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Everything posted by Jobiebass

  1. Basicly I have some Pups from a MIM P which I may change later on, and thats it, its a passive P bass that im looking for. 1: can I buy the tone/volume/input all wired up and I just need to solder the pups on? 2: whats the diffrence between diffrent tone/volume controls? 3: Which do I go for?? Thanks for the help, this is the last piece of the puzzle that is my P bass build.
  2. Need for speed pro streets its off.
  3. Kate from Neon Plastix (might be slightly biased as shes a mate) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmvUm4gFS5U"]Stalker[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI8xra_XQ-s"]On fire (from some computer game soundtrack)[/url]
  4. "Tracy relieves him at the Space Station" LMFAO! If you have a corvette do you have to play it while speeding along listening to generic american road music?
  5. I ment "it was just a fuse" that blew, how noobish am I?
  6. Welcome to BassChat!!! ...Finally! lol,
  7. I gotta agree with you on the interesting stuff, they always have a new bass in there that takes my fancy, played a ray in there which was weighted a ton (which made me glad of my own) played a Rick which I really hated, played a lovely US Jazz 5 too, and I actually liked a Warwick they had in there, an unlined fretless standard Corvette thing. would have played nice if I could play unlined (oh wait im building an unlined. sh*t) Customer service in there is always great, always help me out and point me in the right direction.
  8. hummmm.... well I want one that fits more then anything, the control cavity seams to be pretty wide, the old scratchplate barely covers it. ill take the body into a guitar shop in the weekend and see if I can get one to match up. I need to pop in to see about some pots anyways, not sure if I need to buy it all seperate or I can just buy it all together already soldered.
  9. Oh yeah, and i might have that chess set off you lol. Me and my mate Friendly Pete Noramlly play drinking chess by drinking a shot for every pawn, and goes up to like 5 shots for the queen. gets messy quite quick.
  10. I know a drummer called Rob who hangs about with them. Most of my ex's are from doncaster! think how I FEEL!!! haha, although i do have a fair share from sheff too, i did slag about for a few years when I lived there. Yeah donny has electro but they have really rocketed their prices recently, £65 for a BAii bridge in chrome for example. I still buy all my gear from there or here on BC though. Yeah I tried looking for a 'ray in sheffield, I couldnt even find a OLP or a Sub nor mind a 'ray.
  11. [quote name='jono b' post='193890' date='May 7 2008, 02:35 PM']If you think £18 is too much, I suggest you buy the pickguard blank and try making it yourself, then see if you think £18 is too much.[/quote] lol, Ill make a total mess of it im sure, I failed Tech in 2000 (handed 2 pieces of wood in as my "project" lol), so im sure 8 years on I wont be any better. I really had no idea how much they were I just expected them to be all mass produced and wouldnt cost as much as they do. I guess im wrong.
  12. [quote name='stoo' post='193785' date='May 7 2008, 12:39 PM']I got some bits for my guitars here recently - [url="http://www.axesrus.com/axeplates.htm"]http://www.axesrus.com/axeplates.htm[/url][/quote] I checked that site the other day actually, but I just thought it was expensive, I mean, £18 for a black SP? then posting, hummm, seams a lot of a piece of plastic. its £10 just for the plastic which I also thinks quite expensive for what it is. Might wait around and see if anyones selling a 2nd hand one or if i get bored at the guitard shop this weekend I might pick one up if they have one in.
  13. Tried evil bay yeah, no luck unless I want it delivered from the states. yeah i guessed it wouldnt fit and would have some routing to do to make it fit, the old SP looks like they bought it, then routed it at the neck to make it fit anyways, so i was planning on doing the same. I dont think i trust myself routing the whole thing, Im pretty good at bodging things up, for example, I started screwing in the tuners, couldnt figure out why I was rounding the screws off, now ive gotta get more screws, drill tiny pilot holes and try again.
  14. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='193119' date='May 6 2008, 05:35 PM']Are there really that many around? I'm the only one I know of in our area![/quote] My Friend Kate is the Bassist for Neon Plastix, they are doing pretty well for themselves.
  15. Noooooooo!!! stay away from the clear SP, your getting an AWESOME bass, dont spoil it by putting on a clear SP. I suppose its personal preferance but I just think they look damn ugly. It just looks like a piece of plastic for protection, its like how stupid Id look in a helmet skateboarding. If this was mine (which I wish it was) Id either get some exotic wood or no SP at all. IMHO
