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Everything posted by Jobiebass

  1. [quote name='xgsjx' post='569642' date='Aug 14 2009, 11:49 PM'][url="http://www.clevescene.com/images/blogimages/2009/04/07/1239118549-flea.jpg"]http://www.clevescene.com/images/blogimage...118549-flea.jpg[/url] Flea[/quote] I had the same colour flea bass as that till last week Damn you Rowbee for buying it off me! I havent read the thread sorry. But has anyone mentioned Jaco yet?
  2. Thats the first Ibanez ive liked the look of. Congrats on a lovely bass!
  3. [quote name='Rowbee' post='569530' date='Aug 14 2009, 09:37 PM']...and in my capable hands it is likely to stay for some time. I am totally in love with it and hopefully now my bass rotation is at an end! First Flea Bass gig tomorrow night. [/quote] Im glad you like it, whats it sound like thru your gig rig or have you not tried it yet? You'll have to PM me n let me know how you get on. Its a fantastic bass, I adore the neck profile on it. It feels so smooth to play, plus you can get such a low action too because of the neck.
  4. Oh yeah.... My Modulus is now in the caperble hands of Rowbee!!! Down to just the Fretless P and this wonderful Shuker
  5. [quote name='alexharvay' post='561942' date='Aug 6 2009, 01:20 PM']I can't see myself getting a bass made for me over the next decade so I'll call shot gun for first refusal if you ever decide to move it on.[/quote] Funny thing is I called dibs on it when I first saw pics of it too!! Tbh I adore this bass and I very much doubt its going anywhere in the near or forseable future. But sure, ill give you first refusal. Wouldnt mind getting another one of these made. Before I saw this Shuker I wanted a very similer one made. Very similer spec, same body, head, but blue quited top, matching headstock, BAii bridge with a maple fretboard+ blue quited blocks. MM + J pickups. Id definately get a 33" scale again and same ACG preamp this has. To look something like this.. (Bad Paint Skills) Gonna have to wait till im working again though.
  6. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='569467' date='Aug 14 2009, 08:38 PM']Everyone knows that Sid Vicious was the best[/quote] +100000 He was so good he didnt even have to plug in for live gigs. Now THATS tallent!
  7. [quote name='RhysP' post='568983' date='Aug 14 2009, 01:20 PM']Please refrain from generalisations such as this - I happen to think he's anything but ace.[/quote] I think hes good. you know... like rate good at what he does.
  8. Afternoon, I bought this about 6 months ago after messing around on some drums in the practice room. turns out I suck at drums and cant be bothered to put the effort into learning them. The mesh heads are great, you get that bounce back like you would with a accoustic kit, plus you can do rim shots on the snare, grabing the symbols mutes it, can also hit the middle of it to make the bell noise. its fully adustable, you can add more drum pads too. Great if your short on space and your neighbours dont like loud drumming. I bought it for £950 2nd hand and spent another £60 on the Pearl kick. Looking to get most of my money back if possible as its in great cond. £950ono Pickup in Doncaster prefered cause I wouldnt know where to start to post it lol. Folds flat too so easy to transport. I dont mind traveling a little distance to drop it off. [url="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2779665&l=078ab53551&id=507106720"]Pic here... [/url] what you get... 1 Snare ( mesh skin) 2 Top Toms ( mesh skin) 1 Floor tom ( mesh skin) 1 Hi-Hat ( rubber) 1 Crash Cymbal ( rubber) 1 Ride Cymbal ( rubber) 1 Bass ( mesh skin) Few Pair of Drum Sticks 1 Black Roland Drum Frame Pearl kick pedal All the wires etc.. you jsut need a stool and headphones(or amp) and your away. Babble from the internet... "When it comes down to it, an electronic drum system is only as good as its sounds. The TD-8 serves up 1,286 high-quality sounds, comprised of 1,024 drum and percussion sounds and 262 backing instruments; COSM-based V-Editing allows you to precisely tune and shape drum size and depth, head type and tuning, muffling, and snare strainer adjustment. And all this is enhanced with expressive positional sensing capability, triggering different sounds based on the location of the pad hit. TD-8 Percussion Sound Module, legendary V-Drums sounds are closer than you think. This incredible-sounding module includes over 1,200 instruments,COSM modeling-based sound editing capabilities, intuitive operation, and unmatched sensitivity... and that's just for starters. Factor in the TD-8's powerful sequencing section and streamlined, ergonomic design and it stands as one of the best values in electronic drums today. * 1,286 high-quality drum, percussion and instrument sounds and 64 drum kits * Powerful V-Edit mode offers modeling-based control over instrument parameters * Intuitive operation through a large backlit LCD, group faders, and luminous buttons * Onboard pattern-based sequencer with 800 patterns and GM-compatible sound module * Compatible with a wide range of Roland percussion pads and controllers
  9. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='568732' date='Aug 14 2009, 10:15 AM']For the general public, I reckon Flea could be regarded as the 'best' bass player. (I reckon he's got more people started playing bass than Jacob Jazzstoryface...)[/quote] I got started because I loved the doors and really wanted to play some of their songs. wasnt till after I got my first bass I realised the Doors didnt have a bassist (well they hd a session bassist on a few tracks but not many, Peace frog is the only one that comes to mind) Flea is my fav bassist, but I wouldnt say hes the best in the world. Definately influnced my playing a lot more then say Jaco or Bootsy.
