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Everything posted by Jobiebass

  1. [quote name='Stag' post='829245' date='May 6 2010, 02:25 AM']SVT610 - best cab ive ever owned. Actually quite portable IMO with the towel bar and kick plate, rails on the back too. Quality, QUALTY cab.[/quote] aye. It's the best cab I've ever owned by far. In fairness, if I bother getting back in a band I'll be buying this same rig all over again.
  2. [quote name='bassmeg' post='828890' date='May 5 2010, 08:08 PM']Do you have a price in mind for the svt3?[/quote] Not sure yet, just about to price it up and create another post with it.
  3. Now then now then jingle jangle. Got a lovely Ampeg cab for sale. I dont really need to tell anyone what these are like. If you searched for this then you already know. Bought this from Electromusic in Doncaster about a year ago but its been sat in my room the entire time and ive been in France for the last 6 months so its not had a great deal of use. Lovely punchy sound. read more about it here... [url="http://www.electromusic.co.uk/Ampeg-SVT-610HLF.html"]Electromusic SVT 610 HLF[/url] Perfect condition, has a very slight scuff on the blue kick plate on the back from moving it but its mint apart from that. Bought it for 900 which is actually cheaper then the website shows it. Looking for [i]around[/i] [s]£700[/s] £650 Got my Shuker for sale too [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=84208"]here[/url] Cheers for looking. Jobie
  4. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='826612' date='May 3 2010, 05:05 PM']Can I ask why its called the 'Pub bass'? Or is it just a nickname?[/quote] Eude nicknamed it that as he had it made for doing pub gigs as an alternative to his 6 string.
  5. 508 views in 2 days. Not bad at all...
  6. Ellloooo. Just got back from France snowboarding for the last 5 months in Méribel and decided I need to get rid of some bass stuff. First to go will be my Pubbass previously owned by Eude. for sale thread with pic [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=45107&hl=jobiebass"]here [/url] and [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39571"]more pics here[/url] I cant tell you how well this bass plays its amazing. 100% the best bass ive ever played in my life. You are welcome to come over and have a play. its pretty much in prestine condition. There are some small buckle scratches on the back but nothing worth writing about, I always try and cover my buckle or sharp things on my pants and ive never gigged it. I noticed before I left for France there was some buzzing from the jack every now and then. Im sure its just a lose jack connection and im going to take it to Electro music or have a word with Jon @ Shuker about getting that fixed when I get some money sorted. [b] *Took it to electro today, turns out its the sh*tty guitar amp I was using not the bass so thats all gravy. I have also given them the bass to flog for me, so if you want to pop down and play it anytime you know where it is, obviously I can pull it from the shop and sell it here if you didnt want to go to the shop*[/b] All the details and more pics can be found on Eudes for sale thread above, currently has the ACG preamp which is amazing BTW, never played anything quite like it. Comes with a gator hardcase and original EMG pots too. You are welcome to come and try it out. I'm looking for offers in the region of £1000, PM me with offers or any questions you may have. Got my [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=87053"]SVT3 Pro+Rack+powerlight+SVT610HLF for sale too here[/url] Cheers Jobie
  7. [quote name='eude' post='686213' date='Dec 16 2009, 12:12 PM']Yup, Jon makes an awesome Jazz Bass! I still feel bad about parting with mine, it was the easiest playing 4 string I've ever played, but Jazz Basses just ain't my sound... It's looking great mate Cheers, Eude[/quote] And its currently in its case gathering dust for the next 4 months The Jaffa is looking freeking sweet btw. I adore maple necks.
  8. drunk in a pub over a year ago I said to a guitarist friend of mine "sounds like a stringray on this track" which was Kim Wilde's Kids in America. after he took the mess, I sent a message to "god" on those text numbers who stated it wasnt a bass it was a synth. Ok I could be wrong, but I still get the mess taken out of me for saying that over a year ago. someone prove me right please I cant find any info on it. If indeed it is a synth, would I be right in saying it would be based on a bass's sound, like a Rik, jazz, 'ray etc? PLEASE HELP. for my sanity please help.
