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Everything posted by ThePilot

  1. Cool, Thats great.. I played a 50's re-issue last night j bass in my local shop.. Thought it was a little steap for the price £876 or something like that. The feel was good. But however didnt jump out at me.. Great colour too, it was the fiesta red.. Can i ask, what are the differences between the standard and special MIA??
  2. Hey, Thanks for you're responses so far. I enjoy playing the bison andsounds great for live perfomances with the head because I have got a nice warm sound out of it and it also looks great but sometimes sounds decent in the studio, but not always. My brother has a J MIM and its alright.. Wasnt blown over by it. Obviously I have played many basses as many of you have. I was wondering also if it was worth buying Mex or Jap (and then upgrading if thats the word) with new pick ups bridge etc.. Whilst on tour many years ago, I had a P bass MIA.. I thought it was fantastic.. So I am hopefully going to looking their. I know the j has a thiner neck than the precision, again, im off to play a few and my local music shop which stocks fenders so I guess I will see? Please keep the feedback coming..
  3. Hi Guys and Girls, I am new to this forum but not new to playing bass.. I have played for many years at different levels with the many bands that I have been in. (The Wallbirds, The Pilots) I currently play a re-issue of a Burns Bison bass. I am looking at the obvious choices of Fender and either a precision or a jazz.. But Should I splash out on an MIA or the alternative cheaper options of a MIM or MIJ? I know it's all down to personal preference and feel. But i would like to know what other people think?? Cheers Luke [url="http://www.the-pilots.co.uk"]www.the-pilots.co.uk[/url]
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