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Everything posted by Jobiebass

  1. Cab is getting picked up tomorrow, just the combo to go.
  2. I dont know, its DEFINATLY too far for me, I mean.. Electromusic... its a bit out of my way! I have my bass lessons there. when you mean bass department.. you mean the accustic bit upstairs in the bass depo? Im definatly up for it, its right on my doorstep, although im not sure ill be able to tell anyone anything they dont already know.
  3. [quote name='7string' post='217108' date='Jun 11 2008, 06:49 PM']The silicones make a film on the surface which is hard to get off.[/quote] not good to have silicone based things anywhere neer anything when your spraying either, if you spray a silicone areosol in a garage, you'll be lucky if you can get the silicone out of the air in years! if it is in the air, your spray job will look like it was done in a sandstorm. I know from experiance.
  4. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='217498' date='Jun 12 2008, 11:32 AM']i had the same question about 2 years ago when i started up again as previously all i had had was a little 15watt combo. i now have the afforementioned ashdown mag 300 2x10 which for all the gigs we have done so far (up to 300 people) has been MORE than enough on its own, however we do have a gig in 2 weeks outdoors that i feel adding an extension cab would be very beneficial, as that would then allow the use of the full 300 watts.[/quote] Im selling an ashdown 2x10 if your interested. pickup only though
  5. DAMN. I dont like rosewood but id have bit his arm off for that! £600. LUSH
  6. oh balls, they are only £200 new. Maybe my "supposedly" stupid low bid might clinch it. oooops
  7. [quote name='spychal' post='217594' date='Jun 12 2008, 01:42 PM']final bid was £455!!!! the seller may well be upset. Now I'm very smug....[/quote] 455!!! thats US Fender money!! personally id contact gfrixiong the winning bidder and flog it him for 450ish and go out and get myself a US Fender Jazz.
  8. Congratulations 666jobie666, you're the first bidder. Hope you win. lol. at least if I win (which I wont) ill have a cheep bass to find out how to get some pen off varnished wood.
  9. [quote name='Alien' post='208544' date='May 29 2008, 12:23 AM']Look into the Zoom B2 / B2.1u - quite highly rated by many on here. The drum machine is pretty basic, but it's OK for jamming along to. Andy[/quote] +2 It has 36 drum beats and 4 metronome beats. does the job.
  10. lol, 2 hours to go, someones gonna be a little pi**ed off when they get told that its already been sold.
  11. awesome, ill give it a try when I get back. Ive said before that ive played around with the zoom, but I have to admit I dont know what half the things mean. EFFECT LIST COMP / LIMIT Module 01. COMPRESSOR I know what this means now 02. LIMITER WAH / EFX Module 03. AUTO WAH no clue what any of these do except maybe pedal wah 04. AUTO RESONANCE FILTER 05. OCTAVE 06. TREMOLO 07. PHASER 08. RING MODULATOR 09. DEFRET 10. PEDAL WAH DRIVE / SYNTH Module 11. AMPEG these make it sound like a diff amp I think. 12. SUPER BASS 13. SWR 14. ACOUSTIC 15. BASSMAN 16. HARTKE 17. TRACE ELLIOT 18. TUBE PRE 19. SANSAMP 20. TS9 21. ODB-3 22. MXR BASS D.I.+ 23. FUZZ FACE this is a pedal right? seen someone buy it recently. 24. STANDARD SYNTH 25. SYNTH TALK 26. MONO SYNTH ZNR / MIX Module 27. ZNR This is what BOD2 was on about, LOW EQ Module 28. LOW EQ 29. LOW PARAMETRIC EQ HIGH EQ Module 30. HIGH EQ 31. HIGH PARAMETRIC EQ MOD / SFX Module 32. CHORUS 33. STEREO CHORUS no clue 34. FLANGER no clue 35. PEDAL PITCH no clue 36. VIBRATO no clue 37. STEP no clue 38. DELAY one I know! yay 39. TAPE ECHO no clue 40. PITCH SHIFTER I can hazzard a guess 41. HARMONIZED PITCH SHIFTER er......... DELAY Module 42. DELAY 43. PING PONG DELAY I know these two. 44. ECHO REVERB Module 45. HALL REVERB Can hazzard a guess. 46. ROOM REVERB 47. SPRING REVERB
  12. [quote name='cheddatom' post='217020' date='Jun 11 2008, 04:47 PM']Lol! Give it a real try. I would also turn off the noise reduction just in case, then put it in bypass. It shouldn't be any different to your standard clean tone. You shouldn't need to EQ it at all.[/quote] Ill give it a try, not gonna be home till the weekend though. Thanks for all your help guys. Im sure ill have 1000 more questions by the weekend lol.
  13. [quote name='cheddatom' post='216993' date='Jun 11 2008, 04:09 PM']It depends. I would read a couple of the links people have put here to get you more aquainted with EQ and compression. I would put the limiter between Zoom and amp. On the Zoom, there are several different "modules" - drive, Eq, modulation, reverb ......(I forget them all) To get a totally dry patch, you have to go through each module and turn it off. I would do this to a new patch, and see if your clickiness is still there after. Basically, with all of the effects modules set to off, you should have the same sound coming out of the amp as you do when there's no zoom in between. What about when you use the zoom's bypass (pressing both switches at the same time)?[/quote] ahh yeah, bypass=tuner yeah? cant say ive noticed if it stops or not. confident enough to say it doesnt though. But not as loud. But TBH im guessing you would need some type of setting to get rid of it totaly. Like what you suggested with the EQ. I cant remember ever seeing where the EQ was in the settings, I only played about with it for a few weeks then stuck with the presets as there was 1-2 which were better then the 10-15 settings I got off other people that they made and the 1-2 I made. Ill have a look on the weekend.