  16. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='156353' date='Mar 12 2008, 10:52 PM']My favourite pub in Sheffield is definitely the Devonshire Cat[/quote] My best mate works in Dev cat, best pubs are IMHO Porter Cottage across from lescar down eccy road, plus the bar manager was in readers wives lol. Cavendish for the ladies Forum for the arty bast's and its close to the skatepark. Frog and Parrot and before it changed hands and became poo, Dove and Rainbow. but Ill be down eccy road this saturday in the nursey tavern beer garden, w00p w00p, man i need to move back to Sheffield, I love it there in the summer. I have to put up with all the chavs in doncaster AUGHH.
  17. mehh, given up on the slayer idea. Anyone know where I can get a black SP from with black screws for cheep????
  18. [quote name='partyboy' post='193444' date='May 6 2008, 10:23 PM']Can someone explain how the expression pdeal effects things to. Thanks[/quote] well with the Zoom b2.1u you have about 8 things you can set the expression pedal as, volume, chorus, reverb etc etc, so if you have the pedal up then its the normal effect and the more you press it down the more of the desired 8 effects kicks in more. for example, we play I wanna be your dog by Iggy but we blend it into the slayer version half way through. I start with it up so I get a clean tone, then I slowly blend it in to get loads of destortion for the slayer version "I wanna be your god" Regarding under £100, I paid £79 + £5 postage off evilbay, note though, it doesnt come with a cable to hook it up to your pc, so you;ll have to shell out £10, although I did this and I STILL cant get it to work, ive totaly gave up on it cause I get so much feedback its untrue, Its something im doing wrong but I cant figure out what. (if someone knows how to fix this pm me pweeeeze)
  19. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='188449' date='Apr 29 2008, 09:37 PM']Might be easier/cheaper to buy a new neck with block inlays - think Mighty Mite or Warmoth do a Fender licenced one. With you on the look though - love block inlays. Why don't Fender do a Jazz with them as standard? They'd sell thousands of them.[/quote] Doesnt the geddy lee come standard with a Badass ii bridge and block inlays?? Ive just got a mighty mite neck, feels realllly nice. although I havent actually attached it yet.
  20. I blew the fuse in my combo and when i turned it on I didnt hear a thud, I was guttered.. well untill I found out it was just an amp.
  21. ive looked extensivly into import because I was going to import a stringray from canada which has the same rules on import as the US. he was going to say it costs £300 so id only pay 3.2% + 17.5% on total (shipping+product) which would have worked out ok, but obviously tax evasion is illegal. I also looked into the "gift" route, which used to work, although now-a-days according to people who work in that area of business on the tinternet forums, marking it as a gift doesnt mean it will bypass the checking for it. it used to but not anymore. All things posted from outside the EU to UK will go down a process and be cherry picked to make sure tax is paid, according to the internet its about 80% depending on their workload. I dont know how correct this is or how up to date it is, but this is what ive found. Although saying this, I just ordered a mitey mite neck from the states and that got through fine without any jiggling about with how much it costs or marking it as a gift. My advice to you... ...Be Lucky
  22. Jobiebass

    Bongo 5

    [size=2]Ive been GAS'ing for a Bongo 5 for a few months now and you put a beautiful example up for all to see......[/size] [size=1]....bastard[/size]
  23. [quote name='Exile252' post='191784' date='May 4 2008, 07:31 PM']Mhm, now after looking at more basses for extended periods of time, I'm thinking of going for a Geddy Lee Sig or a Marcus Miller Jazz bass instead, anyone know if they are any good?[/quote] not as good as a 'ray IMHO
  24. well there you go then, £20 for a pedal you can mess about with, find what you actually need and use untill you decide to buy single pedals and link them up, what one person likes another hates, I used a forum to get other peoples set ups for my 2.1 because they said it sounded amazing on a fretless Jazz, I thought it was terrible. So find out what you like and move on from there.
  25. Bassmankev has the older zoom going for £25 shipped, doesnt have the expression pedal the b2.1 has, but that was my first pedal and I only got rid of it for the 2.1 because I broke it. pretty much the same effects but obv the newer one has better spec, drum machine etc. for £25 quid you cant go wrong, ive just seen it in the for sale section.
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