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Everything posted by Jobiebass

  1. [quote name='henry norton' post='600297' date='Sep 16 2009, 03:04 PM']There's no harm in time off. There's also no harm in selling on irrelevant gear (ie. an SVT and 8x10 for practising in your bedroom).[/quote] haha. it is a little overkill. I wanted to dumb down from a Marshall VBA400 412 and ended up with a higher watt head and 610 cab. genius. thanks for all the comments tho guys/gals. your probably right in not selling it all. I did enjoy having band practice with my mates band last week before the bassist turned up so maybe i dont hate it, I just dont like playing with the 5-6 other people I jam with occasionally. Gonna pack it all up for now and have a little break from it. Im off to do a snowboard season in the French Alps in november till april so might pick it back up then.
  2. Elixirs for your ray 10000000% gimme your address and ill post you some half used ones. I need to pop to the shop for some beer anyways and the postoffice is across the road. Got a elixir B if you need it too. got some used twice DR hot pinks id flog for £15 inc postage. might be a little short tho.
  3. Ive never played in a band tbh, I play with some mates every now and then but no singer. Pisses me off when the guitarist says make something up and it always sounds like since you've been gone by rainbow in a difrent key. lol. Think its a lot to do with him why im so pissed off with it. I slated myself in practice once and now he thinks its ok to join in. He is right tho. Id be at home in a crap covers band but thats about as good as it would get. I dont have fun playing with other people anymore and I pick faults with myself constantly when I play at home so usually only play for 10 mins before I get pissed off and put it down.
  4. I used to get the odd day or two in the first 6 months of playing when I got frustrated that I couldnt do something and thought about quitting. But I rode it thru and ive been playing 4-5 years now and ive only just realised that im in no way musical. I dont understand music, I dont understand theory, I dont listen to much music and I do not have any sence of rythem. Ive been glancing over to all the expensive kit I have in my room and I cant help thinking why do I bother? m not good enough to be in a half decent band, I cant write my own stuff unless you count roots, 3rds and 5ths so why do I have all this gear? ive seen less equipt bands blow my mind in pubs. Im never gonna use it to its full potential. Really thinking about flogging it all and calling it a day. (might buy an acoustic just incase I get bored tho)
  5. awesome! thats really come together well. I love those flamed maple tops. ACG Pre too? I fully love the one on my Shuker, so much better inho then a 2-3 or 4eq. Congrats on a lovely bass.
  6. good site I used [url="http://www.studybass.com/"]http://www.studybass.com/[/url] free too. I hit a road block and couldnt progress further then I was at so I had 2 lessons and I realised it wasnt for me, basic scales and things I could have learnt for free on studybass. My technique was learnt from this site actually. Ive learnt a hell of a lot from this site over the years. guitar pro 5 really progressed me too, I was working off tabs before that which are terrible and generally wrong. ok guitar pro files are sometimes wrong but much better then tab.
  7. I like expensive basses because people automaically think I can use them well... Not the case. Dont ask me why I have a 610 speaker cab either, its used 95% of the time in the house and im not in a gigging band. I just like nice things.
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='594827' date='Sep 10 2009, 03:52 PM']I've discussed this with a number of drummers (including the one in my band) and they all say much the same thing - those e-drums are really not the same as real drums, they don't feel right, the sticks don't bounce right, etc. Good for disco stuff and mid-period Phil Collins (B-Bow B-Bow Pow Pow Pow) but that's about it. We use them in my garage for working up new material but never on stage, and if you're not going to play them live then (arguably) you shouldn't rehearse with them either.[/quote] Roland Mesh V drums are pretty close with how the sticks bounce tho.
  9. £600 new? id be tempted to buy a 2nd hand Musicman for the same price instead.
  10. Id spend a year trying to figure out the possible tone configs and still make it sound like sh*t im sure. Would love to give one a go tho. the 4EQ Bongo was crazy enough.