  10. [quote name='ezbass' post='565776' date='Aug 11 2009, 11:28 AM']Basic chord sequences follow a specific pattern known as chrod chemistry. In your sequence (assuming the G to be a major) it could be Gmaj, Emin, Cmaj, D7. Do a Google search for chord chemistry, there are a lot of resources.[/quote] Nice one. Thanks!
  11. Musicman - Bongo meets your criteria and has one of the best EQ's ive ever used.
  12. In my defence... ive only ever owned a 'ray and a bongo. Damn I forgot about the switch. I really didnt notice the body before though or the scratchplate.
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='565331' date='Aug 10 2009, 08:07 PM'] It's a relatively easy mistake... but for them that has 'em they are glaringly different in quite a few ways.[/quote] they are?? Thought it was just the silver pot cover and a thinner neck profile? And I call myself a Musicman lover, tisk tisk.
  14. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='564914' date='Aug 10 2009, 01:16 PM']Er.. Sterling.[/quote] Im such a noob. I didnt notice it didnt have the silver bit round the knobs.
  15. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='564914' date='Aug 10 2009, 01:16 PM']Er.. Sterling.[/quote] Im such a noob. I didnt notice it didnt have the silver bit round the knobs.
  16. Afternoon all. Im gonna sound like a propper noob after this but who cares. My guitard writes all our songs and basically just tells me the roots n ill build something around it. What I want to do though is throw him some chords and tell him to write something around what ive wrote, the big issue with this is I dont have the first clue with chord progressions. Just wondering if there is a resorse out there somewhere that can point me in the right direction. All im after is something that will tell me what'd work to progress something like G-E-C-D-?-? Dont suppose there's a guitar pro tab out there with a simple guitar track(s) like D-G-A-Bm-D-EM-A-A is there? Thanks
  17. Just had Rob over to pick up my Flea bass. No fuss or hassle. Fast payment, good comms, Top bloke to deal with. Hope you enjoy your new bass mate!! Thanks again. Chris
  18. I didnt change much HONEST! Before: after:
  19. [quote name='alexclaber' post='563724' date='Aug 8 2009, 08:18 PM']I would only recommend getting a custom bass built if you really really really know what you want, which certainly isn't the case for most judging by the posts I see on here! Alex[/quote] I dont think MOST people know what they want out of a bass, cause if they did they wouldnt swap/buy/sell basses as much as they do... wait... is this just me? 9 basses in the last 2 years :S
  20. Luckyly the 2nd Hand Shuker I got was 95% of the spec I was looking to go for on a new build. if it had a BAii bridge and maple fretboard it would have been identical practically. so 1-0 me. Id say get one made... but your gonna be waiting over a year for it and its a little costy. At least it'll be everything you want from a bass (if you know your exact specs and you work with Jon about what tone your after)
  21. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='561340' date='Aug 5 2009, 06:25 PM']Nah, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=48552"]go faster stripes[/url] are the way forward. [b]THEY REALLY ARE! I love that[/b] My points on this are. 1. Tell her ASAP and offer to have it repaired. [b]+1[/b] 2. She might be more pissed that you put a pic of her on a site full of men. [b]+1[/b] 3. She is hot and I would, (optional) [b]+2[/b][/quote]
  22. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='560873' date='Aug 5 2009, 08:34 AM']I'd want it painted orange [/quote] And somehow fashion a checkered scratchplate for it?
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