  14. Cool and the gang! so with the limiter sorted, I just need to sort out the EQ, and your saying if I drop the high frequencies a little it should help, and I should be able to do this on the Zoom. sweeeeet. I love basschat, ive never met so many helpfull people in one place. Getting the limiter in a few days, quick question, do I put this between bass and zoom, or between zoom and amp?
  15. [quote name='BOD2' post='216957' date='Jun 11 2008, 03:26 PM']Are you saying that with the Zoom in between your bass and amp you find that finger noise and fret click is louder than with your bass plugged straight into the amp ? A "limiter" is used to prevent your signal from exceeding a preset level (loudness) If you play softly you might never reach that level, therefore the limiter will never trigger.[/quote] Yes, plugged straight into my amp I hardly get any finger noise. I put my amp loud enough for the soft parts, but if then it kicks in for a bit of slap I have to turn it down with the foot pedal. Looks like I definatly need a limiter then.
  16. [quote name='cheddatom' post='216950' date='Jun 11 2008, 03:21 PM']I wouldn't have the limiter "on full". Read the manual and play with the limiter as though it's a single pedal - you should be able to calm the spikes of your slapping without effecting your fingerstyle. The noise of your fingers hitting the strings, pick, and slapping etc is just high frequencies. Maybe what you think is a dry patch actually has some top end boost in the EQ section? If not, why not EQ out some highs? There's nothing built into the Zoom that will make you always have a "clicky" sound.[/quote] bahh I am a total noob. Im not thinking about the limiter, its the noise reduction thats on full (to get rid of the finger noise) which it doesnt. Found a limiter on ebay for £14 posted. thought id treat myself. can always flog it on if its not what I want/need. see this is where the noob bit comes in, I have dont really have a clue what a dry patch is. and top end boost I guess is frequencies around 10 kHz??? I really am very noob like with effects. you'll have to explain most things. thanks for all your help though, ive learnt a lot today!!
  17. I have the limiter on full on the zoom. doesnt really do what I need from it. I play quite softly on my bass because when I attack hard I get fretbuzz (this is intentional) and when I slap its way way too loud. Im guessing the pedal will solve that? im not after a flat volume but if the slap can be as loud as the harder attack, it would be perfect. I find with the zoom the noise of my fingers hitting the strings is way too loud, played with a pick for the first time in years the other day and (apart from realising I suck with a pick now) the noise of the pick on the strings was soooo loud. this just a traight with zoom or is there a way to get rid of that??
  18. [quote name='cheddatom' post='216895' date='Jun 11 2008, 02:29 PM']A good way to work with just two footswitches, is to work in banks of 3, with the 2nd patch always the same. So, if you have a main sound (could just be clean), get that right, then copy this to every other patch on your zoom, and fill in the gaps with the other patches you create. This means that you should always be able to switch to and from your clean sound, and should mean that 90% of the time, you can set yourself up to switch to any sound. If I have two sounds that I need to switch between without going to clean first, I will program this, but that's specific to individual songs/players.[/quote] I tried that once, had 1: Destortion, 2: normal, 3: tinny/trebble so I could flick from 2-1-2-3 etc. would you suggest playing more with the zoom or will I get more out of single pedals?
  19. Hummm.. Im liking the sound of the Roland GEB-7: Bass Equalizer. Be nice to have that boost without pressing the one on my amp... infact.. I wont have one on my new head I dont think. looked on the Behringer site at the BASS GRAPHIC EQUALIZER BEQ700, which looks the better option. Also LMB-3: Bass Limiter/Enhancer Been needing something like this for a while, going from fingerstyle to slap and back, the peaks playing slap are massive. Behringer site has BASS LIMITER ENHANCER BLE100, which looking at it also looks like the better option. anyone have any opinions on these???
  20. thank you all for your imput, looks like I have a lot of reading up to do. thanks for all your imput, it helped quite a lot, gonna stick with the zoom and play about with it more first before deciding if I need more. Ive set my own presets up in the past so I guess its just a matter of moving them together so I have say Destortion, chorus, slap. thanks guys.
  21. whats wrong with pledge? hahahha. Personally I dont use anything, just buff it with said Musicman duster.
  22. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='216737' date='Jun 11 2008, 11:40 AM']Looking forward to seeing you and just tie the basses to the roof....![/quote] lol, Ill find room somewhere. prob have to drop all the seats to get the cab in anyways. thats if I get it before the bash.
  23. [quote name='jakesbass' post='216551' date='Jun 11 2008, 12:49 AM']As a tutor I am a strong advocate of discovering which means individual students use best to absorb things, so your way of working it out for yourself, the way you see it, is very good in my opinion and I would encourage others to do the same. From that perspective you can achieve good usage of the material and in time you will absorb the terminology too.[/quote] Its the terminology that gets me every time. doesnt help im used to calling notes quarter notes or full notes etc, which is the american way. the only quavers I know are cheesy crisps . he'll get me to do a triad, then ask me to do the triad with the octive and gives it a crazy name I can never remember. why not just say "triad with octive" lol. Glad im starting to learn though. At least I can argue with my ex miss's about music now cause she used to baffle me with all this crap cause shes sh*t hot on a piano + plays Violin in a massive orchestra.
  24. Not really my cup-o-tea. Prefer your P bass Burpster!!! I seriously wanna get my hands on that. You going West yorkshire bash? PM me if you are.
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