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Everything posted by bengovier182

  1. Where you based? Ben
  2. Any trades mate? Git a new Hartke VX410 if you fancy? Ben.
  3. Any chance you'd just sell the cab? Ben.
  4. Any trades? Got a new hartke VX 410. Ben.
  5. Ah the guy i bought the GK from had this exact head, in red, in south wales, figured it couldn't be a coincidence, sorry haha
  6. You still got this? Got a Hartke VX 410 if you fancy that? Ben.
  7. Hartke VX 410 cab? I bought your GK head btw, love it, cheers. Ben.
  8. Hartke VX 410 4 x 10 inch speakers HF horn Carpeted Light weight, a free arm comes in handy doesn't it. Excellent condition, one tiny tear in carpet that could easily be glued back down. Great cab, i just like trying different things and change gear to find my perfect combination =D Preferebly after a 4x10, but any size considered. Any brand considered; GK, trace, marshall, mesa. For Trade only. I know we have to put a price now. Ben.
  9. Hartke VX 410 4 x 10 inch speakers HF horn Carpeted Light weight, a free arm comes in handy doesn't it. Excellent condition, one tiny tear in carpet that could easily be glued back down. Great cab, i just like trying different things and change gear to find my perfect combination =D Preferebly after a 4x10, but any size considered. Any brand considered; GK, trace, marshall, mesa. For Trade only. I know we have to put a price now. Ben.
  10. Does anybody know what speakers are in the MBC series of marshall bass cabs? 410, 810, 115 Ben.
  11. I never really liked black, but that is one sweet colour scheme. Good luck.
  12. Wow, i feel people are unaware of the excellence that is a cort bass. Educate youselves today!
  13. Fellow cortman bump. Cort do not get as much love as they deserve, excellent all round basses. The translucent white on this is stunning. Ben.
  14. Not interested in any sort of trade are you? Ben.
  15. Would love to trade this badass for a mex fender maybe?
  16. Yep deffinitely still for sale! I'd have to chek on postage, pm me where you're based. Ben.
  17. New year price: £110!
  18. New years price: £180!
  19. Bigsmokebass just posted a les paul bass for trade
  20. Doesn't seem to be much love for Corts on here atm. Shame.
  21. Oh god this is a steal, what a beautiful bass and general good christmas spirit! Have a bump on me. But don't sell it, got a feeling I'm gna win the lottery wednesday Ben.
  22. Found the amp I'm looking for, so someone needs to buy this now!
  23. Found the amp I'm looking for, so i need someone to buy this now!
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