  11. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='589852' date='Sep 4 2009, 04:49 PM']I would like to see the full list of rules. [/quote] wheres tBBC when you need him.
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' post='589661' date='Sep 4 2009, 01:47 PM']Isn't drinking beer whilst playing the Rule 34 of bass playing? NO EXCEPTIONS![/quote] I definately read that somewhere. Comes after Rule 33: Get annoyed at your Guitard doing fills in every little gap there is possible and just before rule 35: Wait till after playing before taking narcotics.
  13. [quote name='chris_b' post='589312' date='Sep 4 2009, 01:44 AM']Wash your hands and don't drink beer when you're playing.[/quote] DONT drink beer while playing? Is this even remotely possible? come on, give some real advice like maybe gloves or tie dusters to your fingertips.
  14. [quote name='XxBassMastaXx' post='587625' date='Sep 2 2009, 04:20 PM']Mine is the Music man stingray. Mainly cos flea uses it and it looks the best![/quote] I just sold a similer Modulus Flea bass in sunburst like your pic. twas a lovely bass. Im with you with 'rays though. I love the sound/feel. If I was to buy another off the rack bass id'd be another one of those. Kinda regret selling it in the first place.
  15. [quote name='silddx' post='586649' date='Sep 1 2009, 04:53 PM']I love this. I am going to get me a white / black / ebony board Precision fretless one day [/quote] Thats LUSH! Shame the Jack input isnt black tho
  16. [quote name='ezbass' post='586596' date='Sep 1 2009, 03:54 PM']I was just surfing the Overwater site when I saw this beauty, now I can't stop looking at it. [/quote] Wow!!!!!!!! what are those pickups? first tiem ive ever seen them. anyone know who makes them and what they sound like?
  17. [quote name='thedonutman' post='585990' date='Aug 31 2009, 07:48 PM']Yeah, I might check out Electro on the way up, but I called a few days ago and their Warwick and EBMM collections are a bit thin on the ground currently. I will probably go a bit further and have a look at GuitarGuitar and Soundslive in Newcastle.[/quote] Yeah they sema to be stocking a lot of Fenders and Lakelands at the mo. 1-2 EBMM's at best and I never look for warwicks so I dunno
  18. I bought Eude's Shuker Jazz and OH MY LORD. I can only echo what Eude wrote really, but if you are around Doncaster area and want to have a look/play drop me a line.
  19. [quote name='chris_b' post='583039' date='Aug 27 2009, 11:01 PM']They used one on the records though, so we're not that disposable![/quote] Yeah The Doors got a session bassist in for a few songs like Peace Frog etc. Listening to the doors made me want to play an instrument, my mate was selling a sh*t Bass so I had a go... then realised after buying it that the Doors didnt have a bassist. Fail. but WIN for the bass
  20. [quote name='alexharvay' post='583256' date='Aug 28 2009, 09:37 AM']That Walnut spitfire 4 string in the GB porn thread and the black Shuker currently owned by Jobiebass both do it for me at the moment.[/quote] Your not having it! its mine! Muahaha This makes me really want one made. (is this a basschat shuker by any chance?)
  21. I had the active double hum pickup version of the OLP. HATED IT, bought it to compliment my MM 'ray. I hear modding does well, but id go for the real thing.
  22. [quote name='Tait' post='582052' date='Aug 26 2009, 11:50 PM']that method works even better with bass, haven't you ever tried it?[/quote] lol, ive not mate. Maybe I should invest. BurritoBass you pic isnt showing, im gonna guess its the tallent boost pic in red with what looks like grass to the left top corner?
  23. Tallent boost pedal that actually works would be ideal. They already have one for guitar called BOS overdrive, turn it up full so you cant figure out what notes your playing and go crazy
  24. hahaha, I clicked onto this holding a bit of metal I unscrewed from my rack today. didnt previously know what it was untill I read that. for some reason I only have the bigger bit and not the smaller bit. if anyone wants it your more then happy to collect it or send me postage costs.
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