo sold, just OLP 5er to go.
  18. there is a LUSH stirling fretless in Electro Music in doncaster at the mo, 2nd hand. Not sure what they wanted for it, think it was 650, Birdseye maple neck too. think it was sunburst. LOVELY. It played reallllllly nice. ive not had a massive experiance with fretless basses, ive only had a MIM Jazz and the fretless I made. Ive picked up a few other fretless basses to mess about on them but the stirling was my fav (more so the a fretless Wal (IMHO). Altho ive never played any other fretless musicmans to compaire. I love the sound you get from Musicmans though. doesnt matter which bass it is, they all sound emense. and the fretless is no diffrent. You still get that baby stingray growl, but its much more bluesy and much less sharp. But TBH untill you play one you wont know if its the bass for you. If your close to doncaster, pop by if they still have it in. I saw it weekend before last in there, but check electro website cause its on there in the 2nd hand bit.
  19. [quote name='BassManKev' post='256481' date='Aug 6 2008, 05:04 PM']why didnt you got for that?? shipping to europe is easy, and he would be payin it anyways![/quote] he had 7 feedback and none this year. just thought it was a little dodgy.
  20. The grain is lovely on the Peav. im almost tempted except I need to get rid of basses not buy new ones. Good luck with the sale mate. oh and one last thing........ Scratchplate on the Ray Birdseye maple though right?
  21. Aint bumped in a while, so BUMP. Got offered £750 + Postage for the bongo but I didnt fancy shipping to Berlin. have I over priced these or is noone interested?
  22. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ERNIE-BALL-MUSICMAN-BONGO-HH-5-STRING-BASS_W0QQitemZ190237392556QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item190237392556&_trksid=p3286.m14.l1318"]the 700 HH dammaged one[/url]
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