  9. I sold my 'ray on here. bought it from CHrisdabass and regretted selling it ever since. was a LUSH bass. stupidly light and sounded amazing, I really want another 'ray but im not gonna find another like it.
  10. £300 will get you a nice 2nd hand MIM Fender Jazz or Precision. Or maybe a Squire Modified Jazz
  11. Wish I had the money to buy a new one I love the ACG pre in this one tho!
  12. As many of you might know I bought Eudes Shuker Pub bass which is 33" scale. I didnt notice too much difference when I first got it in size but now ive been playing that all the time its weird going back to a 34" scale. I was wondering, is 33" classed as short scale? I dont know what defines short scale. Most importantly what other basses have this scale? Thanks guys
  13. sorry to hijack the thread but this question might help you too. I have a 33" scale bass. Its so easy to get around compared to 34" and 35". It plays amazing and I find it weird going back to a 34" scale. feels too big now. I dont know any basses with this scale though. Anyone know of any 33" scale basses?? I wouldnt mind trying some out too. Cheers Jobie
  14. do it yourself? or a car garage??
  15. [quote name='eude' post='623952' date='Oct 12 2009, 12:43 PM']Oh, and are you going for the downsized J Bass body? It's really nice, dinky, comfy and still balanced, worth thinking about... Eude[/quote] +1 feels soooo nice its untrue.
  16. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='640893' date='Oct 30 2009, 11:19 AM']Oh yes, indeedy. 12 bar in A, means I can do the whole song one-handed. Leaves the other one free to sign autographs.[/quote] Im stoked I understood what this means. reading theory is helping obviously. lol
  17. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='637519' date='Oct 27 2009, 12:28 AM']You may very well think you're uber-cool for burning a bass in the middle of a field, but may I just remind you that we can see your pants over the top of your trousers. Very uncool indeed [/quote] Im a skateboarder. its allowed. ALtho the size small jacket pulling my tee up is a Epic Fail
  18. [quote name='BassBunny' post='638266' date='Oct 27 2009, 06:13 PM']Thats a damn fine idea. I like the fact it is reversable.[/quote] me too! Thanks a lot! ill give it a shot.
  19. I bought one of those last year to take to a festival with me. It was the natural one tho not the black one. Action was TERRIBLE, fretbuzz on EVERY fret except 3 frets on the A string. Tried sorting the truss rod out to no avail. It ended up like this....
  20. Afternoon, Ive had my Shuker a good few months now, been playing it recently and the tone has really been lacking something. Was thinking about putting the EMG back in, took the back off and though.. humm. Change the battery. ..OH MY GOD. I can believe how much this bass sings again. Its like xmas all over again just from changing the battery. Question for you, How often do you change the battery on your bass? 2nd question is a little more specific. My ACG pre can be 9v or 18. I have a spare battery clip thing so I was thinking making it 18v. (ill have to find wiring diagrams but im guessing I wire it parallel) How would that effect the tone? My only knowledge of 18v was the Bongo 5HS I had, which was unreal, the slighest tweek on one of the dials effected the tone hugely. Would this be the same? Thanks guys/gals.
  21. My paint skills suck Shuker thing. 33" scale. Pretty much exactly the same spec as my current one but with flame maple top, maple fretboard with blue flame maple inlays, Musicman/jazz pickups delano's. BAii bridge, ACG pre.
  22. keep em all coming, had a listen to the magority of them but I cant get my head around the vocals for a lot of them. I really cant sing. haha.
  23. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='636083' date='Oct 25 2009, 01:10 PM']The Kinks - Sunny Afternoon[/quote] TUNE! had a listen on youtube and I really cant sing that well. haha.
  24. I have no idea how hard you want the songs to be cause I dont have a clue about Grade levels. YYZ by Rush is impossibly hard (for me at least) Hysteria - Muse is a good one, not too hard to learn but keeping that speed is quite tricky. Soul to Squeeze - RHCP is my favorite to play, not too hard and its lovely to play. Aeroplane - RHCP if you wanna get your slap down. great song to play.
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